<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.newfiber.termite.mapper.DeviceMonitoringDataMapper"> <!-- 通用查询映射结果 --> <resultMap type="com.newfiber.termite.domain.DeviceMonitoringData" id="DeviceMonitoringDataResult"> <result property="id" column="id"/> <result property="sn" column="sn"/> <result property="date" column="date"/> <result property="yesnoant" column="yesnoant"/> <result property="rtpitcu" column="rtpitcu"/> <result property="idenpitcu" column="idenpitcu"/> <result property="idencolle" column="idencolle"/> <result property="antNumber" column="ant_number"/> <result property="otherAntNumber" column="other_ant_number"/> <result property="druing" column="druing"/> <result property="uptime" column="uptime"/> <result property="projectCode" column="project_code"/> <result property="location" column="location"/> </resultMap> <!-- 通用查询结果列 --> <sql id="Base_Column_List"> t.id , t.sn , t.date , t.yesnoant , t.rtpitcu , t.idenpitcu , t.idencolle , t.ant_number , t.other_ant_number , t.druing , t.uptime , di.project_code , di.location , di.location_type , di.lonandlat </sql> <sql id="Where_Condition"> <if test="request.sn != null and request.sn != ''"> and t.sn = #{request.sn} </if> <if test="request.date != null and request.date != ''"> and t.date = #{request.date} </if> <if test="request.yesnoant != null and request.yesnoant != ''"> and t.yesnoant = #{request.yesnoant} </if> <if test="request.idencolle != null and request.idencolle != ''"> and t.idencolle = #{request.idencolle} </if> <if test="request.druing != null and request.druing != ''"> and t.druing = #{request.druing} </if> <if test="request.projectCode != null and request.projectCode != ''"> and di.project_code = #{request.projectCode} </if> </sql> <sql id="Join_Table"> left join ter_device_info di on t.sn = di.sn </sql> <select id="selectByCondition" resultMap="DeviceMonitoringDataResult"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> from ter_device_monitoring_data t <include refid="Join_Table"/> where t.del_flag = 0 and di.project_code is not null <include refid="Where_Condition"/> order by t.${request.orderBy} </select> <select id="selectOneById" resultMap="DeviceMonitoringDataResult"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> from ter_device_monitoring_data t <include refid="Join_Table"/> where t.id = #{id} and t.del_flag = 0 and di.project_code is not null limit 1 </select> <select id="listWarinTotalDays" resultType="com.newfiber.termite.domain.response.WarnMonitoringResponseInfo"> SELECT di.sn, DATE_FORMAT(MIN(di.first_warn_datetime), '%Y-%m-%d') AS dailyFirstWarnDatetime, COUNT(DISTINCT DATE(dm.date)) AS countDays FROM ter_device_info di INNER JOIN ter_monitoring_warn_record dm ON di.sn = dm.sn WHERE di.project_code = #{projectCode} GROUP BY di.sn, di.first_warn_datetime ORDER BY countDays DESC, di.sn; </select> <select id="snWarinTotalDays" resultType="com.newfiber.termite.domain.response.SnWarinTotalDaysResponseInfo"> SELECT di.sn, di.first_warn_datetime, COUNT(DISTINCT DATE(dm.date)) AS count FROM ter_device_info di INNER JOIN ter_monitoring_warn_record dm ON di.sn = dm.sn WHERE di.sn = #{sn} AND DATE(dm.date) BETWEEN #{startTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} AND #{endTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} GROUP BY di.sn, di.first_warn_datetime ORDER BY di.sn; </select> </mapper>