XinYang_IOS / Carthage / Checkouts / OpenVPNAdapter / Sources / OpenVPN3 / openvpn / proxy / ntlm.hpp
@zhangfeng zhangfeng on 7 Dec 2023 7 KB 1.8.0
//    OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks
//               over a single port, with support for SSL/TLS-based
//               session authentication and key exchange,
//               packet encryption, packet authentication, and
//               packet compression.
//    Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc.
//    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3
//    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
//    along with this program in the COPYING file.
//    If not, see <>.

// Low-level methods used to implement NTLMv2 proxy authentication


#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint> // for std::uint32_t, uint64_t

#include <openvpn/common/size.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/exception.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/base64.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/split.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/unicode.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/string.hpp>
#include <openvpn/time/time.hpp>
#include <openvpn/buffer/buffer.hpp>
#include <openvpn/crypto/digestapi.hpp>

namespace openvpn {
  namespace HTTPProxy {

    class NTLM
       * NTLMv2 handshake

      static std::string phase_1()

      static std::string phase_3(DigestFactory& digest_factory,
				 const std::string& phase_2_response,
				 const std::string& dom_username,
				 const std::string& password,
				 RandomAPI& rng)
	// sanity checks
	if (dom_username.empty())
	  throw Exception("username is blank");
	if (password.empty())
	  throw Exception("password is blank");

	// ensure that RNG is crypto-strength

	// split domain\username
	std::string domain;
	std::string username;
	split_domain_username(dom_username, domain, username);

	// convert password from utf-8 to utf-16 and take an MD4 hash of it
	BufferPtr password_u = Unicode::string_to_utf16(password);
	DigestInstance::Ptr md4_ctx(digest_factory.new_digest(CryptoAlgs::MD4));
	md4_ctx->update(password_u->c_data(), password_u->size());
	unsigned char md4_hash[21];
	std::memset(md4_hash + 16, 0, 5); // pad to 21 bytes

	// decode phase_2_response from base64 to raw data
	BufferAllocated response(phase_2_response.size(), 0);
	base64->decode(response, phase_2_response);

	// extract the challenge from bytes 24-31 in the response
	unsigned char challenge[8];
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
	  challenge[i] = response[i+24];

	// concatenate uppercase(username) + domain,
	// convert to utf-16, and run it through HMAC-MD5
	// keyed to md4_hash
	const std::string ud = string::to_upper_copy(username) + domain;
	BufferPtr ud_u = Unicode::string_to_utf16(ud);
	HMACInstance::Ptr hmac_ctx1(digest_factory.new_hmac(CryptoAlgs::MD5, md4_hash, 16));
	hmac_ctx1->update(ud_u->c_data(), ud_u->size());
	unsigned char ntlmv2_hash[16];

	// NTLMv2 Blob
	unsigned char ntlmv2_response[144];
	unsigned char *ntlmv2_blob = ntlmv2_response + 16; // inside ntlmv2_response, length: 128
	memset(ntlmv2_blob, 0, 128);           // clear blob buffer
	ntlmv2_blob[0x00]=1;                   // signature
	ntlmv2_blob[0x01]=1;                   // signature
	ntlmv2_blob[0x04]=0;                   // reserved
	store_win_time(ntlmv2_blob + 0x08);    // 64-bit Windows-style timestamp
	rng.rand_bytes(ntlmv2_blob + 0x10, 8); // 64-bit client nonce
	ntlmv2_blob[0x18]=0;                   // unknown, zero should work

	// add target information block to the blob
	size_t tib_len = 0;
	if (response[0x16] & 0x80)     // check for Target Information block (TIB)
	    tib_len = response[0x28];  // get TIB size
	    if (tib_len > 96)
	      tib_len = 96;
	    const size_t tib_offset = response[0x2c];
	    if (tib_offset + tib_len < response.size())
		const unsigned char *tib_ptr = response.c_data() + tib_offset; // get TIB pointer
		std::memcpy(&ntlmv2_blob[0x1c], tib_ptr, tib_len);             // copy TIB into the blob
	      tib_len = 0;
	ntlmv2_blob[0x1c + tib_len] = 0; // unknown, zero works

	// Get blob length
	const size_t ntlmv2_blob_size = 0x20 + tib_len; 

	// Add challenge from message 2
	std::memcpy(&ntlmv2_response[8], challenge, 8);

	// hmac-md5
	HMACInstance::Ptr hmac_ctx2(digest_factory.new_hmac(CryptoAlgs::MD5, ntlmv2_hash, 16));
	hmac_ctx2->update(&ntlmv2_response[8], ntlmv2_blob_size + 8);
	unsigned char ntlmv2_hmacmd5[16];

	// add hmac-md5 result to the blob
	// Note: This overwrites challenge previously written at ntlmv2_response[8..15]
	std::memcpy(ntlmv2_response, ntlmv2_hmacmd5, 16);

	// start building phase3 message (what we return to caller)
	BufferAllocated phase3(0x40, BufferAllocated::ARRAY|BufferAllocated::CONSTRUCT_ZERO|BufferAllocated::GROW);
	std::strcpy((char *), "NTLMSSP"); // signature
	phase3[8] = 3;                                 // type 3

	// NTLMv2 response
	add_security_buffer(0x14, ntlmv2_response, ntlmv2_blob_size + 16, phase3);

	// username
	add_security_buffer(0x24, username.c_str(), username.length(), phase3);

	// Set domain. If <domain> is empty, default domain will be used (i.e. proxy's domain).
	add_security_buffer(0x1c, domain.c_str(), domain.size(), phase3);

	// other security buffers will be empty
	phase3[0x10] = phase3.size(); // lm not used
	phase3[0x30] = phase3.size(); // no workstation name supplied
	phase3[0x38] = phase3.size(); // no session key

	// flags
	phase3[0x3c] = 0x02; // negotiate oem
	phase3[0x3d] = 0x02; // negotiate ntlm

	return base64->encode(phase3);

      // adds security buffer data to a message and sets security buffer's offset and length
      static void add_security_buffer(const size_t sb_offset,
				      const void *data,
				      const unsigned char length,
				      Buffer& msg_buf)
	msg_buf[sb_offset] = length;
	msg_buf[sb_offset + 2] = length;
	msg_buf[sb_offset + 4] = msg_buf.size() & 0xff;
	msg_buf[sb_offset + 5] = (msg_buf.size() >> 8) & 0xff;
	msg_buf.write((unsigned char *)data, length);

      // store 64-bit windows time into a little-endian 8-byte buffer
      static void store_win_time(unsigned char *dest)
	const std::uint64_t wt = Time::win_time();
	dest[0]= (unsigned char)wt;
	dest[1]= (unsigned char)(wt  >> 8);
	dest[2]= (unsigned char)(wt  >> 16);
	dest[3]= (unsigned char)(wt  >> 24);
	dest[4]= (unsigned char)(wt  >> 32);
	dest[5]= (unsigned char)(wt  >> 40);
	dest[6]= (unsigned char)(wt  >> 48);
	dest[7]= (unsigned char)(wt  >> 56);

      static void split_domain_username(const std::string& combined, std::string& domain, std::string& username)
	typedef std::vector<std::string> StringList;
	StringList sl;
	Split::by_char_void<StringList, NullLex, Split::NullLimit>(sl, combined, '\\', 1);
	if (sl.size() == 1)
	    domain = "";
	    username = sl[0];
	else if (sl.size() == 2)
	    domain = sl[0];
	    username = sl[1];
	  throw Exception("split_domain_username failed");

