XinYang_IOS / Carthage / Checkouts / OpenVPNAdapter / Sources / OpenVPN3 / openvpn / buffer / buffer.hpp
@zhangfeng zhangfeng on 7 Dec 2023 24 KB 1.8.0
//    OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks
//               over a single port, with support for SSL/TLS-based
//               session authentication and key exchange,
//               packet encryption, packet authentication, and
//               packet compression.
//    Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc.
//    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3
//    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
//    along with this program in the COPYING file.
//    If not, see <>.

// These templates define the fundamental data buffer classes used by the
// OpenVPN core.  Normally OpenVPN uses buffers of unsigned chars, but the
// templatization of the classes would allow buffers of other types to
// be defined.
// Fundamentally a buffer is an object with 4 fields:
// 1. a pointer to underlying data array
// 2. the capacity of the underlying data array
// 3. an offset into the data array
// 4. the size of the referenced data within the array
// The BufferType template is the lowest-level buffer class template.  It refers
// to a buffer but without any notion of ownership of the underlying data.
// The BufferAllocatedType template is a higher-level template that inherits
// from BufferType but which asserts ownership over the resources of the buffer --
// for example, it will free the underlying buffer in its destructor.
// Since most of the time, we want our buffers to be made out of unsigned chars,
// some typedefs at the end of the file define common instantations for the
// BufferType and BufferAllocatedType templates.
// Buffer            : a simple buffer of unsigned char without ownership semantics
// ConstBuffer       : like buffer but where the data pointed to by the buffer is const
// BufferAllocated   : an allocated Buffer with ownership semantics
// BufferPtr         : a smart, reference-counted pointer to a BufferAllocated


#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits> // for std::is_nothrow_move_constructible, std::remove_const

#include <openvpn/io/io.hpp>

#include <openvpn/common/size.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/abort.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/exception.hpp>
#include <openvpn/common/rc.hpp>
#include <openvpn/buffer/bufclamp.hpp>

#define OPENVPN_BUFFER_THROW(exc) { std::abort(); }
#define OPENVPN_BUFFER_THROW(exc) { throw BufferException(BufferException::exc); }

namespace openvpn {

  // special-purpose exception class for Buffer classes
  class BufferException : public std::exception
    enum Status {

    BufferException(Status status)
      : status_(status)

    BufferException(Status status, const std::string& msg)
      : status_(status),
	msg_(std::string(status_string(status)) + " : " + msg)

    virtual const char* what() const throw()
      if (!msg_.empty())
	return msg_.c_str();
	return status_string(status_);

    Status status() const { return status_; }
    virtual ~BufferException() throw() {}

    static const char *status_string(const Status status)
      switch (status)
	case buffer_full:
	  return "buffer_full";
	case buffer_headroom:
	  return "buffer_headroom";
	case buffer_underflow:
	  return "buffer_underflow";
	case buffer_overflow:
	  return "buffer_overflow";
	case buffer_offset:
	  return "buffer_offset";
	case buffer_index:
	  return "buffer_index";
	case buffer_const_index:
	  return "buffer_const_index";
	case buffer_push_front_headroom:
	  return "buffer_push_front_headroom";
	case buffer_no_reset_impl:
	  return "buffer_no_reset_impl";
	case buffer_pop_back:
	  return "buffer_pop_back";
	case buffer_set_size:
	  return "buffer_set_size";
	case buffer_range:
	  return "buffer_range";
	  return "buffer_???";

    Status status_;
    std::string msg_;

  template <typename T, typename R>
  class BufferAllocatedType;

  template <typename T>
  class BufferType {
    template <typename, typename> friend class BufferAllocatedType;

    typedef T value_type;
    typedef T* type;
    typedef const T* const_type;
    typedef typename std::remove_const<T>::type NCT; // non-const type

      static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<BufferType>::value, "class BufferType not noexcept move constructable");
      data_ = nullptr;
      offset_ = size_ = capacity_ = 0;

    BufferType(void* data, const size_t size, const bool filled)
      : BufferType((T*)data, size, filled)

    BufferType(T* data, const size_t size, const bool filled)
      data_ = data;
      offset_ = 0;
      capacity_ = size;
      size_ = filled ? size : 0;

    void reserve(const size_t n)
      if (n > capacity_)

    void init_headroom(const size_t headroom)
      if (headroom > capacity_)
      offset_ = headroom;
      size_ = 0;

    void reset_offset(const size_t offset)
      const size_t size = size_ + offset_ - offset;
      if (offset > capacity_ || size > capacity_ || offset + size > capacity_)
      offset_ = offset;
      size_ = size;

    void reset_size()
      size_ = 0;

    void reset_content()
      offset_ = size_ = 0;

    // std::string compatible methods
    const T* c_str() const { return c_data(); }
    size_t length() const { return size(); }

    // return a const pointer to start of array
    const T* c_data() const { return data_ + offset_; }

    // return a mutable pointer to start of array
    T* data() { return data_ + offset_; }

    // return a const pointer to end of array
    const T* c_data_end() const { return data_ + offset_ + size_; }

    // return a mutable pointer to end of array
    T* data_end() { return data_ + offset_ + size_; }

    // return a const pointer to start of raw data
    const T* c_data_raw() const { return data_; }

    // return a mutable pointer to start of raw data
    T* data_raw() { return data_; }

    // return size of array in T objects
    size_t size() const { return size_; }

    // return raw size of allocated buffer in T objects
    size_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }

    // return current offset (headroom) into buffer
    size_t offset() const { return offset_; }

    // return true if array is not empty
    bool defined() const { return size_ > 0; }

    // return true if data memory is defined
    bool allocated() const { return data_ != nullptr; }

    // return true if array is empty
    bool empty() const { return !size_; }

    // return the number of additional T objects that can be added before capacity is reached (without considering resize)
    size_t remaining(const size_t tailroom = 0) const {
      const size_t r = capacity_ - (offset_ + size_ + tailroom);
      return r <= capacity_ ? r : 0;

    // return the maximum allowable size value in T objects given the current offset (without considering resize)
    size_t max_size() const {
      const size_t r = capacity_ - offset_;
      return r <= capacity_ ? r : 0;

    // like max_size, but take tailroom into account
    size_t max_size_tailroom(const size_t tailroom) const {
      const size_t r = capacity_ - (offset_ + tailroom);
      return r <= capacity_ ? r : 0;

    // After an external method, operating on the array as
    // a mutable unsigned char buffer, has written data to the
    // array, use this method to set the array length in terms
    // of T objects.
    void set_size(const size_t size)
      if (size > max_size())
      size_ = size;

    // Increment size (usually used in a similar context
    // to set_size such as after mutable_buffer_append).
    void inc_size(const size_t delta)
      set_size(size_ + delta);

    // append a T object to array, with possible resize
    void push_back(const T& value)
      if (!remaining())
	resize(offset_ + size_ + 1);
      *(data()+size_++) = value;

    // append a T object to array, with possible resize
    void push_front(const T& value)
      if (!offset_)
      *data() = value;

    T pop_back()
      if (!size_)
      return *(data()+(--size_));

    T pop_front()
      T ret = (*this)[0];
      return ret;

    T front() const
      return (*this)[0];

    T back() const
      return (*this)[size_-1];

    // Place a T object after the last object in the
    // array, with possible resize to contain it,
    // however don't actually change the size of the
    // array to reflect the added object.  Useful
    // for maintaining null-terminated strings.
    void set_trailer(const T& value)
      if (!remaining())
	resize(offset_ + size_ + 1);
      *(data()+size_) = value;

    void null_terminate()
      if (empty() || back())

    void advance(const size_t delta)
      if (delta > size_)
      offset_ += delta;
      size_ -= delta;

    bool contains_null() const
      const T* end = c_data_end();
      for (const T* p = c_data(); p < end; ++p)
	  if (!*p)
	    return true;
      return false;

    bool is_zeroed() const
      const T* end = c_data_end();
      for (const T* p = c_data(); p < end; ++p)
	  if (*p)
	    return false;
      return true;

    // mutable index into array
    T& operator[](const size_t index)
      if (index >= size_)
      return data()[index];

    // const index into array
    const T& operator[](const size_t index) const
      if (index >= size_)
      return c_data()[index];

    // mutable index into array
    T* index(const size_t index)
      if (index >= size_)
      return &data()[index];

    // const index into array
    const T* c_index(const size_t index) const
      if (index >= size_)
      return &c_data()[index];

    bool operator==(const BufferType& other) const
      if (size_ != other.size_)
	return false;
      return std::memcmp(c_data(), other.c_data(), size_) == 0;

    bool operator!=(const BufferType& other) const
      return !(*this == other);

    // return a openvpn_io::mutable_buffer object used by
    // asio read methods, starting from data()
    openvpn_io::mutable_buffer mutable_buffer(const size_t tailroom = 0)
      return openvpn_io::mutable_buffer(data(), max_size_tailroom(tailroom));

    // return a openvpn_io::mutable_buffer object used by
    // asio read methods, starting from data_end()
    openvpn_io::mutable_buffer mutable_buffer_append(const size_t tailroom = 0)
      return openvpn_io::mutable_buffer(data_end(), remaining(tailroom));

    // return a openvpn_io::const_buffer object used by
    // asio write methods.
    openvpn_io::const_buffer const_buffer() const
      return openvpn_io::const_buffer(c_data(), size());

    // clamped versions of mutable_buffer(), mutable_buffer_append(),
    // and const_buffer()

    openvpn_io::mutable_buffer mutable_buffer_clamp(const size_t tailroom = 0)
      return openvpn_io::mutable_buffer(data(), buf_clamp_read(max_size_tailroom(tailroom)));

    openvpn_io::mutable_buffer mutable_buffer_append_clamp(const size_t tailroom = 0)
      return openvpn_io::mutable_buffer(data_end(), buf_clamp_read(remaining(tailroom)));

    openvpn_io::const_buffer const_buffer_clamp() const
      return openvpn_io::const_buffer(c_data(), buf_clamp_write(size()));

    openvpn_io::const_buffer const_buffer_limit(const size_t limit) const
      return openvpn_io::const_buffer(c_data(), std::min(buf_clamp_write(size()), limit));

    void realign(size_t headroom)
      if (headroom != offset_)
	  if (headroom + size_ > capacity_)
	  std::memmove(data_ + headroom, data_ + offset_, size_);
	  offset_ = headroom;

    void write(const T* data, const size_t size)
      std::memcpy(write_alloc(size), data, size * sizeof(T));

    void write(const void* data, const size_t size)
      write((const T*)data, size);

    void prepend(const T* data, const size_t size)
      std::memcpy(prepend_alloc(size), data, size * sizeof(T));

    void prepend(const void* data, const size_t size)
      prepend((const T*)data, size);

    void read(NCT* data, const size_t size)
      std::memcpy(data, read_alloc(size), size * sizeof(T));

    void read(void* data, const size_t size)
      read((NCT*)data, size);

    T* write_alloc(const size_t size)
      if (size > remaining())
	resize(offset_ + size_ + size);
      T* ret = data() + size_;
      size_ += size;
      return ret;

    T* prepend_alloc(const size_t size)
      if (size <= offset_)
	  offset_ -= size;
	  size_ += size;
	  return data();

    T* read_alloc(const size_t size)
      if (size <= size_)
	  T* ret = data();
	  offset_ += size;
	  size_ -= size;
	  return ret;

    BufferType read_alloc_buf(const size_t size)
      if (size <= size_)
	  BufferType ret(data_, offset_, size, capacity_);
	  offset_ += size;
	  size_ -= size;
	  return ret;

    void reset(const size_t min_capacity, const unsigned int flags)
      if (min_capacity > capacity_)
	reset_impl(min_capacity, flags);

    void reset(const size_t headroom, const size_t min_capacity, const unsigned int flags)
      reset(min_capacity, flags);

    template <typename B>
    void append(const B& other)
      write(other.c_data(), other.size());

    BufferType range(size_t offset, size_t len) const
      if (offset + len > size())
	  if (offset < size())
	    len = size() - offset;
	    len = 0;
      return BufferType(datac(), offset, len, len);

    BufferType(T* data, const size_t offset, const size_t size, const size_t capacity)
      : data_(data), offset_(offset), size_(size), capacity_(capacity)

    // return a mutable pointer to start of array but
    // remain const with respect to *this.
    T* datac() const { return data_ + offset_; }

    // Called when reset method needs to expand the buffer size
    virtual void reset_impl(const size_t min_capacity, const unsigned int flags)

    // Derived classes can implement buffer growing semantics
    // by overloading this method.  In the default implementation,
    // buffers are non-growable, so we throw an exception.
    virtual void resize(const size_t new_capacity)
      if (new_capacity > capacity_)
	buffer_full_error(new_capacity, false);

    void buffer_full_error(const size_t newcap, const bool allocated) const
      throw BufferException(BufferException::buffer_full, "allocated=" + std::to_string(allocated) + " size=" + std::to_string(size_) + " offset=" + std::to_string(offset_) + " capacity=" + std::to_string(capacity_) + " newcap=" + std::to_string(newcap));

    T* data_;          // pointer to data
    size_t offset_;    // offset from data_ of beginning of T array (to allow for headroom)
    size_t size_;      // number of T objects in array starting at data_ + offset_
    size_t capacity_;  // maximum number of array objects of type T for which memory is allocated, starting at data_

  template <typename T, typename R>
  class BufferAllocatedType : public BufferType<T>, public RC<R>
    using BufferType<T>::data_;
    using BufferType<T>::offset_;
    using BufferType<T>::size_;
    using BufferType<T>::capacity_;
    using BufferType<T>::buffer_full_error;

    template <typename, typename> friend class BufferAllocatedType;

    enum {
      CONSTRUCT_ZERO = (1<<0),  // if enabled, constructors/init will zero allocated space
      DESTRUCT_ZERO  = (1<<1),  // if enabled, destructor will zero data before deletion
      GROW  = (1<<2),           // if enabled, buffer will grow (otherwise buffer_full exception will be thrown)
      ARRAY = (1<<3),           // if enabled, use as array

      static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<BufferAllocatedType>::value, "class BufferAllocatedType not noexcept move constructable");
      flags_ = 0;

    BufferAllocatedType(const size_t capacity, const unsigned int flags)
      flags_ = flags;
      capacity_ = capacity;
      if (capacity)
	  data_ = new T[capacity];
	  if (flags & CONSTRUCT_ZERO)
	    std::memset(data_, 0, capacity * sizeof(T));
	  if (flags & ARRAY)
	    size_ = capacity;

    BufferAllocatedType(const T* data, const size_t size, const unsigned int flags)
      flags_ = flags;
      size_ = capacity_ = size;
      if (size)
	  data_ = new T[size];
	  std::memcpy(data_, data, size * sizeof(T));

    BufferAllocatedType(const BufferAllocatedType& other)
      offset_ = other.offset_;
      size_ = other.size_;
      capacity_ = other.capacity_;
      flags_ = other.flags_;
      if (capacity_)
          data_ = new T[capacity_];
          if (size_)
            std::memcpy(data_ + offset_, other.data_ + offset_, size_ * sizeof(T));

    template <typename T_>
    BufferAllocatedType(const BufferType<T_>& other, const unsigned int flags)
      static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(T_), "size inconsistency");
      offset_ = other.offset_;
      size_ = other.size_;
      capacity_ = other.capacity_;
      flags_ = flags;
      if (capacity_)
	  data_ = new T[capacity_];
	  if (size_)
	    std::memcpy(data_ + offset_, other.data_ + offset_, size_ * sizeof(T));

    void operator=(const BufferAllocatedType& other)
      if (this != &other)
	  offset_ = size_ = 0;
	  if (capacity_ != other.capacity_)
	      if (other.capacity_)
		data_ = new T[other.capacity_];
	      capacity_ = other.capacity_;
	  offset_ = other.offset_;
	  size_ = other.size_;
	  flags_ = other.flags_;
	  if (size_)
	    std::memcpy(data_ + offset_, other.data_ + offset_, size_ * sizeof(T));

    void init(const size_t capacity, const unsigned int flags)
      offset_ = size_ = 0;
      flags_ = flags;
      if (capacity_ != capacity)
	  if (capacity)
	      data_ = new T[capacity];
	  capacity_ = capacity;
      if ((flags & CONSTRUCT_ZERO) && capacity)
	std::memset(data_, 0, capacity * sizeof(T));
      if (flags & ARRAY)
	size_ = capacity;

    void init(const T* data, const size_t size, const unsigned int flags)
      offset_ = size_ = 0;
      flags_ = flags;
      if (size != capacity_)
	  if (size)
	    data_ = new T[size];
	  capacity_ = size;
      size_ = size;
      std::memcpy(data_, data, size * sizeof(T));

    void realloc(const size_t newcap)
      if (newcap > capacity_)

    void reset(const size_t min_capacity, const unsigned int flags)
      if (min_capacity > capacity_)
	init (min_capacity, flags);

    void reset(const size_t headroom, const size_t min_capacity, const unsigned int flags)
      reset(min_capacity, flags);

    template <typename T_, typename R_>
    void move(BufferAllocatedType<T_, R_>& other)
      if (data_)
	delete_(data_, capacity_, flags_);

    RCPtr<BufferAllocatedType<T, R>> move_to_ptr()
      RCPtr<BufferAllocatedType<T, R>> bp = new BufferAllocatedType<T, R>();
      return bp;

    void swap(BufferAllocatedType& other)
      std::swap(data_, other.data_);
      std::swap(offset_, other.offset_);
      std::swap(size_, other.size_);
      std::swap(capacity_, other.capacity_);
      std::swap(flags_, other.flags_);

    template <typename T_, typename R_>
    BufferAllocatedType(BufferAllocatedType<T_, R_>&& other) noexcept

    BufferAllocatedType& operator=(BufferAllocatedType&& other) noexcept
      return *this;

    void clear()
      flags_ = 0;
      size_ = offset_ = 0;

    void or_flags(const unsigned int flags)
      flags_ |= flags;

    void and_flags(const unsigned int flags)
      flags_ &= flags;

      if (data_)
	delete_(data_, capacity_, flags_);

    // Called when reset method needs to expand the buffer size
    virtual void reset_impl(const size_t min_capacity, const unsigned int flags)
      init(min_capacity, flags);

    // Set current capacity to at least new_capacity.
    virtual void resize(const size_t new_capacity)
      const size_t newcap = std::max(new_capacity, capacity_ * 2);
      if (newcap > capacity_)
	  if (flags_ & GROW)
	    buffer_full_error(newcap, true);

    void realloc_(const size_t newcap)
      T* data = new T[newcap];
      if (size_)
	std::memcpy(data + offset_, data_ + offset_, size_ * sizeof(T));
      delete_(data_, capacity_, flags_);
      data_ = data;
      //std::cout << "*** RESIZE " << capacity_ << " -> " << newcap << std::endl; // fixme
      capacity_ = newcap;

    template <typename T_, typename R_>
    void move_(BufferAllocatedType<T_, R_>& other)
      data_ = other.data_;
      offset_ = other.offset_;
      size_ = other.size_;
      capacity_ = other.capacity_;
      flags_ = other.flags_;

      other.data_ = nullptr;
      other.offset_ = other.size_ = other.capacity_ = 0;

    void erase_()
      if (data_)
	  delete_(data_, capacity_, flags_);
	  data_ = nullptr;
      capacity_ = 0;

    static void delete_(T* data, const size_t size, const unsigned int flags)
      if (size && (flags & DESTRUCT_ZERO))
	std::memset(data, 0, size * sizeof(T));
      delete [] data;

    unsigned int flags_;

  // specializations of BufferType for unsigned char
  typedef BufferType<unsigned char> Buffer;
  typedef BufferType<const unsigned char> ConstBuffer;
  typedef BufferAllocatedType<unsigned char, thread_unsafe_refcount> BufferAllocated;
  typedef RCPtr<BufferAllocated> BufferPtr;

  // BufferAllocated with thread-safe refcount
  typedef BufferAllocatedType<unsigned char, thread_safe_refcount> BufferAllocatedTS;
  typedef RCPtr<BufferAllocatedTS> BufferPtrTS;

  // cast BufferType<T> to BufferType<const T>

  template <typename T>
  inline BufferType<const T>& const_buffer_ref(BufferType<T>& src)
    return (BufferType<const T>&)src;

  template <typename T>
  inline const BufferType<const T>& const_buffer_ref(const BufferType<T>& src)
    return (const BufferType<const T>&)src;

} // namespace openvpn