XinYang_IOS / Pods / OpenVPNAdapter / Sources / OpenVPN3 / openvpn / tun / win / client / tunsetup.hpp
@zhangfeng zhangfeng on 7 Dec 2023 30 KB 1.8.0
//    OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks
//               over a single port, with support for SSL/TLS-based
//               session authentication and key exchange,
//               packet encryption, packet authentication, and
//               packet compression.
//    Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc.
//    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3
//    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
//    along with this program in the COPYING file.
//    If not, see <>.

// Client tun setup for Windows


#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <ostream>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <thread>

#include <openvpn/common/exception.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/rc.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/string.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/size.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/arraysize.hpp>
#include <openvpn/error/excode.hpp>
#include <openvpn/time/time.hpp>
#include <openvpn/tun/proxy.hpp>
#include <openvpn/tun/win/tunutil.hpp>
#include <openvpn/tun/win/winproxy.hpp>
#include <openvpn/tun/win/tunutil.hpp>
#include <openvpn/tun/win/client/setupbase.hpp>
#include <openvpn/win/scoped_handle.hpp>
#include <openvpn/win/cmd.hpp>

#if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 // Vista+
#include <openvpn/tun/win/nrpt.hpp>
#include <openvpn/tun/win/wfp.hpp>

#include <versionhelpers.h>

// use IP Helper on Windows by default

namespace openvpn {
  namespace TunWin {
    class Setup : public SetupBase
      typedef RCPtr<Setup> Ptr;

      Setup(openvpn_io::io_context& io_context_arg, bool wintun_arg=false)
	: delete_route_timer(io_context_arg),
	  wintun(wintun_arg) {}

      // Set up the TAP device
      virtual HANDLE establish(const TunBuilderCapture& pull,
			       const std::wstring& openvpn_app_path,
			       Stop* stop,
			       std::ostream& os,
			       RingBuffer::Ptr ring_buffer) override // defined by SetupBase
	// close out old remove cmds, if they exist

	// enumerate available TAP adapters
	Util::TapNameGuidPairList guids(wintun);
	os << "TAP ADAPTERS:" << std::endl << guids.to_string() << std::endl;

	// open TAP device handle
	std::string path_opened;
	Util::TapNameGuidPair tap;
	Win::ScopedHANDLE th(Util::tap_open(guids, path_opened, tap, wintun));
	const std::string msg = "Open TAP device \"" + + "\" PATH=\"" + path_opened + '\"';
	vpn_interface_index_ = tap.index;

	if (!th.defined())
	    os << msg << " FAILED" << std::endl;
	    throw ErrorCode(Error::TUN_IFACE_CREATE, true, "cannot acquire TAP handle");

	os << msg << " SUCCEEDED" << std::endl;
	if (!wintun)
	    Util::TAPDriverVersion version(th());
	    os << version.to_string() << std::endl;

	// create ActionLists for setting up and removing adapter properties
	ActionList::Ptr add_cmds(new ActionList());
	remove_cmds.reset(new ActionList());

	// populate add/remove lists with actions
	switch (pull.layer())
	  case Layer::OSI_LAYER_3:
	    adapter_config(th(), openvpn_app_path, tap, pull, false, *add_cmds, *remove_cmds, os);
	  case Layer::OSI_LAYER_2:
	    adapter_config_l2(th(), openvpn_app_path, tap, pull, *add_cmds, *remove_cmds, os);
	    throw tun_win_setup("layer undefined");
	// execute the add actions

	// now that the add actions have succeeded,
	// enable the remove actions

	// if layer 2, save state
	if (pull.layer() == Layer::OSI_LAYER_2)
	  l2_state.reset(new L2State(tap, openvpn_app_path));

	if (ring_buffer)
	  register_rings(th(), ring_buffer);

	if (!wintun && tap.index_defined())
	  Util::flush_arp(tap.index, os);

	return th.release();

      // In layer 2 mode, return true route_delay seconds after
      // the adapter properties matches the data given in pull.
      // This method is usually called once per second until it
      // returns true.
      virtual bool l2_ready(const TunBuilderCapture& pull) override
	const unsigned int route_delay = 5;
	if (l2_state)
	    if (l2_state->props_ready.defined())
		if (Time::now() >= l2_state->props_ready)
		  return true;
		const Util::IPNetmask4 vpn_addr(pull, "VPN IP");
		const Util::IPAdaptersInfo ai;
		if (ai.is_up(l2_state->tap.index, vpn_addr))
		  l2_state->props_ready = Time::now() + Time::Duration::seconds(route_delay);
	return false;

      // Finish the layer 2 configuration, should be called
      // after l2_ready() returns true.
      virtual void l2_finish(const TunBuilderCapture& pull,
			     Stop* stop,
			     std::ostream& os) override
	std::unique_ptr<L2State> l2s(std::move(l2_state));
	if (l2s)
	    Win::ScopedHANDLE nh;
	    ActionList::Ptr add_cmds(new ActionList());
	    adapter_config(nh(), l2s->openvpn_app_path, l2s->tap, pull, true, *add_cmds, *remove_cmds, os);

      virtual void destroy(std::ostream& os) override // defined by DestructorBase
	// l2_state

	// l2_thread
	if (l2_thread)
	    try {
	    catch (...)

	// remove_cmds
	if (remove_cmds)


	vpn_interface_index_ = DWORD(-1);

      virtual ~Setup()
	std::ostringstream os;

      DWORD vpn_interface_index() const
	return vpn_interface_index_;

      static void add_bypass_route(const Util::BestGateway& gw,
				   const std::string& route,
				   bool ipv6,
				   ActionList& add_cmds,
				   ActionList& remove_cmds_bypass_gw)
	if (!ipv6)
	    if (!gw.local_route())
		add_cmds.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip add route " + route + "/32 " + to_string(gw.interface_index()) + ' ' + gw.gateway_address() + " store=active"));
		remove_cmds_bypass_gw.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip delete route " + route + "/32 " + to_string(gw.interface_index()) + ' ' + gw.gateway_address() + " store=active"));
		OPENVPN_LOG("Skip bypass route to " << route << ", route is local");

      struct L2State
	L2State(const Util::TapNameGuidPair& tap_arg,
		const std::wstring& openvpn_app_path_arg)
	  : tap(tap_arg),

	Util::TapNameGuidPair tap;
	std::wstring openvpn_app_path;
	Time props_ready;

      class UseDNS
	UseDNS() {}

	UseDNS(const TunBuilderCapture& pull)
	  for (auto &ds : pull.dns_servers)
	    add(ds, pull);

	static bool enabled(const TunBuilderCapture::DNSServer& ds,
			    const TunBuilderCapture& pull)
	  if (ds.ipv6 && pull.block_ipv6)
	    return false;
	  return true;

	int add(const TunBuilderCapture::DNSServer& ds,
		const TunBuilderCapture& pull)
	  if (enabled(ds, pull))
	    return indices[ds.ipv6 ? 1 : 0]++;
	    return -1;

	int ipv4() const { return indices[0]; }
	int ipv6() const { return indices[1]; }

	int indices[2] = {0, 0};

      void register_rings(HANDLE handle, RingBuffer::Ptr ring_buffer)

	ZeroMemory(&rings, sizeof(rings));

	rings.receive.ring = ring_buffer->receive_ring();
	rings.receive.tail_moved = ring_buffer->receive_ring_tail_moved();
	rings.receive.ring_size = sizeof(rings.receive.ring->data);

	rings.send.ring = ring_buffer->send_ring();
	rings.send.tail_moved = ring_buffer->send_ring_tail_moved();
	rings.send.ring_size = sizeof(rings.send.ring->data);

	  Win::Impersonate imp(true);

	  DWORD len;
	  if (!DeviceIoControl(handle, TUN_IOCTL_REGISTER_RINGS, &rings, sizeof(rings), NULL, 0, &len, NULL))
	      const Win::LastError err;
	      throw ErrorCode(Error::TUN_REGISTER_RINGS_ERROR, true, "Error registering ring buffers: " + err.message());

#if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600
      // Configure TAP adapter on Vista and higher
      void adapter_config(HANDLE th,
			  const std::wstring& openvpn_app_path,
			  const Util::TapNameGuidPair& tap,
			  const TunBuilderCapture& pull,
			  const bool l2_post,
			  ActionList& create,
			  ActionList& destroy,
			  std::ostream& os)
	// Windows interface index
	const std::string tap_index_name = tap.index_or_name();

	// special IPv6 next-hop recognized by TAP driver (magic)
	const std::string ipv6_next_hop = "fe80::8";

	// set local4 and local6 to point to IPv4/6 route configurations
	const TunBuilderCapture::RouteAddress* local4 = pull.vpn_ipv4();
	const TunBuilderCapture::RouteAddress* local6 = pull.vpn_ipv6();

	if (!l2_post)
	    // set TAP media status to CONNECTED
	    if (!wintun)
	      Util::tap_set_media_status(th, true);

	    // try to delete any stale routes on interface left over from previous session
	    create.add(new Util::ActionDeleteAllRoutesOnInterface(tap.index));

	// Set IPv4 Interface
	// Usage: set address [name=]<string>
	//  [[source=]dhcp|static]
	//  [[address=]<IPv4 address>[/<integer>] [[mask=]<IPv4 mask>]
	//  [[gateway=]<IPv4 address>|none [gwmetric=]<integer>]
	//  [[type=]unicast|anycast]
	//  [[subinterface=]<string>]
	//  [[store=]active|persistent]
	// Usage: delete address [name=]<string> [[address=]<IPv4 address>]
	//  [[gateway=]<IPv4 address>|all]
	//  [[store=]active|persistent]
	if (local4)
	    // Process ifconfig and topology
	    if (!l2_post)
		// set lowest interface metric to make Windows use pushed DNS search domain
		create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip set interface " + tap_index_name + " metric=1"));

		const std::string metric = route_metric_opt(pull, *local4, MT_IFACE);
		const std::string netmask = IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(local4->prefix_length).to_string();
		const IP::Addr localaddr = IP::Addr::from_string(local4->address);
		const IP::Addr remoteaddr = IP::Addr::from_string(local4->gateway);
		if (!wintun)
		    if (local4->net30)
		      Util::tap_configure_topology_net30(th, localaddr, remoteaddr);
		      Util::tap_configure_topology_subnet(th, localaddr, local4->prefix_length);
		create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip set address " + tap_index_name + " static " + local4->address + ' ' + netmask + " gateway=" + local4->gateway + metric + " store=active"));
		destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip delete address " + tap_index_name + ' ' + local4->address + " gateway=all store=active"));

		// specifying 'gateway' when setting ip address makes Windows add unnecessary route,
		// which might cause routing conflicts, so we have to delete it after a small delay.
		// If route is deleted before profile is created, then profile won't be created at all (OVPN-135)
		WinCmd::Ptr cmd = new WinCmd("netsh interface ip delete route " + tap_index_name + ' ' + local4->gateway + " store=active");
		delete_route_timer.async_wait([self=Ptr(this), cmd=std::move(cmd)](const openvpn_io::error_code& error)
						if (!error)
						    std::ostringstream os;

	// Should we block IPv6?
	if (pull.block_ipv6)
	    static const char *const block_ipv6_net[] = {
	    for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(block_ipv6_net); ++i)
		create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 add route " + std::string(block_ipv6_net[i]) + " interface=1 store=active"));
		destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 delete route " + std::string(block_ipv6_net[i]) + " interface=1 store=active"));

	// Set IPv6 Interface
	// Usage: set address [interface=]<string> [address=]<IPv6 address>
	//  [[type=]unicast|anycast]
	//  [[validlifetime=]<integer>|infinite]
	//  [[preferredlifetime=]<integer>|infinite]
	//  [[store=]active|persistent]
	//Usage: delete address [interface=]<string> [address=]<IPv6 address>
	//  [[store=]active|persistent]
	if (local6 && !pull.block_ipv6 && !l2_post)
	    create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 set address " + tap_index_name + ' ' + local6->address + " store=active"));
	    destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 delete address " + tap_index_name + ' ' + local6->address + " store=active"));

	    create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 add route " + local6->gateway + '/' + to_string(local6->prefix_length) + ' ' + tap_index_name + ' ' + ipv6_next_hop + " store=active"));
	    destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 delete route " + local6->gateway + '/' + to_string(local6->prefix_length) + ' ' + tap_index_name + ' ' + ipv6_next_hop + " store=active"));

	// Process Routes
	// Usage: add route [prefix=]<IPv4 address>/<integer> [interface=]<string>
	//  [[nexthop=]<IPv4 address>] [[siteprefixlength=]<integer>]
	//  [[metric=]<integer>] [[publish=]no|age|yes]
	//  [[validlifetime=]<integer>|infinite]
	//  [[preferredlifetime=]<integer>|infinite]
	//  [[store=]active|persistent]
	// Usage: delete route [prefix=]<IPv4 address>/<integer> [interface=]<string>
	//  [[nexthop=]<IPv4 address>]
	//  [[store=]active|persistent]
	// Usage: add route [prefix=]<IPv6 address>/<integer> [interface=]<string>
	//  [[nexthop=]<IPv6 address>] [[siteprefixlength=]<integer>]
	//  [[metric=]<integer>] [[publish=]no|age|yes]
	//  [[validlifetime=]<integer>|infinite]
	//  [[preferredlifetime=]<integer>|infinite]
	//  [[store=]active|persistent]
	// Usage: delete route [prefix=]<IPv6 address>/<integer> [interface=]<string>
	//  [[nexthop=]<IPv6 address>]
	//  [[store=]active|persistent]
	  for (auto &route : pull.add_routes)
	      if (route.ipv6)
		  if (!pull.block_ipv6)
		      const std::string metric = route_metric_opt(pull, route, MT_NETSH);
		      create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 add route " + route.address + '/' + to_string(route.prefix_length) + ' ' + tap_index_name + ' ' + ipv6_next_hop + metric + " store=active"));
		      destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 delete route " + route.address + '/' + to_string(route.prefix_length) + ' ' + tap_index_name + ' ' + ipv6_next_hop + " store=active"));
		  if (local4)
		      int metric = pull.route_metric_default;
		      if (route.metric >= 0)
			metric = route.metric;
		      create.add(new TUNWINDOWS::AddRoute4Cmd(route.address, route.prefix_length, tap,  local4->gateway, metric, true));
		      destroy.add(new TUNWINDOWS::AddRoute4Cmd(route.address, route.prefix_length, tap, local4->gateway, metric, false));
		    throw tun_win_setup("IPv4 routes pushed without IPv4 ifconfig");

	// Process exclude routes
	if (!pull.exclude_routes.empty())
	    const Util::BestGateway gw;
	    if (gw.defined())
		bool ipv6_error = false;
		for (auto &route : pull.exclude_routes)
		    const std::string metric = route_metric_opt(pull, route, MT_NETSH);
		    if (route.ipv6)
			ipv6_error = true;
			create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip add route " + route.address + '/' + to_string(route.prefix_length) + ' ' + to_string(gw.interface_index()) + ' ' + gw.gateway_address() + metric + " store=active"));
			destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip delete route " + route.address + '/' + to_string(route.prefix_length) + ' ' + to_string(gw.interface_index()) + ' ' + gw.gateway_address() + " store=active"));
		if (ipv6_error)
		  os << "NOTE: exclude IPv6 routes not currently supported" << std::endl;
	      os << "NOTE: exclude routes error: cannot detect default gateway" << std::endl;

	// Process IPv4 redirect-gateway
	if (pull.reroute_gw.ipv4)
	    // get default gateway
	    const Util::BestGateway gw{ pull.remote_address.address, tap.index };

	    if (!gw.local_route())
		// add server bypass route
		if (gw.defined())
		    if (!pull.remote_address.ipv6 && !(pull.reroute_gw.flags & RedirectGatewayFlags::RG_LOCAL))
		      add_bypass_route(gw, pull.remote_address.address, false, create, destroy);
		  throw tun_win_setup("redirect-gateway error: cannot find gateway for bypass route");

	    create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip add route " + tap_index_name + ' ' + local4->gateway + " store=active"));
	    create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip add route " + tap_index_name + ' ' + local4->gateway + " store=active"));
	    destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip delete route " + tap_index_name + ' ' + local4->gateway + " store=active"));
	    destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip delete route " + tap_index_name + ' ' + local4->gateway + " store=active"));

	// Process IPv6 redirect-gateway
	if (pull.reroute_gw.ipv6 && !pull.block_ipv6)
	    create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 add route 0::/1 " + tap_index_name + ' ' + ipv6_next_hop + " store=active"));
	    create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 add route 8000::/1 " + tap_index_name + ' ' + ipv6_next_hop + " store=active"));
	    destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 delete route 0::/1 " + tap_index_name + ' ' + ipv6_next_hop + " store=active"));
	    destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ipv6 delete route 8000::/1 " + tap_index_name + ' ' + ipv6_next_hop + " store=active"));

	// Process DNS Servers
	// Usage: set dnsservers [name=]<string> [source=]dhcp|static
	//  [[address=]<IP address>|none]
	//  [[register=]none|primary|both]
	//  [[validate=]yes|no]
	// Usage: add dnsservers [name=]<string> [address=]<IPv4 address>
	//  [[index=]<integer>] [[validate=]yes|no]
	// Usage: delete dnsservers [name=]<string> [[address=]<IP address>|all] [[validate=]yes|no]
	// Usage: set dnsservers [name=]<string> [source=]dhcp|static
	//  [[address=]<IPv6 address>|none]
	//  [[register=]none|primary|both]
	//  [[validate=]yes|no]
	// Usage: add dnsservers [name=]<string> [address=]<IPv6 address>
	//  [[index=]<integer>] [[validate=]yes|no]
	// Usage: delete dnsservers [name=]<string> [[address=]<IPv6 address>|all] [[validate=]yes|no]
	  // fix for vista and dnsserver vs win7+ dnsservers
	  std::string dns_servers_cmd = "dnsservers";
	  std::string validate_cmd = " validate=no";
	  if (IsWindowsVistaOrGreater() && !IsWindows7OrGreater()) {
	    dns_servers_cmd = "dnsserver";
	    validate_cmd = "";

#if 1
	  // normal production setting
	  const bool use_nrpt = IsWindows8OrGreater();
	  const bool use_wfp = IsWindows8OrGreater();
	  const bool add_netsh_rules = true;
	  // test NRPT registry settings on pre-Win8
	  const bool use_nrpt = true;
	  const bool use_wfp = true;
	  const bool add_netsh_rules = true;
	  // determine IPv4/IPv6 DNS redirection
	  const UseDNS dns(pull);

	  // will DNS requests be split between VPN DNS server and local?
	  const bool split_dns = (!pull.search_domains.empty()
				  && !(pull.reroute_gw.ipv4 && dns.ipv4())
				  && !(pull.reroute_gw.ipv6 && dns.ipv6()));

	  // add DNS servers via netsh
	  if (add_netsh_rules && !(use_nrpt && split_dns) && !l2_post)
	      UseDNS dc;
	      for (auto &ds : pull.dns_servers)
		  // 0-based index for specific IPv4/IPv6 protocol, or -1 if disabled
		  const int count = dc.add(ds, pull);
		  if (count >= 0)
		      const std::string proto = ds.ipv6 ? "ipv6" : "ip";
		      if (count)
			create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface " + proto + " add " + dns_servers_cmd + " " + tap_index_name + ' ' + ds.address + " " + to_string(count+1) + validate_cmd));
			  create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface " + proto + " set " + dns_servers_cmd + " " + tap_index_name + " static " + ds.address + " register=primary" + validate_cmd));
			  destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface " + proto + " delete " + dns_servers_cmd + " " + tap_index_name + " all" + validate_cmd));

	  // If NRPT enabled and at least one IPv4 or IPv6 DNS
	  // server was added, add NRPT registry entries to
	  // route DNS through the tunnel.
	  // Also consider selective DNS routing using domain
	  // suffix list from pull.search_domains as set by
	  // "dhcp-option DOMAIN ..." directives.
	  if (use_nrpt && (dns.ipv4() || dns.ipv6()))
	      // domain suffix list
	      std::vector<std::string> dsfx;

	      // Only add DNS routing suffixes if not rerouting gateway.
	      // Otherwise, route all DNS requests with wildcard (".").
	      if (split_dns)
		  for (const auto &sd : pull.search_domains)
		      std::string dom = sd.domain;
		      if (!dom.empty())
			  // each DNS suffix must begin with '.'
			  if (dom[0] != '.')
			    dom = "." + dom;
	      if (dsfx.empty())

	      // DNS server list
	      std::vector<std::string> dserv;
	      for (const auto &ds : pull.dns_servers)

	      create.add(new NRPT::ActionCreate(dsfx, dserv));
	      destroy.add(new NRPT::ActionDelete);

	  // Use WFP for DNS leak protection.
	  // If we added DNS servers, block DNS on all interfaces except
	  // the TAP adapter.
	  if (use_wfp && !split_dns && !openvpn_app_path.empty() && (dns.ipv4() || dns.ipv6()))
	      create.add(new ActionWFP(openvpn_app_path, tap.index, true, wfp));
	      destroy.add(new ActionWFP(openvpn_app_path, tap.index, false, wfp));

	// Set a default TAP-adapter domain suffix using
	// "dhcp-option ADAPTER_DOMAIN_SUFFIX" directive.
	if (!pull.adapter_domain_suffix.empty())
	    // Only the first search domain is used
	    create.add(new Util::ActionSetAdapterDomainSuffix(pull.adapter_domain_suffix, tap.guid));
	    destroy.add(new Util::ActionSetAdapterDomainSuffix("", tap.guid));

	// Process WINS Servers
	// Usage: set winsservers [name=]<string> [source=]dhcp|static
	//  [[address=]<IP address>|none]
	// Usage: add winsservers [name=]<string> [address=]<IP address> [[index=]<integer>]
	// Usage: delete winsservers [name=]<string> [[address=]<IP address>|all]
	  for (size_t i = 0; i < pull.wins_servers.size(); ++i)
	      const TunBuilderCapture::WINSServer& ws = pull.wins_servers[i];
	      if (i)
		create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip add winsservers " + tap_index_name + ' ' + ws.address + ' ' + to_string(i+1)));
		  create.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip set winsservers " + tap_index_name + " static " + ws.address));
		  destroy.add(new WinCmd("netsh interface ip delete winsservers " + tap_index_name + " all"));

	OPENVPN_LOG("proxy_auto_config_url " << pull.proxy_auto_config_url.url);
	if (pull.proxy_auto_config_url.defined())
	  ProxySettings::add_actions<WinProxySettings>(pull, create, destroy);

	// flush DNS cache
	create.add(new WinCmd("ipconfig /flushdns"));
	destroy.add(new WinCmd("ipconfig /flushdns"));
      // Configure TAP adapter for pre-Vista
      // Currently we don't support IPv6 on pre-Vista
      void adapter_config(HANDLE th,
			  const std::wstring& openvpn_app_path,
			  const Util::TapNameGuidPair& tap,
			  const TunBuilderCapture& pull,
			  const bool l2_post,
			  ActionList& create,
			  ActionList& destroy,
			  std::ostream& os)
	// Windows interface index
	const std::string tap_index_name = tap.index_or_name();

	// get default gateway
	const Util::DefaultGateway gw;

	// set local4 to point to IPv4 route configurations
	const TunBuilderCapture::RouteAddress* local4 = pull.vpn_ipv4();

	// This section skipped on layer 2 post-config
	if (!l2_post)
	    // Make sure the TAP adapter is set for DHCP
	      const Util::IPAdaptersInfo ai;
	      if (!ai.is_dhcp_enabled(tap.index))
		  os << "TAP: DHCP is disabled, attempting to enable" << std::endl;
		  ActionList::Ptr cmds(new ActionList());
		  cmds->add(new Util::ActionEnableDHCP(tap));

	    // Set IPv4 Interface
	    if (local4)
		// Process ifconfig and topology
		const std::string netmask = IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(local4->prefix_length).to_string();
		const IP::Addr localaddr = IP::Addr::from_string(local4->address);
		if (local4->net30)
		  Util::tap_configure_topology_net30(th, localaddr, local4->prefix_length);
		  Util::tap_configure_topology_subnet(th, localaddr, local4->prefix_length);

	    // On pre-Vista, set up TAP adapter DHCP masquerade for
	    // configuring adapter properties.
	      os << "TAP: configure DHCP masquerade" << std::endl;
	      Util::TAPDHCPMasquerade dhmasq;

	    // set TAP media status to CONNECTED
	    if (!wintun)
	      Util::tap_set_media_status(th, true);

	    // ARP
	    Util::flush_arp(tap.index, os);

	    // DHCP release/renew
	      const Util::InterfaceInfoList ii;
	      Util::dhcp_release(ii, tap.index, os);
	      Util::dhcp_renew(ii, tap.index, os);

	    // Wait for TAP adapter to come up
	      bool succeed = false;
	      const Util::IPNetmask4 vpn_addr(pull, "VPN IP");
	      for (int i = 1; i <= 30; ++i)
		  os << '[' << i << "] waiting for TAP adapter to receive DHCP settings..." << std::endl;
		  const Util::IPAdaptersInfo ai;
		  if (ai.is_up(tap.index, vpn_addr))
		      succeed = true;
	      if (!succeed)
		throw tun_win_setup("TAP adapter DHCP handshake failed");

	    // Pre route-add sleep
	    os << "Sleeping 5 seconds prior to adding routes..." << std::endl;

	// Process routes
	for (auto &route : pull.add_routes)
	    const std::string metric = route_metric_opt(pull, route, MT_ROUTE);
	    if (!route.ipv6)
		if (local4)
		    const std::string netmask = IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(route.prefix_length).to_string();
		    create.add(new WinCmd("route ADD " + route.address + " MASK " + netmask + ' ' + local4->gateway + metric));
		    destroy.add(new WinCmd("route DELETE " + route.address + " MASK " + netmask + ' ' + local4->gateway));
		  throw tun_win_setup("IPv4 routes pushed without IPv4 ifconfig");

	// Process exclude routes
	if (!pull.exclude_routes.empty())
	    if (gw.defined())
		for (auto &route : pull.exclude_routes)
		    const std::string metric = route_metric_opt(pull, route, MT_ROUTE);
		    if (!route.ipv6)
			const std::string netmask = IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(route.prefix_length).to_string();
			create.add(new WinCmd("route ADD " + route.address + " MASK " + netmask + ' ' + gw.gateway_address() + metric));
			destroy.add(new WinCmd("route DELETE " + route.address + " MASK " + netmask + ' ' + gw.gateway_address()));
	      os << "NOTE: exclude routes error: cannot detect default gateway" << std::endl;

	// Process IPv4 redirect-gateway
	if (pull.reroute_gw.ipv4)
	    // add server bypass route
	    if (gw.defined())
		if (!pull.remote_address.ipv6)
		    create.add(new WinCmd("route ADD " + pull.remote_address.address + " MASK " + gw.gateway_address()));
		    destroy.add(new WinCmd("route DELETE " + pull.remote_address.address + " MASK " + gw.gateway_address()));
	      throw tun_win_setup("redirect-gateway error: cannot detect default gateway");

	    create.add(new WinCmd("route ADD MASK " + local4->gateway));
	    create.add(new WinCmd("route ADD MASK " + local4->gateway));
	    destroy.add(new WinCmd("route DELETE MASK " + local4->gateway));
	    destroy.add(new WinCmd("route DELETE MASK " + local4->gateway));

	// flush DNS cache
	//create.add(new WinCmd("net stop dnscache"));
	//create.add(new WinCmd("net start dnscache"));
	create.add(new WinCmd("ipconfig /flushdns"));
	//create.add(new WinCmd("ipconfig /registerdns"));
	destroy.add(new WinCmd("ipconfig /flushdns"));

      void adapter_config_l2(HANDLE th,
			     const std::wstring& openvpn_app_path,
			     const Util::TapNameGuidPair& tap,
			     const TunBuilderCapture& pull,
			     ActionList& create,
			     ActionList& destroy,
			     std::ostream& os)
	// Make sure the TAP adapter is set for DHCP
	  const Util::IPAdaptersInfo ai;
	  if (!ai.is_dhcp_enabled(tap.index))
	      os << "TAP: DHCP is disabled, attempting to enable" << std::endl;
	      ActionList::Ptr cmds(new ActionList());
	      cmds->add(new Util::ActionEnableDHCP(tap));

	// set TAP media status to CONNECTED
	Util::tap_set_media_status(th, true);

	// ARP
	Util::flush_arp(tap.index, os);

	// We must do DHCP release/renew in a background thread
	// so the foreground can forward the DHCP negotiation packets
	// over the tunnel.
	l2_thread.reset(new std::thread([tap, logwrap=Log::Context::Wrapper()]() {
	      Log::Context logctx(logwrap);
	      const Util::InterfaceInfoList ii;
		std::ostringstream os;
		Util::dhcp_release(ii, tap.index, os);
		std::ostringstream os;
		Util::dhcp_renew(ii, tap.index, os);

      enum MetricType {

      static std::string route_metric_opt(const TunBuilderCapture& pull,
					  const TunBuilderCapture::RouteBase& route,
					  const MetricType mt)
	int metric = pull.route_metric_default;
	if (route.metric >= 0)
	  metric = route.metric;
	if (metric >= 0)
	    switch (mt)
	      case MT_ROUTE:
		return " METRIC " + std::to_string(metric);    // route command form
	      case MT_NETSH:
		return " metric=" + std::to_string(metric);    // "netsh interface ip[v6] add route" form
	      case MT_IFACE:
		return " gwmetric=" + std::to_string(metric);  // "netsh interface ip set address" form
	return "";

#if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 // Vista+
      TunWin::WFPContext::Ptr wfp{new TunWin::WFPContext};

      std::unique_ptr<std::thread> l2_thread;
      std::unique_ptr<L2State> l2_state;

      DWORD vpn_interface_index_ = DWORD(-1);
      ActionList::Ptr remove_cmds;

      AsioTimer delete_route_timer;

      bool wintun = false;
