HuangJiPC / public / static / three / examples / js / loaders / RGBELoader.js
@zhangdeliang zhangdeliang on 21 Jun 11 KB update
( function () {


	class RGBELoader extends THREE.DataTextureLoader {

		constructor( manager ) {

			super( manager );
			this.type = THREE.HalfFloatType;

		} // adapted from

		parse( buffer ) {

				/* return codes for rgbe routines */

				/* default error routine.  change this to change error handling */
				rgbe_read_error = 1,
				rgbe_write_error = 2,
				rgbe_format_error = 3,
				rgbe_memory_error = 4,
				rgbe_error = function ( rgbe_error_code, msg ) {

					switch ( rgbe_error_code ) {

						case rgbe_read_error:
							console.error( 'THREE.RGBELoader Read Error: ' + ( msg || '' ) );

						case rgbe_write_error:
							console.error( 'THREE.RGBELoader Write Error: ' + ( msg || '' ) );

						case rgbe_format_error:
							console.error( 'THREE.RGBELoader Bad File Format: ' + ( msg || '' ) );

						case rgbe_memory_error:
							console.error( 'THREE.RGBELoader: Error: ' + ( msg || '' ) );




				/* offsets to red, green, and blue components in a data (float) pixel */
				//RGBE_DATA_RED = 0,
				//RGBE_DATA_GREEN = 1,
				//RGBE_DATA_BLUE = 2,

				/* number of floats per pixel, use 4 since stored in rgba image format */
				//RGBE_DATA_SIZE = 4,

				/* flags indicating which fields in an rgbe_header_info are valid */
				NEWLINE = '\n',
				fgets = function ( buffer, lineLimit, consume ) {

					const chunkSize = 128;
					lineLimit = ! lineLimit ? 1024 : lineLimit;
					let p = buffer.pos,
						i = - 1,
						len = 0,
						s = '',
						chunk = String.fromCharCode.apply( null, new Uint16Array( buffer.subarray( p, p + chunkSize ) ) );

					while ( 0 > ( i = chunk.indexOf( NEWLINE ) ) && len < lineLimit && p < buffer.byteLength ) {

						s += chunk;
						len += chunk.length;
						p += chunkSize;
						chunk += String.fromCharCode.apply( null, new Uint16Array( buffer.subarray( p, p + chunkSize ) ) );


					if ( - 1 < i ) {

						/*for (i=l-1; i>=0; i--) {
        	byteCode = m.charCodeAt(i);
        	if (byteCode > 0x7f && byteCode <= 0x7ff) byteLen++;
        	else if (byteCode > 0x7ff && byteCode <= 0xffff) byteLen += 2;
        	if (byteCode >= 0xDC00 && byteCode <= 0xDFFF) i--; //trail surrogate
						if ( false !== consume ) buffer.pos += len + i + 1;
						return s + chunk.slice( 0, i );


					return false;


				/* minimal header reading.  modify if you want to parse more information */
				RGBE_ReadHeader = function ( buffer ) {

					// regexes to parse header info fields
					const magic_token_re = /^#\?(\S+)/,
						gamma_re = /^\s*GAMMA\s*=\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*$/,
						exposure_re = /^\s*EXPOSURE\s*=\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*$/,
						format_re = /^\s*FORMAT=(\S+)\s*$/,
						dimensions_re = /^\s*\-Y\s+(\d+)\s+\+X\s+(\d+)\s*$/,
						// RGBE format header struct
						header = {
							valid: 0,

							/* indicate which fields are valid */
							string: '',

							/* the actual header string */
							comments: '',

							/* comments found in header */
							programtype: 'RGBE',

							/* listed at beginning of file to identify it after "#?". defaults to "RGBE" */
							format: '',

							/* RGBE format, default 32-bit_rle_rgbe */
							gamma: 1.0,

							/* image has already been gamma corrected with given gamma. defaults to 1.0 (no correction) */
							exposure: 1.0,

							/* a value of 1.0 in an image corresponds to <exposure> watts/steradian/m^2. defaults to 1.0 */
							width: 0,
							height: 0
							/* image dimensions, width/height */

					let line, match;

					if ( buffer.pos >= buffer.byteLength || ! ( line = fgets( buffer ) ) ) {

						return rgbe_error( rgbe_read_error, 'no header found' );

					/* if you want to require the magic token then uncomment the next line */

					if ( ! ( match = line.match( magic_token_re ) ) ) {

						return rgbe_error( rgbe_format_error, 'bad initial token' );


					header.valid |= RGBE_VALID_PROGRAMTYPE;
					header.programtype = match[ 1 ];
					header.string += line + '\n';

					while ( true ) {

						line = fgets( buffer );
						if ( false === line ) break;
						header.string += line + '\n';

						if ( '#' === line.charAt( 0 ) ) {

							header.comments += line + '\n';
							continue; // comment line


						if ( match = line.match( gamma_re ) ) {

							header.gamma = parseFloat( match[ 1 ] );


						if ( match = line.match( exposure_re ) ) {

							header.exposure = parseFloat( match[ 1 ] );


						if ( match = line.match( format_re ) ) {

							header.valid |= RGBE_VALID_FORMAT;
							header.format = match[ 1 ]; //'32-bit_rle_rgbe';


						if ( match = line.match( dimensions_re ) ) {

							header.valid |= RGBE_VALID_DIMENSIONS;
							header.height = parseInt( match[ 1 ], 10 );
							header.width = parseInt( match[ 2 ], 10 );


						if ( header.valid & RGBE_VALID_FORMAT && header.valid & RGBE_VALID_DIMENSIONS ) break;


					if ( ! ( header.valid & RGBE_VALID_FORMAT ) ) {

						return rgbe_error( rgbe_format_error, 'missing format specifier' );


					if ( ! ( header.valid & RGBE_VALID_DIMENSIONS ) ) {

						return rgbe_error( rgbe_format_error, 'missing image size specifier' );


					return header;

				RGBE_ReadPixels_RLE = function ( buffer, w, h ) {

					const scanline_width = w;

					if ( // run length encoding is not allowed so read flat
						scanline_width < 8 || scanline_width > 0x7fff || // this file is not run length encoded
      2 !== buffer[ 0 ] || 2 !== buffer[ 1 ] || buffer[ 2 ] & 0x80 ) {

						// return the flat buffer
						return new Uint8Array( buffer );


					if ( scanline_width !== ( buffer[ 2 ] << 8 | buffer[ 3 ] ) ) {

						return rgbe_error( rgbe_format_error, 'wrong scanline width' );


					const data_rgba = new Uint8Array( 4 * w * h );

					if ( ! data_rgba.length ) {

						return rgbe_error( rgbe_memory_error, 'unable to allocate buffer space' );


					let offset = 0,
						pos = 0;
					const ptr_end = 4 * scanline_width;
					const rgbeStart = new Uint8Array( 4 );
					const scanline_buffer = new Uint8Array( ptr_end );
					let num_scanlines = h; // read in each successive scanline

					while ( num_scanlines > 0 && pos < buffer.byteLength ) {

						if ( pos + 4 > buffer.byteLength ) {

							return rgbe_error( rgbe_read_error );


						rgbeStart[ 0 ] = buffer[ pos ++ ];
						rgbeStart[ 1 ] = buffer[ pos ++ ];
						rgbeStart[ 2 ] = buffer[ pos ++ ];
						rgbeStart[ 3 ] = buffer[ pos ++ ];

						if ( 2 != rgbeStart[ 0 ] || 2 != rgbeStart[ 1 ] || ( rgbeStart[ 2 ] << 8 | rgbeStart[ 3 ] ) != scanline_width ) {

							return rgbe_error( rgbe_format_error, 'bad rgbe scanline format' );

						} // read each of the four channels for the scanline into the buffer
						// first red, then green, then blue, then exponent

						let ptr = 0,

						while ( ptr < ptr_end && pos < buffer.byteLength ) {

							count = buffer[ pos ++ ];
							const isEncodedRun = count > 128;
							if ( isEncodedRun ) count -= 128;

							if ( 0 === count || ptr + count > ptr_end ) {

								return rgbe_error( rgbe_format_error, 'bad scanline data' );


							if ( isEncodedRun ) {

								// a (encoded) run of the same value
								const byteValue = buffer[ pos ++ ];

								for ( let i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) {

									scanline_buffer[ ptr ++ ] = byteValue;

								} //ptr += count;

							} else {

								// a literal-run
								scanline_buffer.set( buffer.subarray( pos, pos + count ), ptr );
								ptr += count;
								pos += count;


						} // now convert data from buffer into rgba
						// first red, then green, then blue, then exponent (alpha)

						const l = scanline_width; //scanline_buffer.byteLength;

						for ( let i = 0; i < l; i ++ ) {

							let off = 0;
							data_rgba[ offset ] = scanline_buffer[ i + off ];
							off += scanline_width; //1;

							data_rgba[ offset + 1 ] = scanline_buffer[ i + off ];
							off += scanline_width; //1;

							data_rgba[ offset + 2 ] = scanline_buffer[ i + off ];
							off += scanline_width; //1;

							data_rgba[ offset + 3 ] = scanline_buffer[ i + off ];
							offset += 4;


						num_scanlines --;


					return data_rgba;


			const RGBEByteToRGBFloat = function ( sourceArray, sourceOffset, destArray, destOffset ) {

				const e = sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 3 ];
				const scale = Math.pow( 2.0, e - 128.0 ) / 255.0;
				destArray[ destOffset + 0 ] = sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 0 ] * scale;
				destArray[ destOffset + 1 ] = sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 1 ] * scale;
				destArray[ destOffset + 2 ] = sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 2 ] * scale;
				destArray[ destOffset + 3 ] = 1;


			const RGBEByteToRGBHalf = function ( sourceArray, sourceOffset, destArray, destOffset ) {

				const e = sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 3 ];
				const scale = Math.pow( 2.0, e - 128.0 ) / 255.0; // clamping to 65504, the maximum representable value in float16

				destArray[ destOffset + 0 ] = THREE.DataUtils.toHalfFloat( Math.min( sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 0 ] * scale, 65504 ) );
				destArray[ destOffset + 1 ] = THREE.DataUtils.toHalfFloat( Math.min( sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 1 ] * scale, 65504 ) );
				destArray[ destOffset + 2 ] = THREE.DataUtils.toHalfFloat( Math.min( sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 2 ] * scale, 65504 ) );
				destArray[ destOffset + 3 ] = THREE.DataUtils.toHalfFloat( 1 );


			const byteArray = new Uint8Array( buffer );
			byteArray.pos = 0;
			const rgbe_header_info = RGBE_ReadHeader( byteArray );

			if ( RGBE_RETURN_FAILURE !== rgbe_header_info ) {

				const w = rgbe_header_info.width,
					h = rgbe_header_info.height,
					image_rgba_data = RGBE_ReadPixels_RLE( byteArray.subarray( byteArray.pos ), w, h );

				if ( RGBE_RETURN_FAILURE !== image_rgba_data ) {

					let data, type;
					let numElements;

					switch ( this.type ) {

						case THREE.FloatType:
							numElements = image_rgba_data.length / 4;
							const floatArray = new Float32Array( numElements * 4 );

							for ( let j = 0; j < numElements; j ++ ) {

								RGBEByteToRGBFloat( image_rgba_data, j * 4, floatArray, j * 4 );


							data = floatArray;
							type = THREE.FloatType;

						case THREE.HalfFloatType:
							numElements = image_rgba_data.length / 4;
							const halfArray = new Uint16Array( numElements * 4 );

							for ( let j = 0; j < numElements; j ++ ) {

								RGBEByteToRGBHalf( image_rgba_data, j * 4, halfArray, j * 4 );


							data = halfArray;
							type = THREE.HalfFloatType;

							console.error( 'THREE.RGBELoader: unsupported type: ', this.type );


					return {
						width: w,
						height: h,
						data: data,
						header: rgbe_header_info.string,
						gamma: rgbe_header_info.gamma,
						exposure: rgbe_header_info.exposure,
						type: type



			return null;


		setDataType( value ) {

			this.type = value;
			return this;


		load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			function onLoadCallback( texture, texData ) {

				switch ( texture.type ) {

					case THREE.FloatType:
					case THREE.HalfFloatType:
						texture.encoding = THREE.LinearEncoding;
						texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
						texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
						texture.generateMipmaps = false;
						texture.flipY = true;


				if ( onLoad ) onLoad( texture, texData );


			return super.load( url, onLoadCallback, onProgress, onError );



	THREE.RGBELoader = RGBELoader;

} )();