// OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks // over a single port, with support for SSL/TLS-based // session authentication and key exchange, // packet encryption, packet authentication, and // packet compression. // // Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 // as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program in the COPYING file. // If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #pragma once #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <deque> #include <memory> #include <utility> #include <algorithm> #include <openvpn/common/size.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/platform.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/exception.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/rc.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/string.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/number.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/hostport.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/options.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/string.hpp> #include <openvpn/buffer/bufstr.hpp> #include <openvpn/time/timestr.hpp> #include <openvpn/time/asiotimersafe.hpp> #include <openvpn/asio/asiowork.hpp> // include acceptors for different protocols #include <openvpn/acceptor/base.hpp> #include <openvpn/acceptor/tcp.hpp> #ifdef ASIO_HAS_LOCAL_SOCKETS #include <openvpn/acceptor/unix.hpp> #endif #if defined(OPENVPN_PLATFORM_WIN) #include <openvpn/win/logutil.hpp> #else #include <openvpn/common/redir.hpp> #endif namespace openvpn { class OMICore : public Acceptor::ListenerBase { public: OPENVPN_EXCEPTION(omi_error); struct LogFn { LogFn(const OptionList& opt) { fn = opt.get_optional("log", 1, 256); if (fn.empty()) { fn = opt.get_optional("log-append", 1, 256); append = true; } errors_to_stderr = opt.exists("errors-to-stderr"); } std::string fn; bool append = false; bool errors_to_stderr = false; }; void stop() { if (stop_called) return; stop_called = true; asio_work.reset(); // close acceptor if (acceptor) acceptor->close(); // Call derived class stop method and close OMI socket, // but if omi_stop() returns true, wait for content_out // to be flushed to OMI socket before closing it. if (!omi_stop() || content_out.empty()) stop_omi_client(false, 250); } protected: struct Command { Option option; std::vector<std::string> extra; bool valid_utf8 = false; std::string to_string() const { std::ostringstream os; os << option.render(Option::RENDER_BRACKET); if (!valid_utf8) os << " >>>!UTF8"; os << '\n'; for (auto &line : extra) os << line << '\n'; return os.str(); } }; class History { public: History(const std::string& type_arg, const size_t max_size_arg) : type(type_arg), max_size(max_size_arg) { } bool is_cmd(const Option& o) const { return o.get_optional(0, 0) == type; } std::string process_cmd(const Option& o) { try { const std::string arg1 = o.get(1, 16); if (arg1 == "on") { const std::string arg2 = o.get_optional(2, 16); real_time = true; std::string ret = real_time_status(); if (arg2 == "all") ret += show(hist.size()); else if (!arg2.empty()) return error(); return ret; } else if (arg1 == "all") { return show(hist.size()); } else if (arg1 == "off") { real_time = false; return real_time_status(); } else { unsigned int n; if (parse_number(arg1, n)) return show(n); else return error(); } } catch (const option_error&) { return error(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { return "ERROR: " + type + " processing error: " + e.what() + "\r\n"; } } std::string notify(const std::string& msg) { hist.push_front(msg); while (hist.size() > max_size) hist.pop_back(); if (real_time) return notify_prefix() + msg; else return std::string(); } private: std::string show(size_t n) const { std::string ret = ""; n = std::min(n, hist.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) ret += hist[n - i - 1]; ret += "END\r\n"; return ret; } std::string notify_prefix() const { return ">" + string::to_upper_copy(type) + ":"; } std::string real_time_status() const { std::string ret = "SUCCESS: real-time " + type + " notification set to "; if (real_time) ret += "ON"; else ret += "OFF"; ret += "\r\n"; return ret; } std::string error() const { return "ERROR: " + type + " parameter must be 'on' or 'off' or some number n or 'all'\r\n"; } std::string type; size_t max_size; bool real_time = false; std::deque<std::string> hist; }; OMICore(openvpn_io::io_context& io_context_arg) : io_context(io_context_arg), stop_timer(io_context_arg) { } void log_setup(const LogFn& log) { if (!log.fn.empty()) { #if defined(OPENVPN_PLATFORM_WIN) log_handle = Win::LogUtil::create_file(log.fn, "", log.append); #else RedirectStd redir("", log.fn, log.append ? RedirectStd::FLAGS_APPEND : RedirectStd::FLAGS_OVERWRITE, RedirectStd::MODE_ALL, false); redir.redirect(); #endif } errors_to_stderr = log.errors_to_stderr; } static std::string get_config(const OptionList& opt) { // get config file const std::string config_fn = opt.get("config", 1, 256); return read_config(config_fn); } void start(const OptionList& opt) { const Option& o = opt.get("management"); const std::string addr = o.get(1, 256); const std::string port = o.get(2, 16); const std::string password_file = o.get_optional(3, 256); if (password_file == "stdin") { password_defined = true; std::cout << "Enter Management Password:"; std::cin >> password; } hold_flag = opt.exists("management-hold"); // management-queue-limit low_water high_water { const Option* o = opt.get_ptr("management-queue-limit"); if (o) { const size_t low_water = o->get_num<size_t>(1, 0, 0, 1000000); const size_t high_water = o->get_num<size_t>(2, 0, 0, 1000000); content_out_throttle.reset(new BufferThrottle(low_water, high_water)); } } // management-client-user root { const Option* o = opt.get_ptr("management-client-user"); if (o) { if (o->get(1, 64) == "root") management_client_root = true; else throw Exception("only --management-client-user root supported"); } } if (opt.exists("management-client")) { if (port == "unix") { OPENVPN_LOG("OMI Connecting to " << addr << " [unix]"); connect_unix(addr); } else { OPENVPN_LOG("OMI Connecting to [" << addr << "]:" << port << " [tcp]"); connect_tcp(addr, port); } } else { if (port == "unix") { OPENVPN_LOG("OMI Listening on " << addr << " [unix]"); listen_unix(addr); } else { OPENVPN_LOG("OMI Listening on [" << addr << "]:" << port << " [tcp]"); listen_tcp(addr, port); } } // don't exit Asio event loop until AsioWork object is deleted asio_work.reset(new AsioWork(io_context)); } void start_connection_if_not_hold() { if (!hold_flag) omi_start_connection(); } void send(BufferPtr buf) { if (!is_sock_open()) return; content_out.push_back(std::move(buf)); if (content_out_throttle) content_out_throttle->size_change(content_out.size()); if (content_out.size() == 1) // send operation not currently active? queue_send(); } void send(const std::string& str) { if (!str.empty()) send(buf_from_string(str)); } bool send_ready() const { if (content_out_throttle) return content_out_throttle->ready(); else return true; } void async_done() { process_recv(); } void log_full(const std::string& text) // logs to OMI buffer and log file { const time_t now = ::time(NULL); const std::string textcrlf = string::unix2dos(text, true); log_line(openvpn::to_string(now) + ",," + textcrlf); #if defined(OPENVPN_PLATFORM_WIN) if (log_handle.defined()) Win::LogUtil::log(log_handle(), date_time(now) + ' ' + textcrlf); else #endif std::cout << date_time(now) << ' ' << text << std::flush; } void log_timestamp(const time_t timestamp, const std::string& text) // logs to OMI buffer only { const std::string textcrlf = string::unix2dos(text, true); log_line(openvpn::to_string(timestamp) + ",," + textcrlf); } void log_line(const std::string& line) // logs to OMI buffer only { if (!stop_called) send(hist_log.notify(line)); } void state_line(const std::string& line) { if (!stop_called) send(hist_state.notify(line)); } void echo_line(const std::string& line) { if (!stop_called) send(hist_echo.notify(line)); } bool is_errors_to_stderr() const { return errors_to_stderr; } bool is_stopping() const { return stop_called; } unsigned int get_bytecount() const { return bytecount; } virtual bool omi_command_is_multiline(const std::string& arg0, const Option& option) = 0; virtual bool omi_command_in(const std::string& arg0, const Command& cmd) = 0; virtual void omi_start_connection() = 0; virtual void omi_done(const bool eof) = 0; virtual void omi_sigterm() = 0; virtual bool omi_stop() = 0; virtual bool omi_is_sighup_implemented() { return false; } virtual void omi_sighup() { } openvpn_io::io_context& io_context; private: typedef RCPtr<OMICore> Ptr; class BufferThrottle { public: BufferThrottle(const size_t low_water_arg, const size_t high_water_arg) : low_water(low_water_arg), high_water(high_water_arg) { if (low_water > high_water) throw Exception("bad management-queue-limit values"); } void size_change(const size_t size) { if (ready_) { if (size > high_water) ready_ = false; } else { if (size <= low_water) ready_ = true; } } bool ready() const { return ready_; } private: const size_t low_water; const size_t high_water; volatile bool ready_ = true; }; bool command_in(std::unique_ptr<Command> cmd) { try { const std::string arg0 = cmd->option.get_optional(0, 64); if (arg0.empty()) return false; if (!cmd->valid_utf8) throw Exception("invalid UTF8"); switch (arg0[0]) { case 'b': { if (arg0 == "bytecount") { process_bytecount_cmd(cmd->option); return false; } break; } case 'e': { if (hist_echo.is_cmd(cmd->option)) { send(hist_echo.process_cmd(cmd->option)); return false; } if (arg0 == "exit") { conditional_stop(true); return false; } break; } case 'h': { if (is_hold_cmd(cmd->option)) { bool release = false; send(hold_cmd(cmd->option, release)); if (release) hold_release(); return false; } break; } case 'l': { if (hist_log.is_cmd(cmd->option)) { send(hist_log.process_cmd(cmd->option)); return false; } break; } case 'q': { if (arg0 == "quit") { conditional_stop(true); return false; } break; } case 's': { if (hist_state.is_cmd(cmd->option)) { send(hist_state.process_cmd(cmd->option)); return false; } if (arg0 == "signal") { process_signal_cmd(cmd->option); return false; } break; } } return omi_command_in(arg0, *cmd); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::string err_ref = "option"; if (cmd) err_ref = cmd->option.err_ref(); send("ERROR: error processing " + err_ref + " : " + e.what() + "\r\n"); } return false; } bool is_hold_cmd(const Option& o) const { return o.get_optional(0, 0) == "hold"; } std::string hold_cmd(const Option& o, bool& release) { try { const std::string arg1 = o.get_optional(1, 16); if (arg1.empty()) { if (hold_flag) return "SUCCESS: hold=1\r\n"; else return "SUCCESS: hold=0\r\n"; } else if (arg1 == "on") { hold_flag = true; return "SUCCESS: hold flag set to ON\r\n"; } else if (arg1 == "off") { hold_flag = false; return "SUCCESS: hold flag set to OFF\r\n"; } else if (arg1 == "release") { release = true; return "SUCCESS: hold release succeeded\r\n"; } } catch (const option_error&) { } return "ERROR: bad hold command parameter\r\n"; } void hold_cycle() { hold_wait = true; if (hold_flag) send(">HOLD:Waiting for hold release\r\n"); else hold_release(); } void hold_release() { if (hold_wait) { hold_wait = false; omi_start_connection(); } } void process_bytecount_cmd(const Option& o) { bytecount = o.get_num<decltype(bytecount)>(1, 0, 0, 86400); send("SUCCESS: bytecount interval changed\r\n"); } void process_signal_cmd(const Option& o) { const std::string type = o.get(1, 16); if (type == "SIGTERM") { send("SUCCESS: signal SIGTERM thrown\r\n"); omi_sigterm(); } else if (type == "SIGHUP" && omi_is_sighup_implemented()) { send("SUCCESS: signal SIGHUP thrown\r\n"); omi_sighup(); } else send("ERROR: signal not supported\r\n"); } bool command_is_multiline(const Option& o) { const std::string arg0 = o.get_optional(0, 64); if (arg0.empty()) return false; return omi_command_is_multiline(arg0, o); } bool is_sock_open() const { return socket && socket->is_open(); } void conditional_stop(const bool eof) { if (acceptor || stop_called) stop_omi_client(eof, 250); else stop(); // if running in management-client mode, do a full stop } void stop_omi_client(const bool eof, const unsigned int milliseconds) { stop_timer.expires_after(Time::Duration::milliseconds(milliseconds)); stop_timer.async_wait([self=Ptr(this), eof](const openvpn_io::error_code& error) { if (!error) self->stop_omi_client(eof); }); } void stop_omi_client(const bool eof) { stop_timer.cancel(); const bool is_open = is_sock_open(); if (is_open) socket->close(); content_out.clear(); if (content_out_throttle) content_out_throttle->size_change(content_out.size()); in_partial.clear(); if (is_open) omi_done(eof); } void send_title_message() { send(">INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 1 -- type 'help' for more info\r\n"); } void send_password_prompt() { send("ENTER PASSWORD:"); } void send_password_correct() { send("SUCCESS: password is correct"); } bool process_password() { if (password_defined && !password_verified) { if (password == in_partial) { password_verified = true; send_password_correct(); send_title_message(); hold_cycle(); } else { // wrong password, kick the client stop_omi_client(false, 250); } return true; } return false; } bool process_in_line() // process incoming line in in_partial { bool ret = false; const bool utf8 = Unicode::is_valid_utf8(in_partial); string::trim_crlf(in_partial); if (process_password()) return false; if (multiline) { if (!command) throw omi_error("process_in_line: internal error"); if (in_partial == "END") { ret = command_in(std::move(command)); command.reset(); multiline = false; } else { if (!utf8) command->valid_utf8 = false; command->extra.push_back(std::move(in_partial)); } } else { command.reset(new Command); command->option = OptionList::parse_option_from_line(in_partial, nullptr); command->valid_utf8 = utf8; multiline = command_is_multiline(command->option); if (!multiline) { ret = command_in(std::move(command)); command.reset(); } } return ret; } static std::string read_config(const std::string& fn) { if (fn == "stdin") return read_stdin(); else return read_text_utf8(fn); } void listen_tcp(const std::string& addr, const std::string& port) { // init TCP acceptor Acceptor::TCP::Ptr a(new Acceptor::TCP(io_context)); // parse address/port of local endpoint const IP::Addr ip_addr = IP::Addr::from_string(addr); a->local_endpoint.address(ip_addr.to_asio()); a->local_endpoint.port(HostPort::parse_port(port, "OMI TCP listen")); // open socket a->acceptor.open(a->local_endpoint.protocol()); // set options a->set_socket_options(0); // bind to local address a->acceptor.bind(a->local_endpoint); // listen for incoming client connections a->acceptor.listen(); // save acceptor acceptor = a; // dispatch accepts to handle_except() queue_accept(); } void listen_unix(const std::string& socket_path) { #ifdef ASIO_HAS_LOCAL_SOCKETS // init unix socket acceptor Acceptor::Unix::Ptr a(new Acceptor::Unix(io_context)); // set endpoint a->pre_listen(socket_path); a->local_endpoint.path(socket_path); // open socket a->acceptor.open(a->local_endpoint.protocol()); // bind to local address a->acceptor.bind(a->local_endpoint); // set socket permissions in filesystem a->set_socket_permissions(socket_path, 0777); // listen for incoming client connections a->acceptor.listen(); // save acceptor acceptor = a; // dispatch accepts to handle_except() queue_accept(); #else throw Exception("unix sockets not supported on this platform"); #endif } void queue_accept() { if (acceptor) acceptor->async_accept(this, 0, io_context); } void verify_sock_peer(AsioPolySock::Base& sock) { #ifdef ASIO_HAS_LOCAL_SOCKETS SockOpt::Creds cr; if (management_client_root && sock.peercreds(cr)) { if (!cr.root_uid()) throw Exception("peer must be root"); } #endif } // despite its name, this method handles both accept and connect events virtual void handle_accept(AsioPolySock::Base::Ptr sock, const openvpn_io::error_code& error) override { if (stop_called) return; try { if (error) throw Exception("accept/connect failed: " + error.message()); if (is_sock_open()) throw Exception("client already connected"); verify_sock_peer(*sock); sock->non_blocking(true); sock->set_cloexec(); socket = std::move(sock); password_verified = false; if (password_defined) send_password_prompt(); else send_title_message(); queue_recv(); if (!password_defined) hold_cycle(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { const std::string msg = "exception in accept/connect handler: " + std::string(e.what()) + '\n'; if (errors_to_stderr) std::cerr << msg << std::flush; OPENVPN_LOG_STRING(msg); } queue_accept(); } void connect_tcp(const std::string& addr, const std::string& port) { openvpn_io::ip::tcp::endpoint ep(IP::Addr::from_string(addr).to_asio(), HostPort::parse_port(port, "OMI TCP connect")); AsioPolySock::TCP* s = new AsioPolySock::TCP(io_context, 0); AsioPolySock::Base::Ptr sock(s); s->socket.async_connect(ep, [self=Ptr(this), sock](const openvpn_io::error_code& error) mutable { // this is a connect, but we reuse the accept method self->handle_accept(std::move(sock), error); }); } void connect_unix(const std::string& socket_path) { #ifdef ASIO_HAS_LOCAL_SOCKETS openvpn_io::local::stream_protocol::endpoint ep(socket_path); AsioPolySock::Unix* s = new AsioPolySock::Unix(io_context, 0); AsioPolySock::Base::Ptr sock(s); s->socket.async_connect(ep, [self=Ptr(this), sock](const openvpn_io::error_code& error) mutable { // this is a connect, but we reuse the accept method self->handle_accept(std::move(sock), error); }); #else throw Exception("unix sockets not supported on this platform"); #endif } void queue_recv() { if (!is_sock_open() || recv_queued) return; BufferPtr buf(new BufferAllocated(256, 0)); socket->async_receive(buf->mutable_buffer_clamp(), [self=Ptr(this), sock=socket, buf](const openvpn_io::error_code& error, const size_t bytes_recvd) { self->handle_recv(error, bytes_recvd, std::move(buf), sock.get()); }); recv_queued = true; } void handle_recv(const openvpn_io::error_code& error, const size_t bytes_recvd, BufferPtr buf, const AsioPolySock::Base* queued_socket) { recv_queued = false; if (!is_sock_open() || socket.get() != queued_socket) return; if (error) { const bool eof = (error == openvpn_io::error::eof); if (!eof) OPENVPN_LOG("client socket recv error: " << error.message()); conditional_stop(eof); return; } buf->set_size(bytes_recvd); in_buf = std::move(buf); process_recv(); } void process_recv() { while (in_buf->size()) { const char c = (char)in_buf->pop_front(); in_partial += c; if (c == '\n') { bool defer = false; try { defer = process_in_line(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { send("ERROR: in OMI command: " + std::string(e.what()) + "\r\n"); } in_partial.clear(); if (defer) return; } } queue_recv(); } void queue_send() { if (!is_sock_open()) return; BufferAllocated& buf = *content_out.front(); socket->async_send(buf.const_buffer_clamp(), [self=Ptr(this), sock=socket](const openvpn_io::error_code& error, const size_t bytes_sent) { self->handle_send(error, bytes_sent, sock.get()); }); } void handle_send(const openvpn_io::error_code& error, const size_t bytes_sent, const AsioPolySock::Base* queued_socket) { if (!is_sock_open() || socket.get() != queued_socket) return; if (error) { OPENVPN_LOG("client socket send error: " << error.message()); conditional_stop(false); return; } BufferPtr buf = content_out.front(); if (bytes_sent == buf->size()) { content_out.pop_front(); if (content_out_throttle) content_out_throttle->size_change(content_out.size()); } else if (bytes_sent < buf->size()) buf->advance(bytes_sent); else { OPENVPN_LOG("client socket unexpected send size: " << bytes_sent << '/' << buf->size()); conditional_stop(false); return; } if (!content_out.empty()) queue_send(); else if (stop_called) conditional_stop(false); } // I/O Acceptor::Base::Ptr acceptor; AsioPolySock::Base::Ptr socket; std::unique_ptr<AsioWork> asio_work; std::deque<BufferPtr> content_out; std::string in_partial; std::unique_ptr<Command> command; BufferPtr in_buf; bool management_client_root = false; bool multiline = false; bool errors_to_stderr = false; bool recv_queued = false; bool password_defined = false; bool password_verified = false; std::string password; // stopping volatile bool stop_called = false; AsioTimerSafe stop_timer; // hold bool hold_wait = false; bool hold_flag = false; // bandwidth stats unsigned int bytecount = 0; // histories History hist_log {"log", 100}; History hist_state {"state", 100}; History hist_echo {"echo", 100}; // throttling std::unique_ptr<BufferThrottle> content_out_throttle; #if defined(OPENVPN_PLATFORM_WIN) Win::ScopedHANDLE log_handle; #endif }; }