// OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks // over a single port, with support for SSL/TLS-based // session authentication and key exchange, // packet encryption, packet authentication, and // packet compression. // // Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 // as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program in the COPYING file. // If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // This class will read a standard OpenVPN config file that might contain // references to other files, and it will merge the included files into the // config file, using inline configuration syntax, to produce a single, // unified config file. #ifndef OPENVPN_OPTIONS_MERGE_H #define OPENVPN_OPTIONS_MERGE_H #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <openvpn/common/size.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/exception.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/options.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/string.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/split.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/path.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/file.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/splitlines.hpp> namespace openvpn { class ProfileMerge { // internal flags enum { F_MAY_INCLUDE_KEY_DIRECTION = (1<<0), F_PKCS12 = (1<<1), F_HTTP_PROXY = (1<<2), }; // limits enum { MAX_FN_LIST_SIZE=16, }; public: OPENVPN_EXCEPTION(merge_error); // public status values enum Status { MERGE_UNDEFINED, MERGE_SUCCESS, MERGE_EXCEPTION, MERGE_OVPN_EXT_FAIL, MERGE_OVPN_FILE_FAIL, MERGE_REF_FAIL, MERGE_MULTIPLE_REF_FAIL, }; // merge status Status status() const { return status_; } const std::string& error() const { return error_; } // merge path basename const std::string& basename() const { return basename_; } // final unified profile const std::string& profile_content() const { return profile_content_; } // list of all reference paths successfully read const std::vector<std::string>& ref_path_list() const { return ref_succeed_list_; } // merge status as a string const char *status_string() const { switch (status_) { case MERGE_UNDEFINED: return "MERGE_UNDEFINED"; case MERGE_SUCCESS: return "MERGE_SUCCESS"; case MERGE_EXCEPTION: return "MERGE_EXCEPTION"; case MERGE_OVPN_EXT_FAIL: return "MERGE_OVPN_EXT_FAIL"; case MERGE_OVPN_FILE_FAIL: return "MERGE_OVPN_FILE_FAIL"; case MERGE_REF_FAIL: return "MERGE_REF_FAIL"; case MERGE_MULTIPLE_REF_FAIL: return "MERGE_MULTIPLE_REF_FAIL"; default: return "MERGE_?"; } } // allow following of external file references enum Follow { FOLLOW_NONE, FOLLOW_PARTIAL, FOLLOW_FULL, }; ProfileMerge(const std::string& profile_path, const std::string& profile_ext, const std::string& profile_dir_override, const Follow follow_references, const size_t max_line_len, const size_t max_size) : status_(MERGE_UNDEFINED) { try { size_t total_size = 0; // read the profile std::string orig_profile_content; std::string profile_dir; try { profile_dir = !profile_dir_override.empty() ? profile_dir_override : path::dirname(profile_path); basename_ = path::basename(profile_path); const std::string ext = path::ext(basename_); if (profile_ext.empty() || string::strcasecmp(ext, profile_ext) == 0) { orig_profile_content = read_text_utf8(profile_path, max_size); total_size = orig_profile_content.size(); } else { status_ = MERGE_OVPN_EXT_FAIL; error_ = std::string("ERR_PROFILE_NO_OVPN_EXTENSION: ") + basename_; return; } } catch (const file_is_binary& e) { status_ = MERGE_OVPN_FILE_FAIL; error_ = std::string("ERR_PROFILE_FILE_IS_BINARY: ") + e.what(); return; } catch (const file_too_large& e) { status_ = MERGE_OVPN_FILE_FAIL; error_ = std::string("ERR_PROFILE_FILE_TOO_LARGE: ") + e.what(); return; } catch (const std::exception& e) { status_ = MERGE_OVPN_FILE_FAIL; error_ = std::string("ERR_PROFILE_GENERIC: ") + e.what(); return; } // expand the profile expand_profile(orig_profile_content, profile_dir, follow_references, max_line_len, max_size, total_size); } catch (const std::exception& e) { status_ = MERGE_EXCEPTION; error_ = std::string("ERR_PROFILE_GENERIC: ") + e.what(); } } static std::string merge(const std::string& profile_path, const std::string& profile_ext, const std::string& profile_dir_override, const Follow follow_references, const size_t max_line_len, const size_t max_size) { const ProfileMerge pm(profile_path, profile_ext, profile_dir_override, follow_references, max_line_len, max_size); if (pm.status() == ProfileMerge::MERGE_SUCCESS) return pm.profile_content(); else OPENVPN_THROW(merge_error, pm.status_string() << ": " << pm.error()); } protected: ProfileMerge() : status_(MERGE_UNDEFINED) {} void expand_profile(const std::string& orig_profile_content, const std::string& profile_dir, const Follow follow_references, const size_t max_line_len, const size_t max_size, size_t total_size) { if (total_size > max_size) { status_ = MERGE_EXCEPTION; error_ = "ERR_PROFILE_FILE_TOO_LARGE: file too large"; return; } status_ = MERGE_SUCCESS; SplitLines in(orig_profile_content, max_line_len); int line_num = 0; bool in_multiline = false; bool opaque_multiline = false; Option multiline; profile_content_.reserve(orig_profile_content.length()); while (in(true)) { if (in.line_overflow()) { status_ = MERGE_EXCEPTION; error_ = "ERR_PROFILE_LINE_TOO_LONG: line too long"; return; } const std::string& line = in.line_ref(); bool echo = true; ++line_num; if (in_multiline) { if (OptionList::is_close_tag(line, multiline.ref(0))) { multiline.clear(); in_multiline = false; opaque_multiline = false; } } else if (!OptionList::ignore_line(line)) { Option opt = Split::by_space<Option, OptionList::LexComment, SpaceMatch, Split::NullLimit>(line); if (opt.size()) { if (OptionList::is_open_tag(opt.ref(0)) && opt.size() == 1) { OptionList::untag_open_tag(opt.ref(0)); multiline = opt; in_multiline = true; unsigned int flags = 0; // not used opaque_multiline = is_fileref_directive(multiline.ref(0), flags); } else { unsigned int flags = 0; bool is_fileref = (!opaque_multiline && opt.size() >= 2 && is_fileref_directive(opt.ref(0), flags)); if (is_fileref) { // check if http-proxy directive references a creds file if (flags & F_HTTP_PROXY) { is_fileref = false; if (opt.size() >= 4) { const std::string authfile = opt.get(3, 256); if (authfile != "auto" && authfile != "auto-nct") { opt.ref(3) = "auto"; profile_content_ += opt.escape(false); profile_content_ += '\n'; opt.ref(0) = "http-proxy-user-pass"; opt.ref(1) = authfile; opt.resize(2); is_fileref = true; } } } } if (is_fileref) { // found a directive referencing a file // get basename of file and make sure that it doesn't // attempt to traverse directories (unless // follow_references == FOLLOW_FULL) const std::string fn_str = opt.get(1, 256); const std::string fn = (follow_references == FOLLOW_FULL ? fn_str : path::basename(fn_str)); if (fn.empty()) { echo = false; status_ = MERGE_REF_FAIL; error_ = "ERR_PROFILE_NO_FILENAME: filename not provided"; } else if (follow_references != FOLLOW_FULL && !path::is_flat(fn)) { echo = false; status_ = MERGE_REF_FAIL; error_ = std::string("ERR_PROFILE_CANT_FOLLOW_LINK: ") + fn; if (ref_fail_list_.size() < MAX_FN_LIST_SIZE) ref_fail_list_.push_back(fn); } else { std::string path; std::string file_content; bool error = false; try { if (follow_references == FOLLOW_NONE) { status_ = MERGE_EXCEPTION; error_ = std::string("ERR_PROFILE_CANT_FOLLOW_LINK: ") + fn + ": cannot follow file reference"; return; } path = path::join(profile_dir, fn); file_content = read_text_utf8(path, max_size); total_size += file_content.size(); if (total_size > max_size) { status_ = MERGE_EXCEPTION; error_ = std::string("ERR_PROFILE_FILE_TOO_LARGE: ") + fn + ": file too large"; return; } OptionList::detect_multiline_breakout(file_content, opt.ref(0)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { error = true; status_ = MERGE_REF_FAIL; error_ = std::string("ERR_PROFILE_GENERIC: ") + fn + " : " + e.what(); if (ref_fail_list_.size() < MAX_FN_LIST_SIZE) ref_fail_list_.push_back(fn); } if (!error) // succeeded in reading file? { // don't echo this line, i.e. opt[], instead expand file_content into profile echo = false; // tls-auth or secret directive may include key-direction parameter if (flags & F_MAY_INCLUDE_KEY_DIRECTION) { std::string key_direction; if (opt.size() >= 3) key_direction = opt.get(2, 16); else key_direction = "bidirectional"; profile_content_ += "key-direction " + key_direction + "\n"; } // format file_content for appending to profile { std::ostringstream os; const std::string& tag = opt.ref(0); string::add_trailing(file_content, '\n'); os << '<' << tag << ">\n" << file_content << "</" << tag << ">\n"; profile_content_ += os.str(); } // save file we referenced if (ref_succeed_list_.size() < MAX_FN_LIST_SIZE) ref_succeed_list_.push_back(path); } } } } } } if (echo) { profile_content_ += line; profile_content_ += '\n'; } } // If more than 2 errors occurred, change status to // MERGE_MULTIPLE_REF_FAIL and enumerate each failed file. if (ref_fail_list_.size() >= 2) { status_ = MERGE_MULTIPLE_REF_FAIL; error_ = "ERR_PROFILE_GENERIC: "; for (size_t i = 0; i < ref_fail_list_.size(); ++i) { if (i) error_ += ", "; error_ += ref_fail_list_[i]; } } } static bool is_fileref_directive(const std::string& d, unsigned int& flags) { if (d.length() > 0) { switch (d[0]) { case 'a': return d == "auth-user-pass"; case 'c': return d == "ca" || d == "cert" || d == "crl-verify"; case 'd': return d == "dh"; case 'e': return d == "extra-certs"; case 'h': if (d == "http-proxy") { flags |= F_HTTP_PROXY; return true; } return false; case 'k': return d == "key"; #if 0 // define when we have capability to parse out pkcs12 from profile and add to Keychain (fixme) case 'p': if (d == "pkcs12") { flags |= F_PKCS12; return true; } return false; #endif case 'r': if (d == "relay-extra-ca") return true; if (d == "relay-tls-auth") { flags |= F_MAY_INCLUDE_KEY_DIRECTION; return true; } return false; case 's': if (d == "static-key") return true; return false; case 't': if (d == "tls-auth") { flags |= F_MAY_INCLUDE_KEY_DIRECTION; return true; } if (d == "tls-crypt") return true; if (d == "tls-crypt-v2") return true; return false; } } return false; } Status status_; std::string profile_content_; std::string basename_; std::string error_; std::vector<std::string> ref_fail_list_; std::vector<std::string> ref_succeed_list_; }; class ProfileMergeFromString : public ProfileMerge { public: ProfileMergeFromString(const std::string& profile_content, const std::string& ref_dir, const Follow follow_references, const size_t max_line_len, const size_t max_size) { try { // expand the profile expand_profile(profile_content, ref_dir, follow_references, max_line_len, max_size, profile_content.size()); } catch (const std::exception& e) { status_ = MERGE_EXCEPTION; error_ = std::string("ERR_PROFILE_GENERIC: ") + e.what(); } } static std::string merge(const std::string& profile_content, const std::string& ref_dir, const Follow follow_references, const size_t max_line_len, const size_t max_size) { const ProfileMergeFromString pm(profile_content, ref_dir, follow_references, max_line_len, max_size); if (pm.status() == ProfileMerge::MERGE_SUCCESS) return pm.profile_content(); else OPENVPN_THROW(merge_error, pm.status_string() << ": " << pm.error()); } }; } #endif