#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use File::Path; # use Switch; our $output_dir = "tsified"; sub print_line { my ($output, $line, $from, $lineno) = @_; # Warn if the resulting line is >80 characters wide. if (length($line) > 80) { if ($from =~ /\.[chi]pp$/) { print("Warning: $from:$lineno: output >80 characters wide.\n"); } } # Write the output. print($output $line . "\n"); } sub source_contains_asio_thread_usage { my ($from) = @_; # Open the input file. open(my $input, "<$from") or die("Can't open $from for reading"); # Check file for use of asio::thread. while (my $line = <$input>) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /asio::thread/) { close($input); return 1; } elsif ($line =~ /^ *thread /) { close($input); return 1; } } close($input); return 0; } sub source_contains_asio_include { my ($from) = @_; # Open the input file. open(my $input, "<$from") or die("Can't open $from for reading"); # Check file for inclusion of asio.hpp. while (my $line = <$input>) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /# *include [<"]asio\.hpp[>"]/) { close($input); return 1; } } close($input); return 0; } sub copy_source_file { my ($from, $to) = @_; # Ensure the output directory exists. my $dir = $to; $dir =~ s/[^\/]*$//; mkpath($dir); # First determine whether the file makes any use of asio::thread. my $uses_asio_thread = source_contains_asio_thread_usage($from); my $includes_asio = source_contains_asio_include($from); my $is_asio_hpp = 0; $is_asio_hpp = 1 if ($from =~ /asio\.hpp/); my $needs_doc_link = 0; $needs_doc_link = 1 if ($is_asio_hpp); my $is_config_hpp = 0; $is_config_hpp = 1 if ($from =~ /asio\/detail\/config\.hpp/); my $is_error_hpp = 0; $is_error_hpp = 1 if ($from =~ /asio\/error\.hpp/); my $is_impl_src_hpp = 0; $is_impl_src_hpp = 1 if ($from =~ /asio\/impl\/src\.hpp/); my $is_test = 0; $is_test = 1 if ($from =~ /tests\/unit/); # Open the files. open(my $input, "<$from") or die("Can't open $from for reading"); open(my $output, ">$to") or die("Can't open $to for writing"); # State for stripping out deprecated, extension, and old services code. my $deprecated_state = 0; my $extension_state = 0; my $old_services_state = 0; # State for simplifying namespaces in examples. my $code_snippet_state = 0; # Copy the content. my $lineno = 1; while (my $line = <$input>) { chomp($line); # Strip out deprecated code. if ($deprecated_state == 0) { if ($line =~ /#\s*if\s*defined\(ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED\)/) { $deprecated_state = 1; next; } elsif ($line =~ /#\s*if\s*!defined\(ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED\)/) { $deprecated_state = -1; next; } } elsif ($deprecated_state == 1) { if ($line =~ /#\s*else\s*\/\/\s*!*defined\(ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED\)/) { $deprecated_state = -1; next; } elsif ($line =~ /#\s*endif\s*\/\/\s*!*defined\(ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED\)/) { $deprecated_state = 0; next; } else { $line =~ s/^# /#/; } } elsif ($deprecated_state == -1) { if ($line =~ /#\s*else\s*\/\/\s*!*defined\(ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED\)/) { $deprecated_state = 1; } elsif ($line =~ /#\s*endif\s*\/\/\s*!*defined\(ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED\)/) { $deprecated_state = -2; } next; } elsif ($deprecated_state == -2) { $deprecated_state = 0; next if ($line eq ""); } # Strip out code for extensions. if ($extension_state == 0) { if ($line =~ /#\s*if\s*!defined\(ASIO_NO_EXTENSIONS\)\s*$/) { $extension_state = -1; next; } } elsif ($extension_state == -1) { $extension_state = -2 if ($line =~ /#\s*endif\s*\/\/\s*!defined\(ASIO_NO_EXTENSIONS\)\s*$/); next; } elsif ($extension_state == -2) { $extension_state = 0; next if ($line eq ""); } # Strip out code for old services. if ($old_services_state == 0) { if ($line =~ /#\s*if\s*defined\(ASIO_ENABLE_OLD_SERVICES\)/) { $old_services_state = -1; next; } elsif ($line =~ /#\s*if\s*!defined\(ASIO_ENABLE_OLD_SERVICES\)/) { $old_services_state = 1; next; } } elsif ($old_services_state == 1) { if ($line =~ /#\s*else\s*\/\/\s*!*defined\(ASIO_ENABLE_OLD_SERVICES\)/) { $old_services_state = -1; next; } elsif ($line =~ /#\s*endif\s*\/\/\s*!*defined\(ASIO_ENABLE_OLD_SERVICES\)/) { $old_services_state = 0; next; } else { $line =~ s/^# /#/; } } elsif ($old_services_state == -1) { if ($line =~ /#\s*else\s*\/\/\s*!*defined\(ASIO_ENABLE_OLD_SERVICES\)/) { $old_services_state = 1; } elsif ($line =~ /#\s*endif\s*\/\/\s*!*defined\(ASIO_ENABLE_OLD_SERVICES\)/) { $old_services_state = -2; } next; } elsif ($old_services_state == -2) { $old_services_state = 0; next if ($line eq ""); } # Keep track of whether we are in an example. if ($code_snippet_state == 0) { if ($line =~ /\@code/) { $code_snippet_state = 1; } } # Unconditional replacements. $line =~ s/[\\@]ref boost_bind/std::bind()/g; if ($from =~ /.*\.txt$/) { $line =~ s/[\\@]ref async_read/std::experimental::net::v1::async_read()/g; $line =~ s/[\\@]ref async_write/std::experimental::net::v1::async_write()/g; } if ($line =~ /asio_detail_posix_thread_function/) { $line =~ s/asio_detail_posix_thread_function/networking_ts_detail_posix_thread_function/g; } if ($line =~ /asio_signal_handler/) { $line =~ s/asio_signal_handler/networking_ts_signal_handler/g; } if ($line =~ /ASIO_/ && !($line =~ /NET_TS_/)) { $line =~ s/ASIO_/NET_TS_/g; } if ($line =~ /asio_handler_/) { $line =~ s/asio_handler_/networking_ts_handler_/g; } if ($line =~ /asio_true_handler_/) { $line =~ s/asio_true_handler_/networking_ts_true_handler_/g; } # Lines skipped in asio/impl/src.hpp. if ($is_impl_src_hpp) { next if ( $line =~ /serial_port/ or $line =~ /\/local\// or $line =~ /\/generic\// or $line =~ /signal_set/ ); } # Conditional replacements. if ($line =~ /^(.* *)namespace asio \{/) { print_line($output, $1 . "namespace std {", $from, $lineno); print_line($output, $1 . "namespace experimental {", $from, $lineno); print_line($output, $1 . "namespace net {", $from, $lineno); print_line($output, $1 . "inline namespace v1 {", $from, $lineno); } elsif ($line =~ /^(.* *)} \/\/ namespace asio$/) { print_line($output, $1 . "} // inline namespace v1", $from, $lineno); print_line($output, $1 . "} // namespace net", $from, $lineno); print_line($output, $1 . "} // namespace experimental", $from, $lineno); print_line($output, $1 . "} // namespace std", $from, $lineno); } elsif ($line =~ /^(# *include )[<"](asio\.hpp)[>"]$/) { print_line($output, $1 . "<net>", $from, $lineno); if ($uses_asio_thread) { print_line($output, $1 . "<thread>", $from, $lineno) if (!$is_test); $uses_asio_thread = 0; } } elsif ($line =~ /^(# *include )[<"]boost\/.*[>"].*$/) { if (!$includes_asio && $uses_asio_thread) { print_line($output, $1 . "<thread>", $from, $lineno) if (!$is_test); $uses_asio_thread = 0; } print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno); } elsif ($line =~ /^(# *include )[<"]asio\/thread\.hpp[>"]/) { if ($is_test) { print_line($output, $1 . "<experimental/__net_ts/detail/thread.hpp>", $from, $lineno); } else { # Line is removed. } } elsif ($line =~ /(# *include )[<"]asio\/error_code\.hpp[>"]/) { if ($is_asio_hpp) { # Line is removed. } else { print_line($output, $1 . "<cerrno>", $from, $lineno) if ($is_error_hpp); print_line($output, $1 . "<system_error>", $from, $lineno); } } elsif ($line =~ /# *include [<"]asio\/impl\/error_code\.[hi]pp[>"]/) { # Line is removed. } elsif ($line =~ /(# *include )[<"]asio\/system_error\.hpp[>"]/) { if ($is_asio_hpp) { # Line is removed. } else { print_line($output, $1 . "<system_error>", $from, $lineno); } } elsif ($line =~ /(^.*# *include )[<"]asio\/([^>"]*)[>"](.*)$/) { print_line($output, $1 . "<experimental/__net_ts/" . $2 . ">" . $3, $from, $lineno); } elsif ($line =~ /#.*defined\(.*ASIO_HAS_STD_SYSTEM_ERROR\)$/) { # Line is removed. } elsif ($line =~ /asio::thread\b/) { if ($is_test) { $line =~ s/asio::thread/std::experimental::net::v1::detail::thread/g; } else { $line =~ s/asio::thread/std::thread/g; } print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno); } elsif ($line =~ /^( *)thread( .*)$/) { if ($is_test) { print_line($output, $1 . "std::experimental::net::v1::detail::thread" . $2, $from, $lineno); } else { print_line($output, $1 . "std::thread" . $2, $from, $lineno); } } elsif ($line =~ /asio::/ && !($line =~ /boost::asio::/)) { $line =~ s/asio::error_code/std::error_code/g; $line =~ s/asio::error_category/std::error_category/g; $line =~ s/asio::system_category/std::system_category/g; $line =~ s/asio::system_error/std::system_error/g; $line =~ s/asio::/std::experimental::net::v1::/g if $code_snippet_state == 0; $line =~ s/asio::/std::experimental::net::/g if $code_snippet_state == 1; print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno); } elsif ($line =~ /using namespace asio/) { $line =~ s/using namespace asio/using namespace std::experimental::net::v1/g; print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno); } elsif ($line =~ /[\\@]ref boost_bind/) { $line =~ s/[\\@]ref boost_bind/std::bind()/g; print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno); } elsif ($line =~ /define.*DETAIL_CONFIG_HPP/) { print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno); print_line($output, "", $from, $lineno); print_line($output, "#define NET_TS_STANDALONE 1", $from, $lineno); } else { print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno); } # Keep track of whether we are in an example. if ($code_snippet_state == 1) { if ($line =~ /\@endcode/) { $code_snippet_state = 0; } } ++$lineno; } # Ok, we're done. close($input); close($output); } sub find_include_files { my @root_includes = ( "asio/ts/buffer.hpp", "asio/ts/executor.hpp", "asio/ts/internet.hpp", "asio/ts/io_context.hpp", "asio/ts/net.hpp", "asio/ts/netfwd.hpp", "asio/ts/socket.hpp", "asio/ts/timer.hpp"); my @excluded_includes = ( "asio/basic_deadline_timer.hpp", "asio/basic_streambuf.hpp", "asio/basic_streambuf_fwd.hpp", "asio/datagram_socket_service.hpp", "asio/deadline_timer.hpp", "asio/deadline_timer_service.hpp", "asio/io_context_strand.hpp", "asio/detail/strand_service.hpp", "asio/detail/impl/strand_service.hpp", "asio/detail/impl/strand_service.ipp", "asio/socket_acceptor_service.hpp", "asio/seq_packet_socket_service.hpp", "asio/stream_socket_service.hpp", "asio/time_traits.hpp", "asio/waitable_timer_service.hpp"); my @include_files = (); my %known_includes = (); foreach my $include (@root_includes) { $known_includes{$include} = 1; push(@include_files, "include/" . $include); } foreach my $include (@excluded_includes) { $known_includes{$include} = 1; } my @unprocessed_includes = sort keys %known_includes; while (scalar(@unprocessed_includes) > 0) { my $include = pop(@unprocessed_includes); open(my $input, "<include/$include") or die("Can't open include/$include for reading"); while (my $line = <$input>) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^\s*#\s*include\s*"(asio\/[^"]*)"/) { if (not defined($known_includes{$1})) { $known_includes{$1} = 1; push(@include_files, "include/" . $1); push(@unprocessed_includes, $1); } } } close($input); } return @include_files; } sub copy_include_files { my @files = find_include_files(); push(@files, "include/asio/impl/src.hpp"); foreach my $file (@files) { if ($file ne "include/asio/thread.hpp" and $file ne "include/asio/error_code.hpp" and $file ne "include/asio/system_error.hpp" and $file ne "include/asio/impl/error_code.hpp" and $file ne "include/asio/impl/error_code.ipp") { my $from = $file; my $to = $file; $to =~ s/^include\/asio\//$output_dir\/include\/experimental\/__net_ts\//; copy_source_file($from, $to); } } } sub create_top_level_includes { my @includes = ( "buffer", "executor", "internet", "io_context", "net", "netfwd", "socket", "timer"); our $output_dir; mkpath("$output_dir/include/experimental"); foreach my $include (@includes) { open(my $output, ">$output_dir/include/experimental/$include") or die("Can't open $output_dir/include/experimental/$include for writing"); my $guard = "NET_TS_" . uc($include) . "_INCLUDED"; print($output "//\n"); print($output "// experimental/$include\n"); print($output "// " . '~' x length("experimental/" . $include) . "\n"); print($output "//\n"); print($output "// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)\n"); print($output "//\n"); print($output "// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying\n"); print($output "// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)\n"); print($output "//\n"); print($output "\n"); print($output "#ifndef $guard\n"); print($output "#define $guard\n"); print($output "\n"); print($output "#include <experimental/__net_ts/ts/$include.hpp>\n"); print($output "\n"); print($output "#endif // $guard\n"); close($output); } } copy_include_files(); create_top_level_includes();