HuangJiPC / public / static / three / examples / js / exporters / PLYExporter.js
@zhangdeliang zhangdeliang on 21 Jun 11 KB update
( function () {

 * Usage:
 *  const exporter = new PLYExporter();
 *  // second argument is a list of options
 *  exporter.parse(mesh, data => console.log(data), { binary: true, excludeAttributes: [ 'color' ], littleEndian: true });
 * Format Definition:

	class PLYExporter {

		parse( object, onDone, options ) {

			// Iterate over the valid meshes in the object
			function traverseMeshes( cb ) {

				object.traverse( function ( child ) {

					if ( child.isMesh === true || child.isPoints ) {

						const mesh = child;
						const geometry = mesh.geometry;

						if ( geometry.hasAttribute( 'position' ) === true ) {

							cb( mesh, geometry );



				} );

			} // Default options

			const defaultOptions = {
				binary: false,
				excludeAttributes: [],
				// normal, uv, color, index
				littleEndian: false
			options = Object.assign( defaultOptions, options );
			const excludeAttributes = options.excludeAttributes;
			let includeIndices = true;
			let includeNormals = false;
			let includeColors = false;
			let includeUVs = false; // count the vertices, check which properties are used,
			// and cache the BufferGeometry

			let vertexCount = 0;
			let faceCount = 0;
			object.traverse( function ( child ) {

				if ( child.isMesh === true ) {

					const mesh = child;
					const geometry = mesh.geometry;
					const vertices = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );
					const normals = geometry.getAttribute( 'normal' );
					const uvs = geometry.getAttribute( 'uv' );
					const colors = geometry.getAttribute( 'color' );
					const indices = geometry.getIndex();

					if ( vertices === undefined ) {



					vertexCount += vertices.count;
					faceCount += indices ? indices.count / 3 : vertices.count / 3;
					if ( normals !== undefined ) includeNormals = true;
					if ( uvs !== undefined ) includeUVs = true;
					if ( colors !== undefined ) includeColors = true;

				} else if ( child.isPoints ) {

					const mesh = child;
					const geometry = mesh.geometry;
					const vertices = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );
					vertexCount += vertices.count;
					includeIndices = false;


			} );
			const tempColor = new THREE.Color();
			includeIndices = includeIndices && excludeAttributes.indexOf( 'index' ) === - 1;
			includeNormals = includeNormals && excludeAttributes.indexOf( 'normal' ) === - 1;
			includeColors = includeColors && excludeAttributes.indexOf( 'color' ) === - 1;
			includeUVs = includeUVs && excludeAttributes.indexOf( 'uv' ) === - 1;

			if ( includeIndices && faceCount !== Math.floor( faceCount ) ) {

				// point cloud meshes will not have an index array and may not have a
				// number of vertices that is divisble by 3 (and therefore representable
				// as triangles)
				console.error( 'PLYExporter: Failed to generate a valid PLY file with triangle indices because the ' + 'number of indices is not divisible by 3.' );
				return null;


			const indexByteCount = 4;
			let header = 'ply\n' + `format ${options.binary ? options.littleEndian ? 'binary_little_endian' : 'binary_big_endian' : 'ascii'} 1.0\n` + `element vertex ${vertexCount}\n` + // position
    'property float x\n' + 'property float y\n' + 'property float z\n';

			if ( includeNormals === true ) {

				// normal
				header += 'property float nx\n' + 'property float ny\n' + 'property float nz\n';


			if ( includeUVs === true ) {

				// uvs
				header += 'property float s\n' + 'property float t\n';


			if ( includeColors === true ) {

				// colors
				header += 'property uchar red\n' + 'property uchar green\n' + 'property uchar blue\n';


			if ( includeIndices === true ) {

				// faces
				header += `element face ${faceCount}\n` + 'property list uchar int vertex_index\n';


			header += 'end_header\n'; // Generate attribute data

			const vertex = new THREE.Vector3();
			const normalMatrixWorld = new THREE.Matrix3();
			let result = null;

			if ( options.binary === true ) {

				// Binary File Generation
				const headerBin = new TextEncoder().encode( header ); // 3 position values at 4 bytes
				// 3 normal values at 4 bytes
				// 3 color channels with 1 byte
				// 2 uv values at 4 bytes

				const vertexListLength = vertexCount * ( 4 * 3 + ( includeNormals ? 4 * 3 : 0 ) + ( includeColors ? 3 : 0 ) + ( includeUVs ? 4 * 2 : 0 ) ); // 1 byte shape desciptor
				// 3 vertex indices at ${indexByteCount} bytes

				const faceListLength = includeIndices ? faceCount * ( indexByteCount * 3 + 1 ) : 0;
				const output = new DataView( new ArrayBuffer( headerBin.length + vertexListLength + faceListLength ) );
				new Uint8Array( output.buffer ).set( headerBin, 0 );
				let vOffset = headerBin.length;
				let fOffset = headerBin.length + vertexListLength;
				let writtenVertices = 0;
				traverseMeshes( function ( mesh, geometry ) {

					const vertices = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );
					const normals = geometry.getAttribute( 'normal' );
					const uvs = geometry.getAttribute( 'uv' );
					const colors = geometry.getAttribute( 'color' );
					const indices = geometry.getIndex();
					normalMatrixWorld.getNormalMatrix( mesh.matrixWorld );

					for ( let i = 0, l = vertices.count; i < l; i ++ ) {

						vertex.fromBufferAttribute( vertices, i );
						vertex.applyMatrix4( mesh.matrixWorld ); // Position information

						output.setFloat32( vOffset, vertex.x, options.littleEndian );
						vOffset += 4;
						output.setFloat32( vOffset, vertex.y, options.littleEndian );
						vOffset += 4;
						output.setFloat32( vOffset, vertex.z, options.littleEndian );
						vOffset += 4; // Normal information

						if ( includeNormals === true ) {

							if ( normals != null ) {

								vertex.fromBufferAttribute( normals, i );
								vertex.applyMatrix3( normalMatrixWorld ).normalize();
								output.setFloat32( vOffset, vertex.x, options.littleEndian );
								vOffset += 4;
								output.setFloat32( vOffset, vertex.y, options.littleEndian );
								vOffset += 4;
								output.setFloat32( vOffset, vertex.z, options.littleEndian );
								vOffset += 4;

							} else {

								output.setFloat32( vOffset, 0, options.littleEndian );
								vOffset += 4;
								output.setFloat32( vOffset, 0, options.littleEndian );
								vOffset += 4;
								output.setFloat32( vOffset, 0, options.littleEndian );
								vOffset += 4;


						} // UV information

						if ( includeUVs === true ) {

							if ( uvs != null ) {

								output.setFloat32( vOffset, uvs.getX( i ), options.littleEndian );
								vOffset += 4;
								output.setFloat32( vOffset, uvs.getY( i ), options.littleEndian );
								vOffset += 4;

							} else {

								output.setFloat32( vOffset, 0, options.littleEndian );
								vOffset += 4;
								output.setFloat32( vOffset, 0, options.littleEndian );
								vOffset += 4;


						} // THREE.Color information

						if ( includeColors === true ) {

							if ( colors != null ) {

								tempColor.fromBufferAttribute( colors, i ).convertLinearToSRGB();
								output.setUint8( vOffset, Math.floor( tempColor.r * 255 ) );
								vOffset += 1;
								output.setUint8( vOffset, Math.floor( tempColor.g * 255 ) );
								vOffset += 1;
								output.setUint8( vOffset, Math.floor( tempColor.b * 255 ) );
								vOffset += 1;

							} else {

								output.setUint8( vOffset, 255 );
								vOffset += 1;
								output.setUint8( vOffset, 255 );
								vOffset += 1;
								output.setUint8( vOffset, 255 );
								vOffset += 1;




					if ( includeIndices === true ) {

						// Create the face list
						if ( indices !== null ) {

							for ( let i = 0, l = indices.count; i < l; i += 3 ) {

								output.setUint8( fOffset, 3 );
								fOffset += 1;
								output.setUint32( fOffset, indices.getX( i + 0 ) + writtenVertices, options.littleEndian );
								fOffset += indexByteCount;
								output.setUint32( fOffset, indices.getX( i + 1 ) + writtenVertices, options.littleEndian );
								fOffset += indexByteCount;
								output.setUint32( fOffset, indices.getX( i + 2 ) + writtenVertices, options.littleEndian );
								fOffset += indexByteCount;


						} else {

							for ( let i = 0, l = vertices.count; i < l; i += 3 ) {

								output.setUint8( fOffset, 3 );
								fOffset += 1;
								output.setUint32( fOffset, writtenVertices + i, options.littleEndian );
								fOffset += indexByteCount;
								output.setUint32( fOffset, writtenVertices + i + 1, options.littleEndian );
								fOffset += indexByteCount;
								output.setUint32( fOffset, writtenVertices + i + 2, options.littleEndian );
								fOffset += indexByteCount;



					} // Save the amount of verts we've already written so we can offset
					// the face index on the next mesh

					writtenVertices += vertices.count;

				} );
				result = output.buffer;

			} else {

				// Ascii File Generation
				// count the number of vertices
				let writtenVertices = 0;
				let vertexList = '';
				let faceList = '';
				traverseMeshes( function ( mesh, geometry ) {

					const vertices = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );
					const normals = geometry.getAttribute( 'normal' );
					const uvs = geometry.getAttribute( 'uv' );
					const colors = geometry.getAttribute( 'color' );
					const indices = geometry.getIndex();
					normalMatrixWorld.getNormalMatrix( mesh.matrixWorld ); // form each line

					for ( let i = 0, l = vertices.count; i < l; i ++ ) {

						vertex.fromBufferAttribute( vertices, i );
						vertex.applyMatrix4( mesh.matrixWorld ); // Position information

						let line = vertex.x + ' ' + vertex.y + ' ' + vertex.z; // Normal information

						if ( includeNormals === true ) {

							if ( normals != null ) {

								vertex.fromBufferAttribute( normals, i );
								vertex.applyMatrix3( normalMatrixWorld ).normalize();
								line += ' ' + vertex.x + ' ' + vertex.y + ' ' + vertex.z;

							} else {

								line += ' 0 0 0';


						} // UV information

						if ( includeUVs === true ) {

							if ( uvs != null ) {

								line += ' ' + uvs.getX( i ) + ' ' + uvs.getY( i );

							} else {

								line += ' 0 0';


						} // THREE.Color information

						if ( includeColors === true ) {

							if ( colors != null ) {

								tempColor.fromBufferAttribute( colors, i ).convertLinearToSRGB();
								line += ' ' + Math.floor( tempColor.r * 255 ) + ' ' + Math.floor( tempColor.g * 255 ) + ' ' + Math.floor( tempColor.b * 255 );

							} else {

								line += ' 255 255 255';



						vertexList += line + '\n';

					} // Create the face list

					if ( includeIndices === true ) {

						if ( indices !== null ) {

							for ( let i = 0, l = indices.count; i < l; i += 3 ) {

								faceList += `3 ${indices.getX( i + 0 ) + writtenVertices}`;
								faceList += ` ${indices.getX( i + 1 ) + writtenVertices}`;
								faceList += ` ${indices.getX( i + 2 ) + writtenVertices}\n`;


						} else {

							for ( let i = 0, l = vertices.count; i < l; i += 3 ) {

								faceList += `3 ${writtenVertices + i} ${writtenVertices + i + 1} ${writtenVertices + i + 2}\n`;



						faceCount += indices ? indices.count / 3 : vertices.count / 3;


					writtenVertices += vertices.count;

				} );
				result = `${header}${vertexList}${includeIndices ? `${faceList}\n` : '\n'}`;


			if ( typeof onDone === 'function' ) requestAnimationFrame( () => onDone( result ) );
			return result;



	THREE.PLYExporter = PLYExporter;

} )();