XinYang_IOS / build / Debug-iphoneos / Masonry / Masonry.framework / Headers / MASViewConstraint.h
@zhangfeng zhangfeng on 7 Dec 2023 1 KB 1.9.0
//  MASViewConstraint.h
//  Masonry
//  Created by Jonas Budelmann on 20/07/13.
//  Copyright (c) 2013 cloudling. All rights reserved.

#import "MASViewAttribute.h"
#import "MASConstraint.h"
#import "MASLayoutConstraint.h"
#import "MASUtilities.h"

 *  A single constraint.
 *  Contains the attributes neccessary for creating a NSLayoutConstraint and adding it to the appropriate view
@interface MASViewConstraint : MASConstraint <NSCopying>

 *	First item/view and first attribute of the NSLayoutConstraint
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) MASViewAttribute *firstViewAttribute;

 *	Second item/view and second attribute of the NSLayoutConstraint
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) MASViewAttribute *secondViewAttribute;

 *	initialises the MASViewConstraint with the first part of the equation
 *	@param	firstViewAttribute	view.mas_left, view.mas_width etc.
 *	@return	a new view constraint
- (id)initWithFirstViewAttribute:(MASViewAttribute *)firstViewAttribute;

 *  Returns all MASViewConstraints installed with this view as a first item.
 *  @param  view  A view to retrieve constraints for.
 *  @return An array of MASViewConstraints.
+ (NSArray *)installedConstraintsForView:(MAS_VIEW *)view;
