#pragma once #include <openvpn/tun/client/tunbase.hpp> #include <openvpn/tun/persist/tunpersist.hpp> #include <openvpn/tun/win/client/setupbase.hpp> #include <openvpn/tun/win/client/clientconfig.hpp> #include <openvpn/win/modname.hpp> namespace openvpn { namespace TunWin { class WintunClient : public TunClient { typedef RCPtr<WintunClient> Ptr; public: WintunClient(openvpn_io::io_context& io_context_arg, ClientConfig* config_arg, TunClientParent& parent_arg) : io_context(io_context_arg), config(config_arg), parent(parent_arg), state(new TunProp::State()), frame(config_arg->frame) { } // Inherited via TunClient void tun_start(const OptionList& opt, TransportClient& transcli, CryptoDCSettings&) override { halt = false; if (config->tun_persist) tun_persist = config->tun_persist; // long-term persistent else tun_persist.reset(new TunPersist(false, false, nullptr)); // short-term try { const IP::Addr server_addr = transcli.server_endpoint_addr(); // Check if persisted tun session matches properties of to-be-created session if (tun_persist->use_persisted_tun(server_addr, config->tun_prop, opt)) { state = tun_persist->state().state; ring_buffer = tun_persist->state().ring_buffer; OPENVPN_LOG("TunPersist: reused tun context"); } else { // notify parent parent.tun_pre_tun_config(); // close old TAP handle if persisted tun_persist->close(); // parse pushed options TunBuilderCapture::Ptr po(new TunBuilderCapture()); TunProp::configure_builder(po.get(), state.get(), config->stats.get(), server_addr, config->tun_prop, opt, nullptr, false); OPENVPN_LOG("CAPTURED OPTIONS:" << std::endl << po->to_string()); // create new tun setup object tun_setup = config->new_setup_obj(io_context); ring_buffer.reset(new RingBuffer(io_context)); // open/config TAP HANDLE th; { std::ostringstream os; auto os_print = Cleanup([&os]() { OPENVPN_LOG_STRING(os.str()); }); th = tun_setup->establish(*po, Win::module_name(), config->stop, os, ring_buffer); } // create ASIO wrapper for HANDLE TAPStream* ts = new TAPStream(io_context, th); // persist tun settings state if (tun_persist->persist_tun_state(ts, { state, ring_buffer })) OPENVPN_LOG("TunPersist: saving tun context:" << std::endl << tun_persist->options()); // enable tun_setup destructor tun_persist->add_destructor(tun_setup); // assert ownership over TAP device handle tun_setup->confirm(); } openvpn_io::post(io_context, [self=Ptr(this)](){ self->read(); }); parent.tun_connected(); // signal that we are connected } catch (const std::exception& e) { stop(); Error::Type err = Error::TUN_SETUP_FAILED; const ExceptionCode* ec = dynamic_cast<const ExceptionCode*>(&e); if (ec && ec->code_defined()) err = ec->code(); parent.tun_error(err, e.what()); } } void stop() override { if (!halt) { halt = true; tun_persist.reset(); } } void set_disconnect() override { } bool tun_send(BufferAllocated& buf) override { TUN_RING* receive_ring = ring_buffer->receive_ring(); ULONG head = receive_ring->head.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if (head > WINTUN_RING_CAPACITY) { if (head == 0xFFFFFFFF) parent.tun_error(Error::TUN_WRITE_ERROR, "invalid ring head/tail or bogus packet received"); return false; } ULONG tail = receive_ring->tail.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if (tail >= WINTUN_RING_CAPACITY) return false; ULONG aligned_packet_size = packet_align(sizeof(TUN_PACKET_HEADER) + buf.size()); ULONG buf_space = wrap(head - tail - WINTUN_PACKET_ALIGN); if (aligned_packet_size > buf_space) { OPENVPN_LOG("ring is full"); return false; } // copy packet size and data into ring TUN_PACKET* packet = (TUN_PACKET*)& receive_ring->data[tail]; packet->size = buf.size(); std::memcpy(packet->data, buf.data(), buf.size()); // move ring tail receive_ring->tail.store(wrap(tail + aligned_packet_size), std::memory_order_release); if (receive_ring->alertable.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != 0) SetEvent(ring_buffer->receive_ring_tail_moved()); return true; } std::string tun_name() const override { return "wintun"; } std::string vpn_ip4() const override { if (state->vpn_ip4_addr.specified()) return state->vpn_ip4_addr.to_string(); else return ""; } std::string vpn_ip6() const override { if (state->vpn_ip6_addr.specified()) return state->vpn_ip6_addr.to_string(); else return ""; } std::string vpn_gw4() const override { if (state->vpn_ip4_gw.specified()) return state->vpn_ip4_gw.to_string(); else return ""; } std::string vpn_gw6() const override { if (state->vpn_ip6_gw.specified()) return state->vpn_ip6_gw.to_string(); else return ""; } private: void read() { TUN_RING* send_ring = ring_buffer->send_ring(); if (halt) return; ULONG head = send_ring->head.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if (head >= WINTUN_RING_CAPACITY) { parent.tun_error(Error::TUN_ERROR, "ring head exceeds ring capacity"); return; } ULONG tail = send_ring->tail.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if (tail >= WINTUN_RING_CAPACITY) { parent.tun_error(Error::TUN_ERROR, "ring tail exceeds ring capacity"); return; } while (true) { // tail has moved? if (head == tail) { ring_buffer->send_tail_moved_asio_event().async_wait([self = Ptr(this)](const openvpn_io::error_code& error) { if (!error) self->read(); else { if (!self->halt) self->parent.tun_error(Error::TUN_ERROR, "error waiting on ring send tail moved"); } }); return; } // read buffer content ULONG content_len = wrap(tail - head); if (content_len < sizeof(TUN_PACKET_HEADER)) { parent.tun_error(Error::TUN_ERROR, "incomplete packet header in send ring"); return; } TUN_PACKET* packet = (TUN_PACKET *)&send_ring->data[head]; if (packet->size > WINTUN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { parent.tun_error(Error::TUN_ERROR, "packet too big in send ring"); return; } ULONG aligned_packet_size = packet_align(sizeof(TUN_PACKET_HEADER) + packet->size); if (aligned_packet_size > content_len) { parent.tun_error(Error::TUN_ERROR, "incomplete packet in send ring"); return; } frame->prepare(Frame::READ_TUN, buf); buf.write(packet->data, packet->size); head = wrap(head + aligned_packet_size); send_ring->head.store(head, std::memory_order_release); parent.tun_recv(buf); if (halt) return; } } struct TUN_PACKET_HEADER { uint32_t size; }; struct TUN_PACKET { uint32_t size; UCHAR data[WINTUN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; }; ULONG packet_align(ULONG size) { return (size + (WINTUN_PACKET_ALIGN - 1)) & ~(WINTUN_PACKET_ALIGN - 1); } ULONG wrap(ULONG value) { return value & (WINTUN_RING_CAPACITY - 1); } openvpn_io::io_context& io_context; TunPersist::Ptr tun_persist; // contains the TAP device HANDLE ClientConfig::Ptr config; TunClientParent& parent; TunProp::State::Ptr state; TunWin::SetupBase::Ptr tun_setup; BufferAllocated buf; Frame::Ptr frame; bool halt = false; ScopedHANDLE driver_handle; RingBuffer::Ptr ring_buffer; }; } }