XinYang_IOS / Carthage / Checkouts / OpenVPNAdapter / Sources / OpenVPN3 / doc / openvpn-protocol-extensions.txt
@zhangfeng zhangfeng on 7 Dec 2023 8 KB 1.8.0
OpenVPN Protocol extensions

1. DATA_V2 opcode with 24-bit peer ID

   * The DATA_V2 opcode is 9.
   * The DATA_V2 opcode/key_id byte is followed by 3 additional
     (network endian) bytes indicating the peer ID.
   * If a 4-byte DATA_V2 header is passed through ntohl,
     the resulting high 8 bits will be the DATA_V2 opcode/key_id,
     and the lower 24 bits will be the peer ID.
   * A disabled peer ID is denoted by 0xFFFFFF.
   * Server tells the client to use DATA_V2/peer_id by pushing
     the directive "peer-id ID" where ID is a decimal integer
     in the range [-1, 16777215].  Setting the peer ID to -1
     transmits DATA_V2 packets with the peer ID field set to
     0xFFFFFF.  Setting the peer_id to -1 is the same as
     setting it to 16777215 (i.e. 0xFFFFFF).
   * Client never transmits DATA_V2 packets unless the server
     has pushed a "peer-id" directive.
   * Server never pushes a "peer-id" directive unless the
     client has indicated its support for DATA_V2 by
     including "IV_PROTO=2" in the peer info data.
   * When DATA_V2 is used for "float" functionality, the server
     must perform the following checks before allowing
     a client to float, i.e. to assume a new source address.
     (a) verify integrity (HMAC or GCM auth tag, replay
         protection, etc.) of the DATA_V2 packet, and
     (b) ensure that the float doesn't clobber a pre-existing
         client (i.e. if the address floated to is already
         owned by another client) unless it can be verified
         that the pre-existing client is a previous instance
         of the floating client.

2. AEAD mode

   To support AEAD crypto modes such as AES-GCM, some protocol
   changes are in order.  AES-GCM, for example, requires a 12
   byte unique nonce for every packet.  I would propose that 4
   bytes be taken from the Packet ID which increments for every
   packet and therefore provides uniqueness.  The remaining 8
   bytes would be derived from the random key material that would
   normally be used to key the HMAC key.  This is possible since
   AEAD modes use a combined key for encryption and integrity
   checking, therefore the random key material for HMAC is
   unused and can be repurposed as an AEAD nonce source.  The 8
   byte nonce component derived from the HMAC keying material
   would remain constant for a given Key State.  Only the 4 byte
   Packet ID would increment for each packet.  Because AEAD
   encryption can be compromised if the nonce ever repeats for
   a given key, the implementation MUST disable encryption
   for a key if the 32-bit packet ID wraps.  In practical usage,
   renegotiation usually preempts wrapping, so the
   disable-encryption-on-wrap feature is a failsafe.

   AEAD Nonce:

     [ Packet ID ] [ HMAC keying material ]
     [ 4 bytes   ] [ 8 bytes              ]
     [ AEAD nonce total: 12 bytes         ]

   TLS wire protocol:

     [ DATA_V2 opcode ] [ Packet ID ] [ AEAD Auth tag ] [ ciphertext ]
     [ 4 bytes        ] [ 4 bytes   ] [ 16 bytes      ]
     [ AEAD additional data (AD)    ]

   Static Key wire protocol:

     [ DATA_V2 opcode ] [ Packet ID ] [ Nonce tail (random) ]  [ AEAD Auth tag ] [ ciphertext ]
                        [           AEAD nonce              ]
     [ 4 bytes        ] [ 8 bytes   ] [ 4 bytes             ]  [ 16 bytes      ]
     [ AEAD additional data (AD)                            ]

   Note that the AEAD additional data (AD) includes all data
   preceding the AEAD Auth tag including the DATA_V2/peer_id
   opcode and packet ID.

   Also, note that because the HMAC keying material used to derive
   the last 8 bytes of the AEAD nonce is negotiated once per key
   as part of the control channel handshake, we can omit it from the
   data channel packets, thereby saving 8 bytes per packet.  So
   only the 4-byte Packet ID component of the nonce must be
   transmitted with every packet.

   When negotiating AEAD mode, the client indicates its support
   of AES-128-GCM, AES-192-GCM, and AES-192-GCM by including:


   in the peer info string (NCP stands for Negotiable Crypto

   When the IV_NCP value is 2 or higher, it indicates that
   the server may push an AEAD "cipher" directive, e.g.:

     push "cipher AES-128-GCM"

   In the future, the IV_NCP value (2 in the current
   implementation) may be increased to indicate the
   availability of additional negotiable ciphers.

3. Compression V2

   I have observed that compression in many cases, even when
   enabled, often does not produce packet size reduction
   because much of the packet data typically generated by web
   sessions is already compressed.  Further, the single byte that
   precedes the packet and indicates whether or not compression
   occurred has the unfortunate side effect of misaligning the IP
   packet in cases where compression did not occur.  To remedy this,
   I propose a Compression V2 header that is optimized for the
   case where compression does not occur.

   a. No compression occurred and first byte of IP/Ethernet packet
      is NOT 0x50 (0 bytes of overhead and maintains alignment):

        [ uncompressed IP/Ethernet packet ]

   b. No compression occurred and first byte of IP/Ethernet packet
      is 0x50 (2 bytes of overhead but unlikely since no known
      IP packet can begin with 0x50):

        [ 0x50 ] [ 0x00 ] [ uncompressed IP/Ethernet packet ]

   c. Compression occurred (2 bytes of overhead):

        [ 0x50 ] [ compression Alg ID byte ] [ compressed IP/Ethernet packet ]

      Compression Alg ID is one-byte algorithm identifier
      for LZ4 (0x1), LZO (0x2), or Snappy (0x3).

   This approach has several beneficial effects:

   1. In the common case where compression does not occur, no
      compression op is required, therefore there is zero overhead.

   2. When compression does not occur, the IP/Ethernet packet
      alignment is retained.

   3. This technique does not require any byte swapping with
      the tail of the packet which can potentially incur an
      expensive cache miss.

   When negotiating Compression V2 mode, the client indicates its
   support by including the following in the peer info string:

     IV_LZ4v2=1            -> LZ4 compression available in V2 format
     IV_COMP_STUBv2=1      -> stub compression available in V2 format
                              (i.e. disable compression but still
                              retain compression framing)

   In response, the server can push to the client:

     push "compress lz4-v2"   -> enable LZ4 compression in V2 format


     push "compress stub-v2"  -> disable compression but retain
                                 compression framing in V2 format

4. TCP nonlinear mode

   The OpenVPN 2.x packet ID and replay protection code, when running
   in TCP mode, requires that the packet ID follows a linearly
   incrementing sequence, i.e. 1, 2, 2, 3, ...  This was a reasonable
   requirement, since the reliable nature of TCP guaranteed that a
   linear sequence of packet IDs transmitted by the sender would be
   received in the same order by the receiver.

   However, recent work has shown that multithreaded OpenVPN servers
   may not be able to guarantee TCP packet ID linearity (on the
   transmit side) without incurring a performance penalty.  This
   is because the packet ID for transmitted packets must be allocated
   before the packet is encrypted, while a multithreaded OpenVPN server
   might be concurrently encrypting and transmitting multiple packets
   using different threads, where the order that the threads complete
   encryption and transmit the packet is non-deterministic.  This
   non-deterministic ordering of packets over the TCP session means
   that the client might see out-of-order packets and a non-linear
   packet ID progression, just as clients now see with UDP.

   My proposed solution to the issue is to relax the Packet ID
   validation on the receiver side to allow non-linear packet ID
   sequences, even in TCP mode.  This essentially means that the
   packet ID validation logic is now the same for both UDP and TCP.

   The client indicates its ability to process non-linear packet
   ID sequences in TCP mode by including the following in the
   peer info string:

     IV_TCPNL=1            -> TCP non-linear receiver supported

   When the server receives a IV_TCPNL setting of 1 from the
   client, it may transmit out-of-order packets in TCP mode.
   Otherwise, servers must use other means (such as using thread
   synchronization primitives) to ensure strictly linear packet
   ID ordering in TCP mode.