// OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks // over a single port, with support for SSL/TLS-based // session authentication and key exchange, // packet encryption, packet authentication, and // packet compression. // // Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 // as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program in the COPYING file. // If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // tun interface utilities for Windows #ifndef OPENVPN_TUN_WIN_TUNUTIL_H #define OPENVPN_TUN_WIN_TUNUTIL_H #include <openvpn/common/socktypes.hpp> // prevent winsock multiple def errors #include <windows.h> #include <winsock2.h> // for IPv6 #include <winioctl.h> #include <iphlpapi.h> #include <ntddndis.h> #include <wininet.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> // for IPv6 #include <tlhelp32.h> // for impersonating as LocalSystem #include <setupapi.h> #include <devguid.h> #include <cfgmgr32.h> #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include <ddk/ndisguid.h> #else #include <ndisguid.h> #endif #include <string> #include <vector> #include <sstream> #include <cstdint> // for std::uint32_t #include <memory> #include <tap-windows.h> #include <openvpn/common/to_string.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/size.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/exception.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/socktypes.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/string.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/stringize.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/action.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/uniqueptr.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/wstring.hpp> #include <openvpn/buffer/buffer.hpp> #include <openvpn/addr/ip.hpp> #include <openvpn/tun/builder/capture.hpp> #include <openvpn/win/reg.hpp> #include <openvpn/win/scoped_handle.hpp> #include <openvpn/win/unicode.hpp> #include <openvpn/win/cmd.hpp> #include <openvpn/win/winerr.hpp> namespace openvpn { namespace TunWin { namespace Util { OPENVPN_EXCEPTION(tun_win_util); namespace { // from tap-windows.h const char ADAPTER[] = ADAPTER_KEY; // CONST GLOBAL const char NETWORK_CONNECTIONS[] = NETWORK_CONNECTIONS_KEY; // CONST GLOBAL // generally defined on cl command line const char COMPONENT_ID[] = OPENVPN_STRINGIZE(TAP_WIN_COMPONENT_ID); // CONST GLOBAL const char WINTUN_COMPONENT_ID[] = "wintun"; // CONST GLOBAL const char ROOT_COMPONENT_ID[] = "root\\" OPENVPN_STRINGIZE(TAP_WIN_COMPONENT_ID); const char ROOT_WINTUN_COMPONENT_ID[] = "root\\wintun"; } using TapGuidLuid = std::pair<std::string, DWORD>; // Return a list of TAP device GUIDs installed on the system, // filtered by TAP_WIN_COMPONENT_ID. inline std::vector<TapGuidLuid> tap_guids(bool wintun) { LONG status; DWORD len; DWORD data_type; std::vector<TapGuidLuid> ret; Win::RegKey adapter_key; status = ::RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ADAPTER, 0, KEY_READ, adapter_key.ref()); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { const Win::Error err(status); OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "tap_guids: error opening adapter registry key: " << ADAPTER << " : " << err.message()); } for (int i = 0;; ++i) { char strbuf[256]; Win::RegKey unit_key; len = sizeof(strbuf); status = ::RegEnumKeyExA(adapter_key(), i, strbuf, &len, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (status == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; else if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "tap_guids: error enumerating registry subkeys of key: " << ADAPTER); strbuf[len] = '\0'; const std::string unit_string = std::string(ADAPTER) + std::string("\\") + std::string(strbuf); status = ::RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, unit_string.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, unit_key.ref()); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; len = sizeof(strbuf); status = ::RegQueryValueExA(unit_key(), "ComponentId", nullptr, &data_type, (LPBYTE)strbuf, &len); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS || data_type != REG_SZ) continue; strbuf[len] = '\0'; if (string::strcasecmp(strbuf, wintun ? WINTUN_COMPONENT_ID : COMPONENT_ID) && string::strcasecmp(strbuf, wintun ? ROOT_WINTUN_COMPONENT_ID : ROOT_COMPONENT_ID)) continue; TapGuidLuid tgl; len = sizeof(strbuf); status = ::RegQueryValueExA(unit_key(), "NetCfgInstanceId", nullptr, &data_type, (LPBYTE)strbuf, &len); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS && data_type == REG_SZ) { strbuf[len] = '\0'; tgl.first = std::string(strbuf); } DWORD luid; len = sizeof(luid); status = ::RegQueryValueExA(unit_key(), "NetLuidIndex", nullptr, &data_type, (LPBYTE)&luid, &len); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS && data_type == REG_DWORD) { tgl.second = luid; } ret.push_back(tgl); } return ret; } struct TapNameGuidPair { TapNameGuidPair() : index(DWORD(-1)) {} bool index_defined() const { return index != DWORD(-1); } std::string index_or_name() const { if (index_defined()) return to_string(index); else if (!name.empty()) return '"' + name + '"'; else OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "TapNameGuidPair: TAP interface " << guid << " has no name or interface index"); } std::string name; std::string guid; DWORD net_luid_index; DWORD index; }; struct TapNameGuidPairList : public std::vector<TapNameGuidPair> { TapNameGuidPairList(bool wintun) { // first get the TAP guids { std::vector<TapGuidLuid> guids = tap_guids(wintun); for (auto i = guids.begin(); i != guids.end(); i++) { TapNameGuidPair pair; pair.guid = i->first; pair.net_luid_index = i->second; // lookup adapter index { ULONG aindex; const size_t len = 128; wchar_t wbuf[len]; _snwprintf(wbuf, len, L"\\DEVICE\\TCPIP_%S", pair.guid.c_str()); wbuf[len-1] = 0; if (::GetAdapterIndex(wbuf, &aindex) == NO_ERROR) pair.index = aindex; } push_back(pair); } } // next, match up control panel interface names with GUIDs { LONG status; DWORD len; DWORD data_type; Win::RegKey network_connections_key; status = ::RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, NETWORK_CONNECTIONS, 0, KEY_READ, network_connections_key.ref()); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { const Win::Error err(status); OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "TapNameGuidPairList: error opening network connections registry key: " << NETWORK_CONNECTIONS << " : " << err.message()); } for (int i = 0;; ++i) { char strbuf[256]; Win::RegKey connection_key; len = sizeof(strbuf); status = ::RegEnumKeyExA(network_connections_key(), i, strbuf, &len, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (status == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; else if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "TapNameGuidPairList: error enumerating registry subkeys of key: " << NETWORK_CONNECTIONS); strbuf[len] = '\0'; const std::string guid = std::string(strbuf); const std::string connection_string = std::string(NETWORK_CONNECTIONS) + std::string("\\") + guid + std::string("\\Connection"); status = ::RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, connection_string.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, connection_key.ref()); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; wchar_t wbuf[256] = L""; DWORD cbwbuf = sizeof(wbuf); status = ::RegQueryValueExW(connection_key(), L"Name", nullptr, &data_type, (LPBYTE)wbuf, &cbwbuf); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS || data_type != REG_SZ) continue; wbuf[(cbwbuf / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1] = L'\0'; // iterate through self and try to patch the name { for (iterator j = begin(); j != end(); j++) { TapNameGuidPair& pair = *j; if (pair.guid == guid) pair.name = wstring::to_utf8(wbuf); } } } } } std::string to_string() const { std::ostringstream os; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); i++) { const TapNameGuidPair& pair = *i; os << "guid='" << pair.guid << '\''; if (pair.index_defined()) os << " index=" << pair.index; if (!pair.name.empty()) os << " name='" << pair.name << '\''; os << std::endl; } return os.str(); } std::string name_from_guid(const std::string& guid) const { for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); i++) { const TapNameGuidPair& pair = *i; if (pair.guid == guid) return pair.name; } } std::string guid_from_name(const std::string& name) const { for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); i++) { const TapNameGuidPair& pair = *i; if (pair.name == name) return pair.guid; } } }; struct DeviceInstanceIdInterfacePair { std::string net_cfg_instance_id; std::string device_interface_list; }; class DevInfoSetHelper { public: DevInfoSetHelper() { handle = SetupDiGetClassDevsEx(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT, NULL, NULL, NULL); } bool is_valid() { return handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } operator HDEVINFO() { return handle; } ~DevInfoSetHelper() { if (is_valid()) { SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(handle); } } private: HDEVINFO handle; }; struct DeviceInstanceIdInterfaceList : public std::vector<DeviceInstanceIdInterfacePair> { DeviceInstanceIdInterfaceList() { DevInfoSetHelper device_info_set; if (!device_info_set.is_valid()) return; for (DWORD i = 0;; ++i) { SP_DEVINFO_DATA dev_info_data; ZeroMemory(&dev_info_data, sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA)); dev_info_data.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); BOOL res = SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(device_info_set, i, &dev_info_data); if (!res) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; else continue; } Win::RegKey regkey; *regkey.ref() = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(device_info_set, &dev_info_data, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DRV, KEY_QUERY_VALUE); if (!regkey.defined()) continue; std::string str_net_cfg_instance_id; DWORD size; LONG status = RegQueryValueExA(regkey(), "NetCfgInstanceId", NULL, NULL, NULL, &size); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; BufferAllocatedType<char, thread_unsafe_refcount> buf_net_cfg_inst_id(size, BufferAllocated::CONSTRUCT_ZERO); status = RegQueryValueExA(regkey(), "NetCfgInstanceId", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)buf_net_cfg_inst_id.data(), &size); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { buf_net_cfg_inst_id.data()[size - 1] = '\0'; str_net_cfg_instance_id = std::string(buf_net_cfg_inst_id.data()); } else continue; res = SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(device_info_set, &dev_info_data, NULL, 0, &size); if (res != FALSE && GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) continue; BufferAllocatedType<char, thread_unsafe_refcount> buf_dev_inst_id(size, BufferAllocated::CONSTRUCT_ZERO); if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(device_info_set, &dev_info_data, buf_dev_inst_id.data(), size, &size)) continue; buf_dev_inst_id.set_size(size); ULONG dev_interface_list_size = 0; CONFIGRET cr = CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size(&dev_interface_list_size, (LPGUID)& GUID_DEVINTERFACE_NET, buf_dev_inst_id.data(), CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) continue; BufferAllocatedType<char, thread_unsafe_refcount> buf_dev_iface_list(dev_interface_list_size, BufferAllocated::CONSTRUCT_ZERO); cr = CM_Get_Device_Interface_List((LPGUID)& GUID_DEVINTERFACE_NET, buf_dev_inst_id.data(), buf_dev_iface_list.data(), dev_interface_list_size, CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) continue; DeviceInstanceIdInterfacePair pair; pair.net_cfg_instance_id = str_net_cfg_instance_id; pair.device_interface_list = std::string(buf_dev_iface_list.data()); push_back(pair); } } }; // given a TAP GUID, form the pathname of the TAP device node inline std::string tap_path(const TapNameGuidPair& tap) { return std::string(USERMODEDEVICEDIR) + tap.guid + std::string(TAP_WIN_SUFFIX); } // open an available TAP adapter inline HANDLE tap_open(const TapNameGuidPairList& guids, std::string& path_opened, TapNameGuidPair& used, bool wintun) { Win::ScopedHANDLE hand; std::unique_ptr<DeviceInstanceIdInterfaceList> inst_id_interface_list; if (wintun) inst_id_interface_list.reset(new DeviceInstanceIdInterfaceList()); // iterate over list of TAP adapters on system for (TapNameGuidPairList::const_iterator i = guids.begin(); i != guids.end(); i++) { const TapNameGuidPair& tap = *i; std::string path; if (wintun) { for (const auto& inst_id_interface : *inst_id_interface_list) { if (inst_id_interface.net_cfg_instance_id != tap.guid) continue; path = inst_id_interface.device_interface_list; break; } } else { path = tap_path(tap); } if (path.length() > 0) { hand.reset(::CreateFileA(path.c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, /* was: FILE_SHARE_READ */ 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0)); if (hand.defined()) { used = tap; path_opened = path; break; } } } return hand.release(); } // set TAP adapter to topology subnet inline void tap_configure_topology_subnet(HANDLE th, const IP::Addr& local, const unsigned int prefix_len) { const IPv4::Addr netmask = IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(prefix_len); const IPv4::Addr network = local.to_ipv4() & netmask; std::uint32_t ep[3]; ep[0] = htonl(local.to_ipv4().to_uint32()); ep[1] = htonl(network.to_uint32()); ep[2] = htonl(netmask.to_uint32()); DWORD len; if (!::DeviceIoControl(th, TAP_WIN_IOCTL_CONFIG_TUN, ep, sizeof (ep), ep, sizeof (ep), &len, nullptr)) throw tun_win_util("DeviceIoControl TAP_WIN_IOCTL_CONFIG_TUN failed"); } // set TAP adapter to topology net30 inline void tap_configure_topology_net30(HANDLE th, const IP::Addr& local_addr, const IP::Addr& remote_addr) { const IPv4::Addr local = local_addr.to_ipv4(); const IPv4::Addr remote = remote_addr.to_ipv4(); std::uint32_t ep[2]; ep[0] = htonl(local.to_uint32()); ep[1] = htonl(remote.to_uint32()); DWORD len; if (!::DeviceIoControl(th, TAP_WIN_IOCTL_CONFIG_POINT_TO_POINT, ep, sizeof (ep), ep, sizeof (ep), &len, nullptr)) throw tun_win_util("DeviceIoControl TAP_WIN_IOCTL_CONFIG_POINT_TO_POINT failed"); } // set driver media status to 'connected' inline void tap_set_media_status(HANDLE th, bool media_status) { DWORD len; ULONG status = media_status ? TRUE : FALSE; if (!::DeviceIoControl(th, TAP_WIN_IOCTL_SET_MEDIA_STATUS, &status, sizeof (status), &status, sizeof (status), &len, nullptr)) throw tun_win_util("DeviceIoControl TAP_WIN_IOCTL_SET_MEDIA_STATUS failed"); } // get debug logging from TAP driver (requires that // TAP driver was built with logging enabled) inline void tap_process_logging(HANDLE th) { const size_t size = 1024; std::unique_ptr<char[]> line(new char[size]); DWORD len; while (::DeviceIoControl(th, TAP_WIN_IOCTL_GET_LOG_LINE, line.get(), size, line.get(), size, &len, nullptr)) { OPENVPN_LOG("TAP-Windows: " << line.get()); } } struct InterfaceInfoList { public: InterfaceInfoList() { DWORD size = 0; if (::GetInterfaceInfo(nullptr, &size) != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "InterfaceInfoList: GetInterfaceInfo #1"); list.reset((IP_INTERFACE_INFO*)new unsigned char[size]); if (::GetInterfaceInfo(list.get(), &size) != NO_ERROR) OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "InterfaceInfoList: GetInterfaceInfo #2"); } IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP* iface(const DWORD index) const { if (list) { for (LONG i = 0; i < list->NumAdapters; ++i) { IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP* inter = &list->Adapter[i]; if (index == inter->Index) return inter; } } return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr<IP_INTERFACE_INFO> list; }; inline void dhcp_release(const InterfaceInfoList& ii, const DWORD adapter_index, std::ostream& os) { IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP* iface = ii.iface(adapter_index); if (iface) { const DWORD status = ::IpReleaseAddress(iface); if (status == NO_ERROR) os << "TAP: DHCP release succeeded" << std::endl; else os << "TAP: DHCP release failed" << std::endl; } } inline void dhcp_renew(const InterfaceInfoList& ii, const DWORD adapter_index, std::ostream& os) { IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP* iface = ii.iface(adapter_index); if (iface) { const DWORD status = ::IpRenewAddress(iface); if (status == NO_ERROR) os << "TAP: DHCP renew succeeded" << std::endl; else os << "TAP: DHCP renew failed" << std::endl; } } inline void flush_arp(const DWORD adapter_index, std::ostream& os) { const DWORD status = ::FlushIpNetTable2(AF_INET, adapter_index); if (status == NO_ERROR) os << "TAP: ARP flush succeeded" << std::endl; else os << "TAP: ARP flush failed" << std::endl; } struct IPNetmask4 { IPNetmask4() {} IPNetmask4(const TunBuilderCapture& pull, const char *title) { const TunBuilderCapture::RouteAddress* local4 = pull.vpn_ipv4(); if (local4) { ip = IPv4::Addr::from_string(local4->address, title); netmask = IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(local4->prefix_length); } } IPNetmask4(const IP_ADDR_STRING *ias) { if (ias) { try { if (ias->IpAddress.String) ip = IPv4::Addr::from_string(ias->IpAddress.String); } catch (const std::exception&) { } try { if (ias->IpMask.String) netmask = IPv4::Addr::from_string(ias->IpMask.String); } catch (const std::exception&) { } } } bool operator==(const IPNetmask4& rhs) const { return ip == rhs.ip && netmask == rhs.netmask; } bool operator!=(const IPNetmask4& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); } IPv4::Addr ip = IPv4::Addr::from_zero(); IPv4::Addr netmask = IPv4::Addr::from_zero(); }; struct IPAdaptersInfo { IPAdaptersInfo() { ULONG size = 0; if (::GetAdaptersInfo(nullptr, &size) != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "IPAdaptersInfo: GetAdaptersInfo #1"); list.reset((IP_ADAPTER_INFO*)new unsigned char[size]); if (::GetAdaptersInfo(list.get(), &size) != NO_ERROR) OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "IPAdaptersInfo: GetAdaptersInfo #2"); } const IP_ADAPTER_INFO* adapter(const DWORD index) const { if (list) { for (const IP_ADAPTER_INFO* a = list.get(); a != nullptr; a = a->Next) { if (index == a->Index) return a; } } return nullptr; } bool is_up(const DWORD index, const IPNetmask4& vpn_addr) const { const IP_ADAPTER_INFO* ai = adapter(index); if (ai) { for (const IP_ADDR_STRING *iplist = &ai->IpAddressList; iplist != nullptr; iplist = iplist->Next) { if (vpn_addr == IPNetmask4(iplist)) return true; } } return false; } bool is_dhcp_enabled(const DWORD index) const { const IP_ADAPTER_INFO* ai = adapter(index); return ai && ai->DhcpEnabled; } std::unique_ptr<IP_ADAPTER_INFO> list; }; struct IPPerAdapterInfo { IPPerAdapterInfo(const DWORD index) { ULONG size = 0; if (::GetPerAdapterInfo(index, nullptr, &size) != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) return; adapt.reset((IP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO*)new unsigned char[size]); if (::GetPerAdapterInfo(index, adapt.get(), &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) adapt.reset(); } std::unique_ptr<IP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO> adapt; }; // Use the TAP DHCP masquerade capability to set TAP adapter properties. // Generally only used on pre-Vista. class TAPDHCPMasquerade { public: OPENVPN_EXCEPTION(dhcp_masq); // VPN IP/netmask IPNetmask4 vpn; // IP address of fake DHCP server in TAP adapter IPv4::Addr dhcp_serv_addr = IPv4::Addr::from_zero(); // DHCP lease for one year unsigned int lease_time = 31536000; // DHCP options std::string domain; // DOMAIN (15) std::string netbios_scope; // NBS (47) int netbios_node_type = 0; // NBT 1,2,4,8 (46) bool disable_nbt = false; // DISABLE_NBT (43, Vendor option 001) std::vector<IPv4::Addr> dns; // DNS (6) std::vector<IPv4::Addr> wins; // WINS (44) std::vector<IPv4::Addr> ntp; // NTP (42) std::vector<IPv4::Addr> nbdd; // NBDD (45) void init_from_capture(const TunBuilderCapture& pull) { // VPN IP/netmask vpn = IPNetmask4(pull, "VPN IP"); // DHCP server address { const IPv4::Addr network_addr = vpn.ip & vpn.netmask; const std::uint32_t extent = vpn.netmask.extent_from_netmask_uint32(); if (extent >= 16) dhcp_serv_addr = network_addr + (extent - 2); else dhcp_serv_addr = network_addr; } // DNS for (auto &ds : pull.dns_servers) { if (!ds.ipv6) dns.push_back(IPv4::Addr::from_string(ds.address, "DNS Server")); } // WINS for (auto &ws : pull.wins_servers) wins.push_back(IPv4::Addr::from_string(ws.address, "WINS Server")); // DOMAIN if (!pull.search_domains.empty()) domain = pull.search_domains[0].domain; } void ioctl(HANDLE th) const { // TAP_WIN_IOCTL_CONFIG_DHCP_MASQ { std::uint32_t ep[4]; ep[0] = vpn.ip.to_uint32_net(); ep[1] = vpn.netmask.to_uint32_net(); ep[2] = dhcp_serv_addr.to_uint32_net(); ep[3] = lease_time; DWORD len; if (!::DeviceIoControl(th, TAP_WIN_IOCTL_CONFIG_DHCP_MASQ, ep, sizeof (ep), ep, sizeof (ep), &len, nullptr)) throw dhcp_masq("DeviceIoControl TAP_WIN_IOCTL_CONFIG_DHCP_MASQ failed"); } // TAP_WIN_IOCTL_CONFIG_DHCP_SET_OPT { BufferAllocated buf(256, BufferAllocated::GROW); write_options(buf); DWORD len; if (!::DeviceIoControl(th, TAP_WIN_IOCTL_CONFIG_DHCP_SET_OPT, buf.data(), buf.size(), buf.data(), buf.size(), &len, nullptr)) throw dhcp_masq("DeviceIoControl TAP_WIN_IOCTL_CONFIG_DHCP_SET_OPT failed"); } } private: void write_options(Buffer& buf) const { // DOMAIN write_dhcp_str(buf, 15, domain); // NBS write_dhcp_str(buf, 47, netbios_scope); // NBT if (netbios_node_type) write_dhcp_u8(buf, 46, netbios_node_type); // DNS write_dhcp_addr_list(buf, 6, dns); // WINS write_dhcp_addr_list(buf, 44, wins); // NTP write_dhcp_addr_list(buf, 42, ntp); // NBDD write_dhcp_addr_list(buf, 45, nbdd); // DISABLE_NBT // // The MS DHCP server option 'Disable Netbios-over-TCP/IP // is implemented as vendor option 001, value 002. // A value of 001 means 'leave NBT alone' which is the default. if (disable_nbt) { buf.push_back(43); buf.push_back(6); // total length field buf.push_back(0x001); buf.push_back(4); // length of the vendor-specified field { const std::uint32_t raw = 0x002; buf.write((const unsigned char *)&raw, sizeof(raw)); } } } static void write_dhcp_u8(Buffer& buf, const unsigned char type, const unsigned char data) { buf.push_back(type); buf.push_back(1); buf.push_back(data); } static void write_dhcp_str(Buffer& buf, const unsigned char type, const std::string& str) { const size_t len = str.length(); if (len) { if (len > 255) OPENVPN_THROW(dhcp_masq, "string '" << str << "' must be > 0 bytes and <= 255 bytes"); buf.push_back(type); buf.push_back((unsigned char)len); buf.write((const unsigned char *)str.c_str(), len); } } static void write_dhcp_addr_list(Buffer& buf, const unsigned char type, const std::vector<IPv4::Addr>& addr_list) { if (!addr_list.empty()) { const size_t size = addr_list.size() * sizeof(std::uint32_t); if (size < 1 || size > 255) OPENVPN_THROW(dhcp_masq, "array size=" << size << " must be > 0 bytes and <= 255 bytes"); buf.push_back(type); buf.push_back((unsigned char)size); for (auto &a : addr_list) { const std::uint32_t rawaddr = a.to_uint32_net(); buf.write((const unsigned char *)&rawaddr, sizeof(std::uint32_t)); } } } }; class TAPDriverVersion { public: TAPDriverVersion(HANDLE th) : defined(false) { DWORD len; info[0] = info[1] = info[2] = 0; if (::DeviceIoControl(th, TAP_WIN_IOCTL_GET_VERSION, &info, sizeof (info), &info, sizeof (info), &len, nullptr)) defined = true; } std::string to_string() { std::ostringstream os; os << "TAP-Windows Driver Version "; if (defined) { os << info[0] << '.' << info[1]; if (info[2]) os << " (DEBUG)"; } else os << "UNDEFINED"; return os.str(); } private: bool defined; ULONG info[3]; }; // An action to set the DNS "Connection-specific DNS Suffix" class ActionSetAdapterDomainSuffix : public Action { public: ActionSetAdapterDomainSuffix(const std::string& search_domain_arg, const std::string& tap_guid_arg) : search_domain(search_domain_arg), tap_guid(tap_guid_arg) { } virtual void execute(std::ostream& os) override { os << to_string() << std::endl; LONG status; Win::RegKey key; const std::string reg_key_name = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces\\" + tap_guid; status = ::RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, reg_key_name.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE, key.ref()); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { const Win::Error err(status); OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "ActionSetAdapterDomainSuffix: error opening registry key: " << reg_key_name << " : " << err.message()); } Win::UTF16 dom(Win::utf16(search_domain)); status = ::RegSetValueExW(key(), L"Domain", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)dom.get(), (Win::utf16_strlen(dom.get())+1)*2); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "ActionSetAdapterDomainSuffix: error writing Domain registry key: " << reg_key_name); } virtual std::string to_string() const override { return "Set adapter domain suffix: '" + search_domain + "' " + tap_guid; } private: const std::string search_domain; const std::string tap_guid; }; // get the Windows IPv4 routing table inline const MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE* windows_routing_table() { ULONG size = 0; DWORD status; std::unique_ptr<MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE> rt; status = ::GetIpForwardTable(nullptr, &size, TRUE); if (status == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { rt.reset((MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE*)new unsigned char[size]); status = ::GetIpForwardTable(rt.get(), &size, TRUE); if (status != NO_ERROR) { OPENVPN_LOG("windows_routing_table: GetIpForwardTable failed"); return nullptr; } } return rt.release(); } #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 // Vista and higher // Get the Windows IPv4/IPv6 routing table. // Note that returned pointer must be freed with FreeMibTable. inline const MIB_IPFORWARD_TABLE2* windows_routing_table2(ADDRESS_FAMILY af) { MIB_IPFORWARD_TABLE2* routes = nullptr; int res = ::GetIpForwardTable2(af, &routes); if (res == NO_ERROR) return routes; else return nullptr; } #endif class BestGateway { public: /** * Construct object which represents default gateway */ BestGateway() { std::unique_ptr<const MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE> rt(windows_routing_table()); if (rt) { const MIB_IPFORWARDROW* gw = nullptr; for (size_t i = 0; i < rt->dwNumEntries; ++i) { const MIB_IPFORWARDROW* row = &rt->table[i]; if (!row->dwForwardDest && !row->dwForwardMask && (!gw || row->dwForwardMetric1 < gw->dwForwardMetric1)) gw = row; } if (gw) { index = gw->dwForwardIfIndex; addr = IPv4::Addr::from_uint32(ntohl(gw->dwForwardNextHop)).to_string(); } } } /** * Construct object which represents best gateway to given * destination, excluding gateway on VPN interface. Gateway is chosen * first by the longest prefix match and then by metric. If destination * is in local network, no gateway is selected and "local_route" flag is set. * * @param dest destination IPv4 address * @param vpn_interface_index index of VPN interface which is excluded from gateway selection */ BestGateway(const std::string& dest, DWORD vpn_interface_index) { DWORD dest_addr; auto res = inet_pton(AF_INET, dest.c_str(), &dest_addr); switch (res) { case -1: OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "GetBestGateway: error converting IPv4 address " << dest << " to int: " << ::WSAGetLastError()); case 0: OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "GetBestGateway: " << dest << " is not a valid IPv4 address"); } { MIB_IPFORWARDROW row; DWORD res2 = GetBestRoute(dest_addr, 0, &row); if (res2 != NO_ERROR) { OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "GetBestGateway: error retrieving the best route for " << dest << ": " << res2); } if (row.dwForwardType == MIB_IPROUTE_TYPE_DIRECT) { local_route_ = true; return; } } std::unique_ptr<const MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE> rt(windows_routing_table()); if (rt) { const MIB_IPFORWARDROW* gw = nullptr; for (size_t i = 0; i < rt->dwNumEntries; ++i) { const MIB_IPFORWARDROW* row = &rt->table[i]; // does route match? if ((dest_addr & row->dwForwardMask) == (row->dwForwardDest & row->dwForwardMask)) { // skip gateway on VPN interface if ((vpn_interface_index != DWORD(-1)) && (row->dwForwardIfIndex == vpn_interface_index)) { OPENVPN_LOG("GetBestGateway: skip gateway " << IPv4::Addr::from_uint32(ntohl(row->dwForwardNextHop)).to_string() << " on VPN interface " << vpn_interface_index); continue; } if (!gw) { gw = row; continue; } auto cur_prefix = IPv4::Addr::prefix_len_32(ntohl(gw->dwForwardMask)); auto new_prefix = IPv4::Addr::prefix_len_32(ntohl(row->dwForwardMask)); auto new_metric_is_higher = row->dwForwardMetric1 > gw->dwForwardMetric1; if ((new_prefix > cur_prefix) || ((new_prefix == cur_prefix) && (new_metric_is_higher))) gw = row; } } if (gw) { index = gw->dwForwardIfIndex; addr = IPv4::Addr::from_uint32(ntohl(gw->dwForwardNextHop)).to_string(); OPENVPN_LOG("GetBestGateway: selected gateway " << addr << " on adapter " << index << " for destination " << dest); } } } bool defined() const { return index != DWORD(-1) && !addr.empty(); } DWORD interface_index() const { return index; } const std::string& gateway_address() const { return addr; } /** * Return true if destination, provided to constructor, * doesn't require gateway, false otherwise. */ bool local_route() const { return local_route_; } private: DWORD index = -1; std::string addr; bool local_route_ = false; }; // An action to delete all routes on an interface class ActionDeleteAllRoutesOnInterface : public Action { public: ActionDeleteAllRoutesOnInterface(const DWORD iface_index_arg) : iface_index(iface_index_arg) { } virtual void execute(std::ostream& os) override { os << to_string() << std::endl; ActionList::Ptr actions = new ActionList(); remove_all_ipv4_routes_on_iface(iface_index, *actions); #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 // Vista and higher remove_all_ipv6_routes_on_iface(iface_index, *actions); #endif actions->execute(os); } virtual std::string to_string() const override { return "ActionDeleteAllRoutesOnInterface iface_index=" + std::to_string(iface_index); } private: static void remove_all_ipv4_routes_on_iface(DWORD index, ActionList& actions) { std::unique_ptr<const MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE> rt(windows_routing_table()); if (rt) { for (size_t i = 0; i < rt->dwNumEntries; ++i) { const MIB_IPFORWARDROW* row = &rt->table[i]; if (row->dwForwardIfIndex == index) { const IPv4::Addr net = IPv4::Addr::from_uint32(ntohl(row->dwForwardDest)); const IPv4::Addr mask = IPv4::Addr::from_uint32(ntohl(row->dwForwardMask)); const std::string net_str = net.to_string(); const unsigned int pl = mask.prefix_len(); // don't remove multicast route or other Windows-assigned routes if (net_str == "" && pl == 4) continue; if (net_str == "" && pl == 32) continue; actions.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip delete route " + net_str + '/' + openvpn::to_string(pl) + ' ' + openvpn::to_string(index) + " store=active")); } } } } #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 // Vista and higher static void remove_all_ipv6_routes_on_iface(DWORD index, ActionList& actions) { unique_ptr_del<const MIB_IPFORWARD_TABLE2> rt2(windows_routing_table2(AF_INET6), [](const MIB_IPFORWARD_TABLE2* p) { FreeMibTable((PVOID)p); }); if (rt2) { const IPv6::Addr ll_net = IPv6::Addr::from_string("fe80::"); const IPv6::Addr ll_mask = IPv6::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(64); for (size_t i = 0; i < rt2->NumEntries; ++i) { const MIB_IPFORWARD_ROW2* row = &rt2->Table[i]; if (row->InterfaceIndex == index) { const unsigned int pl = row->DestinationPrefix.PrefixLength; if (row->DestinationPrefix.Prefix.si_family == AF_INET6) { const IPv6::Addr net = IPv6::Addr::from_byte_string(row->DestinationPrefix.Prefix.Ipv6.sin6_addr.u.Byte); const std::string net_str = net.to_string(); // don't remove multicast route or other Windows-assigned routes if (net_str == "ff00::" && pl == 8) continue; if ((net & ll_mask) == ll_net && pl >= 64) continue; actions.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 delete route " + net_str + '/' + openvpn::to_string(pl) + ' ' + openvpn::to_string(index) + " store=active")); } } } } } #endif const DWORD iface_index; }; class ActionEnableDHCP : public WinCmd { public: ActionEnableDHCP(const TapNameGuidPair& tap) : WinCmd(cmd(tap)) { } private: static std::string cmd(const TapNameGuidPair& tap) { return "netsh interface ip set address " + tap.index_or_name() + " dhcp"; } }; namespace TunNETSH { class AddRoute4Cmd : public Action { public: typedef RCPtr<AddRoute4Cmd> Ptr; AddRoute4Cmd(const std::string& route_address, int prefix_length, const TunWin::Util::TapNameGuidPair& tap, const std::string& gw_address, int metric, bool add) { std::ostringstream os; os << "netsh interface ip "; if (add) os << "add "; else os << "delete "; os << "route " << route_address << "/" << std::to_string(prefix_length) << " " << tap.index_or_name() << " " << gw_address << " "; if (add && metric >= 0) os << "metric=" << std::to_string(metric) << " "; os << "store=active"; cmd.reset(new WinCmd(os.str())); }; void execute(std::ostream& os) override { cmd->execute(os); } std::string to_string() const override { return cmd->to_string(); } private: WinCmd::Ptr cmd; }; } namespace TunIPHELPER { static SOCKADDR_INET sockaddr_inet(short family, const std::string& addr) { SOCKADDR_INET sa; ZeroMemory(&sa, sizeof(sa)); sa.si_family = family; inet_pton(family, addr.c_str(), family == AF_INET ? &(sa.Ipv4.sin_addr) : (PVOID) & (sa.Ipv6.sin6_addr)); return sa; } static DWORD InterfaceLuid(const std::string& iface_name, PNET_LUID luid) { auto wide_name = wstring::from_utf8(iface_name); return ConvertInterfaceAliasToLuid(wide_name.c_str(), luid); } class AddRoute4Cmd : public Action { public: typedef RCPtr<AddRoute4Cmd> Ptr; AddRoute4Cmd(const std::string& route_address, int prefix_length, const TunWin::Util::TapNameGuidPair& tap, const std::string& gw_address, int metric, bool add) : add(add) { os_ << "IPHelper: "; if (add) os_ << "add "; else os_ << "delete "; os_ << "route " << route_address << "/" << std::to_string(prefix_length) << " " << tap.index_or_name() << " " << gw_address << " "; os_ << "metric=" << std::to_string(metric); ZeroMemory(&fwd_row, sizeof(fwd_row)); fwd_row.ValidLifetime = 0xffffffff; fwd_row.PreferredLifetime = 0xffffffff; fwd_row.Protocol = (NL_ROUTE_PROTOCOL)MIB_IPPROTO_NETMGMT; fwd_row.Metric = metric; fwd_row.DestinationPrefix.Prefix = sockaddr_inet(AF_INET, route_address); fwd_row.DestinationPrefix.PrefixLength = prefix_length; fwd_row.NextHop = sockaddr_inet(AF_INET, gw_address); if (tap.index_defined()) fwd_row.InterfaceIndex = tap.index; else if (!tap.name.empty()) { NET_LUID luid; auto err = InterfaceLuid(tap.name, &luid); if (err) OPENVPN_THROW(tun_win_util, "Cannot convert interface name " << tap.name << " to LUID"); fwd_row.InterfaceLuid = luid; } }; void execute(std::ostream& os) override { os << os_.str() << std::endl; DWORD res; if (add) res = CreateIpForwardEntry2(&fwd_row); else res = DeleteIpForwardEntry2(&fwd_row); if (res) os << "cannot modify route: error " << res << std::endl; } std::string to_string() const override { return os_.str(); } private: MIB_IPFORWARD_ROW2 fwd_row; bool add; std::ostringstream os_; }; } } } } #endif