XinYang_SanWei+RongYun / static / Cesium / Workers / ComponentDatatype-5862616f.js
@Zhangqy Zhangqy on 20 Dec 2021 14 KB 111
 * Cesium -
 * Copyright 2011-2020 Cesium Contributors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 * Columbus View (Pat. Pend.)
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define(['exports', './when-8d13db60', './Check-70bec281', './WebGLConstants-4c11ee5f'], function (exports, when, Check, WebGLConstants) { 'use strict';

         * WebGL component datatypes.  Components are intrinsics,
         * which form attributes, which form vertices.
         * @exports ComponentDatatype
        var ComponentDatatype = {
             * 8-bit signed byte corresponding to <code>gl.BYTE</code> and the type
             * of an element in <code>Int8Array</code>.
             * @type {Number}
             * @constant
            BYTE : WebGLConstants.WebGLConstants.BYTE,

             * 8-bit unsigned byte corresponding to <code>UNSIGNED_BYTE</code> and the type
             * of an element in <code>Uint8Array</code>.
             * @type {Number}
             * @constant
            UNSIGNED_BYTE : WebGLConstants.WebGLConstants.UNSIGNED_BYTE,

             * 16-bit signed short corresponding to <code>SHORT</code> and the type
             * of an element in <code>Int16Array</code>.
             * @type {Number}
             * @constant
            SHORT : WebGLConstants.WebGLConstants.SHORT,

             * 16-bit unsigned short corresponding to <code>UNSIGNED_SHORT</code> and the type
             * of an element in <code>Uint16Array</code>.
             * @type {Number}
             * @constant
            UNSIGNED_SHORT : WebGLConstants.WebGLConstants.UNSIGNED_SHORT,

             * 32-bit signed int corresponding to <code>INT</code> and the type
             * of an element in <code>Int32Array</code>.
             * @memberOf ComponentDatatype
             * @type {Number}
             * @constant
            INT : WebGLConstants.WebGLConstants.INT,

             * 32-bit unsigned int corresponding to <code>UNSIGNED_INT</code> and the type
             * of an element in <code>Uint32Array</code>.
             * @memberOf ComponentDatatype
             * @type {Number}
             * @constant
            UNSIGNED_INT : WebGLConstants.WebGLConstants.UNSIGNED_INT,

             * 32-bit floating-point corresponding to <code>FLOAT</code> and the type
             * of an element in <code>Float32Array</code>.
             * @type {Number}
             * @constant
            FLOAT : WebGLConstants.WebGLConstants.FLOAT,

             * 64-bit floating-point corresponding to <code>gl.DOUBLE</code> (in Desktop OpenGL;
             * this is not supported in WebGL, and is emulated in Cesium via {@link GeometryPipeline.encodeAttribute})
             * and the type of an element in <code>Float64Array</code>.
             * @memberOf ComponentDatatype
             * @type {Number}
             * @constant
             * @default 0x140A
            DOUBLE : WebGLConstants.WebGLConstants.DOUBLE

         * Returns the size, in bytes, of the corresponding datatype.
         * @param {ComponentDatatype} componentDatatype The component datatype to get the size of.
         * @returns {Number} The size in bytes.
         * @exception {DeveloperError} componentDatatype is not a valid value.
         * @example
         * // Returns Int8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
         * var size = Cesium.ComponentDatatype.getSizeInBytes(Cesium.ComponentDatatype.BYTE);
        ComponentDatatype.getSizeInBytes = function(componentDatatype){
            //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
            if (!when.defined(componentDatatype)) {
                throw new Check.DeveloperError('value is required.');

            switch (componentDatatype) {
            case ComponentDatatype.BYTE:
                return Int8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
            case ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE:
                return Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
            case ComponentDatatype.SHORT:
                return Int16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
            case ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT:
                return Uint16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
            case ComponentDatatype.INT:
                return Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
            case ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_INT:
                return Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
            case ComponentDatatype.FLOAT:
                return Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
            case ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE:
                return Float64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
            //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
                throw new Check.DeveloperError('componentDatatype is not a valid value.');

         * Gets the {@link ComponentDatatype} for the provided TypedArray instance.
         * @param {TypedArray} array The typed array.
         * @returns {ComponentDatatype} The ComponentDatatype for the provided array, or undefined if the array is not a TypedArray.
        ComponentDatatype.fromTypedArray = function(array) {
            if (array instanceof Int8Array) {
                return ComponentDatatype.BYTE;
            if (array instanceof Uint8Array) {
                return ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
            if (array instanceof Int16Array) {
                return ComponentDatatype.SHORT;
            if (array instanceof Uint16Array) {
                return ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
            if (array instanceof Int32Array) {
                return ComponentDatatype.INT;
            if (array instanceof Uint32Array) {
                return ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_INT;
            if (array instanceof Float32Array) {
                return ComponentDatatype.FLOAT;
            if (array instanceof Float64Array) {
                return ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE;

         * Validates that the provided component datatype is a valid {@link ComponentDatatype}
         * @param {ComponentDatatype} componentDatatype The component datatype to validate.
         * @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if the provided component datatype is a valid value; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
         * @example
         * if (!Cesium.ComponentDatatype.validate(componentDatatype)) {
         *   throw new Cesium.DeveloperError('componentDatatype must be a valid value.');
         * }
        ComponentDatatype.validate = function(componentDatatype) {
            return when.defined(componentDatatype) &&
                   (componentDatatype === ComponentDatatype.BYTE ||
                    componentDatatype === ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE ||
                    componentDatatype === ComponentDatatype.SHORT ||
                    componentDatatype === ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT ||
                    componentDatatype === ComponentDatatype.INT ||
                    componentDatatype === ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_INT ||
                    componentDatatype === ComponentDatatype.FLOAT ||
                    componentDatatype === ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE);

         * Creates a typed array corresponding to component data type.
         * @param {ComponentDatatype} componentDatatype The component data type.
         * @param {Number|Array} valuesOrLength The length of the array to create or an array.
         * @returns {Int8Array|Uint8Array|Int16Array|Uint16Array|Int32Array|Uint32Array|Float32Array|Float64Array} A typed array.
         * @exception {DeveloperError} componentDatatype is not a valid value.
         * @example
         * // creates a Float32Array with length of 100
         * var typedArray = Cesium.ComponentDatatype.createTypedArray(Cesium.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, 100);
        ComponentDatatype.createTypedArray = function(componentDatatype, valuesOrLength) {
            //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
            if (!when.defined(componentDatatype)) {
                throw new Check.DeveloperError('componentDatatype is required.');
            if (!when.defined(valuesOrLength)) {
                throw new Check.DeveloperError('valuesOrLength is required.');

            switch (componentDatatype) {
            case ComponentDatatype.BYTE:
                return new Int8Array(valuesOrLength);
            case ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE:
                return new Uint8Array(valuesOrLength);
            case ComponentDatatype.SHORT:
                return new Int16Array(valuesOrLength);
            case ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT:
                return new Uint16Array(valuesOrLength);
            case ComponentDatatype.INT:
                return new Int32Array(valuesOrLength);
            case ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_INT:
                return new Uint32Array(valuesOrLength);
            case ComponentDatatype.FLOAT:
                return new Float32Array(valuesOrLength);
            case ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE:
                return new Float64Array(valuesOrLength);
            //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
                throw new Check.DeveloperError('componentDatatype is not a valid value.');

         * Creates a typed view of an array of bytes.
         * @param {ComponentDatatype} componentDatatype The type of the view to create.
         * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer The buffer storage to use for the view.
         * @param {Number} [byteOffset] The offset, in bytes, to the first element in the view.
         * @param {Number} [length] The number of elements in the view.
         * @returns {Int8Array|Uint8Array|Int16Array|Uint16Array|Int32Array|Uint32Array|Float32Array|Float64Array} A typed array view of the buffer.
         * @exception {DeveloperError} componentDatatype is not a valid value.
        ComponentDatatype.createArrayBufferView = function(componentDatatype, buffer, byteOffset, length) {
            //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
            if (!when.defined(componentDatatype)) {
                throw new Check.DeveloperError('componentDatatype is required.');
            if (!when.defined(buffer)) {
                throw new Check.DeveloperError('buffer is required.');

            byteOffset = when.defaultValue(byteOffset, 0);
            length = when.defaultValue(length, (buffer.byteLength - byteOffset) / ComponentDatatype.getSizeInBytes(componentDatatype));

            switch (componentDatatype) {
            case ComponentDatatype.BYTE:
                return new Int8Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
            case ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE:
                return new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
            case ComponentDatatype.SHORT:
                return new Int16Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
            case ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT:
                return new Uint16Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
            case ComponentDatatype.INT:
                return new Int32Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
            case ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_INT:
                return new Uint32Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
            case ComponentDatatype.FLOAT:
                return new Float32Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
            case ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE:
                return new Float64Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
            //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
                throw new Check.DeveloperError('componentDatatype is not a valid value.');

         * Get the ComponentDatatype from its name.
         * @param {String} name The name of the ComponentDatatype.
         * @returns {ComponentDatatype} The ComponentDatatype.
         * @exception {DeveloperError} name is not a valid value.
        ComponentDatatype.fromName = function(name) {
            switch (name) {
                case 'BYTE':
                    return ComponentDatatype.BYTE;
                case 'UNSIGNED_BYTE':
                    return ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
                case 'SHORT':
                    return ComponentDatatype.SHORT;
                case 'UNSIGNED_SHORT':
                    return ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
                case 'INT':
                    return ComponentDatatype.INT;
                case 'UNSIGNED_INT':
                    return ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_INT;
                case 'FLOAT':
                    return ComponentDatatype.FLOAT;
                case 'DOUBLE':
                    return ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE;
                //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
                    throw new Check.DeveloperError('name is not a valid value.');
    var ComponentDatatype$1 = Object.freeze(ComponentDatatype);

    exports.ComponentDatatype = ComponentDatatype$1;
