HuangJiPC / public / static / three / examples / js / loaders / OBJLoader.js
@zhangdeliang zhangdeliang on 21 Jun 20 KB update
( function () {

	const _object_pattern = /^[og]\s*(.+)?/; // mtllib file_reference

	const _material_library_pattern = /^mtllib /; // usemtl material_name

	const _material_use_pattern = /^usemtl /; // usemap map_name

	const _map_use_pattern = /^usemap /;
	const _face_vertex_data_separator_pattern = /\s+/;

	const _vA = new THREE.Vector3();

	const _vB = new THREE.Vector3();

	const _vC = new THREE.Vector3();

	const _ab = new THREE.Vector3();

	const _cb = new THREE.Vector3();

	const _color = new THREE.Color();

	function ParserState() {

		const state = {
			objects: [],
			object: {},
			vertices: [],
			normals: [],
			colors: [],
			uvs: [],
			materials: {},
			materialLibraries: [],
			startObject: function ( name, fromDeclaration ) {

				// If the current object (initial from reset) is not from a g/o declaration in the parsed
				// file. We need to use it for the first parsed g/o to keep things in sync.
				if ( this.object && this.object.fromDeclaration === false ) { = name;
					this.object.fromDeclaration = fromDeclaration !== false;


				const previousMaterial = this.object && typeof this.object.currentMaterial === 'function' ? this.object.currentMaterial() : undefined;

				if ( this.object && typeof this.object._finalize === 'function' ) {

					this.object._finalize( true );


				this.object = {
					name: name || '',
					fromDeclaration: fromDeclaration !== false,
					geometry: {
						vertices: [],
						normals: [],
						colors: [],
						uvs: [],
						hasUVIndices: false
					materials: [],
					smooth: true,
					startMaterial: function ( name, libraries ) {

						const previous = this._finalize( false ); // New usemtl declaration overwrites an inherited material, except if faces were declared
						// after the material, then it must be preserved for proper MultiMaterial continuation.

						if ( previous && ( previous.inherited || previous.groupCount <= 0 ) ) {

							this.materials.splice( previous.index, 1 );


						const material = {
							index: this.materials.length,
							name: name || '',
							mtllib: Array.isArray( libraries ) && libraries.length > 0 ? libraries[ libraries.length - 1 ] : '',
							smooth: previous !== undefined ? previous.smooth : this.smooth,
							groupStart: previous !== undefined ? previous.groupEnd : 0,
							groupEnd: - 1,
							groupCount: - 1,
							inherited: false,
							clone: function ( index ) {

								const cloned = {
									index: typeof index === 'number' ? index : this.index,
									mtllib: this.mtllib,
									smooth: this.smooth,
									groupStart: 0,
									groupEnd: - 1,
									groupCount: - 1,
									inherited: false
								cloned.clone = this.clone.bind( cloned );
								return cloned;

						this.materials.push( material );
						return material;

					currentMaterial: function () {

						if ( this.materials.length > 0 ) {

							return this.materials[ this.materials.length - 1 ];


						return undefined;

					_finalize: function ( end ) {

						const lastMultiMaterial = this.currentMaterial();

						if ( lastMultiMaterial && lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd === - 1 ) {

							lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd = this.geometry.vertices.length / 3;
							lastMultiMaterial.groupCount = lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd - lastMultiMaterial.groupStart;
							lastMultiMaterial.inherited = false;

						} // Ignore objects tail materials if no face declarations followed them before a new o/g started.

						if ( end && this.materials.length > 1 ) {

							for ( let mi = this.materials.length - 1; mi >= 0; mi -- ) {

								if ( this.materials[ mi ].groupCount <= 0 ) {

									this.materials.splice( mi, 1 );



						} // Guarantee at least one empty material, this makes the creation later more straight forward.

						if ( end && this.materials.length === 0 ) {

							this.materials.push( {
								name: '',
								smooth: this.smooth
							} );


						return lastMultiMaterial;

				}; // Inherit previous objects material.
				// Spec tells us that a declared material must be set to all objects until a new material is declared.
				// If a usemtl declaration is encountered while this new object is being parsed, it will
				// overwrite the inherited material. Exception being that there was already face declarations
				// to the inherited material, then it will be preserved for proper MultiMaterial continuation.

				if ( previousMaterial && && typeof previousMaterial.clone === 'function' ) {

					const declared = previousMaterial.clone( 0 );
					declared.inherited = true;
					this.object.materials.push( declared );


				this.objects.push( this.object );

			finalize: function () {

				if ( this.object && typeof this.object._finalize === 'function' ) {

					this.object._finalize( true );


			parseVertexIndex: function ( value, len ) {

				const index = parseInt( value, 10 );
				return ( index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + len / 3 ) * 3;

			parseNormalIndex: function ( value, len ) {

				const index = parseInt( value, 10 );
				return ( index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + len / 3 ) * 3;

			parseUVIndex: function ( value, len ) {

				const index = parseInt( value, 10 );
				return ( index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + len / 2 ) * 2;

			addVertex: function ( a, b, c ) {

				const src = this.vertices;
				const dst = this.object.geometry.vertices;
				dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ], src[ a + 2 ] );
				dst.push( src[ b + 0 ], src[ b + 1 ], src[ b + 2 ] );
				dst.push( src[ c + 0 ], src[ c + 1 ], src[ c + 2 ] );

			addVertexPoint: function ( a ) {

				const src = this.vertices;
				const dst = this.object.geometry.vertices;
				dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ], src[ a + 2 ] );

			addVertexLine: function ( a ) {

				const src = this.vertices;
				const dst = this.object.geometry.vertices;
				dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ], src[ a + 2 ] );

			addNormal: function ( a, b, c ) {

				const src = this.normals;
				const dst = this.object.geometry.normals;
				dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ], src[ a + 2 ] );
				dst.push( src[ b + 0 ], src[ b + 1 ], src[ b + 2 ] );
				dst.push( src[ c + 0 ], src[ c + 1 ], src[ c + 2 ] );

			addFaceNormal: function ( a, b, c ) {

				const src = this.vertices;
				const dst = this.object.geometry.normals;

				_vA.fromArray( src, a );

				_vB.fromArray( src, b );

				_vC.fromArray( src, c );

				_cb.subVectors( _vC, _vB );

				_ab.subVectors( _vA, _vB );

				_cb.cross( _ab );


				dst.push( _cb.x, _cb.y, _cb.z );
				dst.push( _cb.x, _cb.y, _cb.z );
				dst.push( _cb.x, _cb.y, _cb.z );

			addColor: function ( a, b, c ) {

				const src = this.colors;
				const dst = this.object.geometry.colors;
				if ( src[ a ] !== undefined ) dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ], src[ a + 2 ] );
				if ( src[ b ] !== undefined ) dst.push( src[ b + 0 ], src[ b + 1 ], src[ b + 2 ] );
				if ( src[ c ] !== undefined ) dst.push( src[ c + 0 ], src[ c + 1 ], src[ c + 2 ] );

			addUV: function ( a, b, c ) {

				const src = this.uvs;
				const dst = this.object.geometry.uvs;
				dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ] );
				dst.push( src[ b + 0 ], src[ b + 1 ] );
				dst.push( src[ c + 0 ], src[ c + 1 ] );

			addDefaultUV: function () {

				const dst = this.object.geometry.uvs;
				dst.push( 0, 0 );
				dst.push( 0, 0 );
				dst.push( 0, 0 );

			addUVLine: function ( a ) {

				const src = this.uvs;
				const dst = this.object.geometry.uvs;
				dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ] );

			addFace: function ( a, b, c, ua, ub, uc, na, nb, nc ) {

				const vLen = this.vertices.length;
				let ia = this.parseVertexIndex( a, vLen );
				let ib = this.parseVertexIndex( b, vLen );
				let ic = this.parseVertexIndex( c, vLen );
				this.addVertex( ia, ib, ic );
				this.addColor( ia, ib, ic ); // normals

				if ( na !== undefined && na !== '' ) {

					const nLen = this.normals.length;
					ia = this.parseNormalIndex( na, nLen );
					ib = this.parseNormalIndex( nb, nLen );
					ic = this.parseNormalIndex( nc, nLen );
					this.addNormal( ia, ib, ic );

				} else {

					this.addFaceNormal( ia, ib, ic );

				} // uvs

				if ( ua !== undefined && ua !== '' ) {

					const uvLen = this.uvs.length;
					ia = this.parseUVIndex( ua, uvLen );
					ib = this.parseUVIndex( ub, uvLen );
					ic = this.parseUVIndex( uc, uvLen );
					this.addUV( ia, ib, ic );
					this.object.geometry.hasUVIndices = true;

				} else {

					// add placeholder values (for inconsistent face definitions)


			addPointGeometry: function ( vertices ) {

				this.object.geometry.type = 'Points';
				const vLen = this.vertices.length;

				for ( let vi = 0, l = vertices.length; vi < l; vi ++ ) {

					const index = this.parseVertexIndex( vertices[ vi ], vLen );
					this.addVertexPoint( index );
					this.addColor( index );


			addLineGeometry: function ( vertices, uvs ) {

				this.object.geometry.type = 'Line';
				const vLen = this.vertices.length;
				const uvLen = this.uvs.length;

				for ( let vi = 0, l = vertices.length; vi < l; vi ++ ) {

					this.addVertexLine( this.parseVertexIndex( vertices[ vi ], vLen ) );


				for ( let uvi = 0, l = uvs.length; uvi < l; uvi ++ ) {

					this.addUVLine( this.parseUVIndex( uvs[ uvi ], uvLen ) );


		state.startObject( '', false );
		return state;

	} //

	class OBJLoader extends THREE.Loader {

		constructor( manager ) {

			super( manager );
			this.materials = null;


		load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			const scope = this;
			const loader = new THREE.FileLoader( this.manager );
			loader.setPath( this.path );
			loader.setRequestHeader( this.requestHeader );
			loader.setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials );
			loader.load( url, function ( text ) {

				try {

					onLoad( scope.parse( text ) );

				} catch ( e ) {

					if ( onError ) {

						onError( e );

					} else {

						console.error( e );


					scope.manager.itemError( url );


			}, onProgress, onError );


		setMaterials( materials ) {

			this.materials = materials;
			return this;


		parse( text ) {

			const state = new ParserState();

			if ( text.indexOf( '\r\n' ) !== - 1 ) {

				// This is faster than String.split with regex that splits on both
				text = text.replace( /\r\n/g, '\n' );


			if ( text.indexOf( '\\\n' ) !== - 1 ) {

				// join lines separated by a line continuation character (\)
				text = text.replace( /\\\n/g, '' );


			const lines = text.split( '\n' );
			let result = [];

			for ( let i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const line = lines[ i ].trimStart();
				if ( line.length === 0 ) continue;
				const lineFirstChar = line.charAt( 0 ); // @todo invoke passed in handler if any

				if ( lineFirstChar === '#' ) continue;

				if ( lineFirstChar === 'v' ) {

					const data = line.split( _face_vertex_data_separator_pattern );

					switch ( data[ 0 ] ) {

						case 'v':
							state.vertices.push( parseFloat( data[ 1 ] ), parseFloat( data[ 2 ] ), parseFloat( data[ 3 ] ) );

							if ( data.length >= 7 ) {

								_color.setRGB( parseFloat( data[ 4 ] ), parseFloat( data[ 5 ] ), parseFloat( data[ 6 ] ) ).convertSRGBToLinear();

								state.colors.push( _color.r, _color.g, _color.b );

							} else {

								// if no colors are defined, add placeholders so color and vertex indices match
								state.colors.push( undefined, undefined, undefined );



						case 'vn':
							state.normals.push( parseFloat( data[ 1 ] ), parseFloat( data[ 2 ] ), parseFloat( data[ 3 ] ) );

						case 'vt':
							state.uvs.push( parseFloat( data[ 1 ] ), parseFloat( data[ 2 ] ) );


				} else if ( lineFirstChar === 'f' ) {

					const lineData = line.slice( 1 ).trim();
					const vertexData = lineData.split( _face_vertex_data_separator_pattern );
					const faceVertices = []; // Parse the face vertex data into an easy to work with format

					for ( let j = 0, jl = vertexData.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

						const vertex = vertexData[ j ];

						if ( vertex.length > 0 ) {

							const vertexParts = vertex.split( '/' );
							faceVertices.push( vertexParts );


					} // Draw an edge between the first vertex and all subsequent vertices to form an n-gon

					const v1 = faceVertices[ 0 ];

					for ( let j = 1, jl = faceVertices.length - 1; j < jl; j ++ ) {

						const v2 = faceVertices[ j ];
						const v3 = faceVertices[ j + 1 ];
						state.addFace( v1[ 0 ], v2[ 0 ], v3[ 0 ], v1[ 1 ], v2[ 1 ], v3[ 1 ], v1[ 2 ], v2[ 2 ], v3[ 2 ] );


				} else if ( lineFirstChar === 'l' ) {

					const lineParts = line.substring( 1 ).trim().split( ' ' );
					let lineVertices = [];
					const lineUVs = [];

					if ( line.indexOf( '/' ) === - 1 ) {

						lineVertices = lineParts;

					} else {

						for ( let li = 0, llen = lineParts.length; li < llen; li ++ ) {

							const parts = lineParts[ li ].split( '/' );
							if ( parts[ 0 ] !== '' ) lineVertices.push( parts[ 0 ] );
							if ( parts[ 1 ] !== '' ) lineUVs.push( parts[ 1 ] );



					state.addLineGeometry( lineVertices, lineUVs );

				} else if ( lineFirstChar === 'p' ) {

					const lineData = line.slice( 1 ).trim();
					const pointData = lineData.split( ' ' );
					state.addPointGeometry( pointData );

				} else if ( ( result = _object_pattern.exec( line ) ) !== null ) {

					// o object_name
					// or
					// g group_name
					// let name = result[ 0 ].slice( 1 ).trim();
					const name = ( ' ' + result[ 0 ].slice( 1 ).trim() ).slice( 1 );
					state.startObject( name );

				} else if ( _material_use_pattern.test( line ) ) {

					// material
					state.object.startMaterial( line.substring( 7 ).trim(), state.materialLibraries );

				} else if ( _material_library_pattern.test( line ) ) {

					// mtl file
					state.materialLibraries.push( line.substring( 7 ).trim() );

				} else if ( _map_use_pattern.test( line ) ) {

					// the line is parsed but ignored since the loader assumes textures are defined MTL files
					// (according to, 'usemap' is the old-style Wavefront texture reference method)
					console.warn( 'THREE.OBJLoader: Rendering identifier "usemap" not supported. Textures must be defined in MTL files.' );

				} else if ( lineFirstChar === 's' ) {

					result = line.split( ' ' ); // smooth shading
					// @todo Handle files that have varying smooth values for a set of faces inside one geometry,
					// but does not define a usemtl for each face set.
					// This should be detected and a dummy material created (later MultiMaterial and geometry groups).
					// This requires some care to not create extra material on each smooth value for "normal" obj files.
					// where explicit usemtl defines geometry groups.
					// Example asset: examples/models/obj/cerberus/Cerberus.obj

        	 * From chapter "Grouping" Syntax explanation "s group_number":
        	 * "group_number is the smoothing group number. To turn off smoothing groups, use a value of 0 or off.
        	 * Polygonal elements use group numbers to put elements in different smoothing groups. For free-form
        	 * surfaces, smoothing groups are either turned on or off; there is no difference between values greater
        	 * than 0."

					if ( result.length > 1 ) {

						const value = result[ 1 ].trim().toLowerCase();
						state.object.smooth = value !== '0' && value !== 'off';

					} else {

						// ZBrush can produce "s" lines #11707
						state.object.smooth = true;


					const material = state.object.currentMaterial();
					if ( material ) material.smooth = state.object.smooth;

				} else {

					// Handle null terminated files without exception
					if ( line === '\0' ) continue;
					console.warn( 'THREE.OBJLoader: Unexpected line: "' + line + '"' );



			const container = new THREE.Group();
			container.materialLibraries = [].concat( state.materialLibraries );
			const hasPrimitives = ! ( state.objects.length === 1 && state.objects[ 0 ].geometry.vertices.length === 0 );

			if ( hasPrimitives === true ) {

				for ( let i = 0, l = state.objects.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const object = state.objects[ i ];
					const geometry = object.geometry;
					const materials = object.materials;
					const isLine = geometry.type === 'Line';
					const isPoints = geometry.type === 'Points';
					let hasVertexColors = false; // Skip o/g line declarations that did not follow with any faces

					if ( geometry.vertices.length === 0 ) continue;
					const buffergeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
					buffergeometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.vertices, 3 ) );

					if ( geometry.normals.length > 0 ) {

						buffergeometry.setAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.normals, 3 ) );


					if ( geometry.colors.length > 0 ) {

						hasVertexColors = true;
						buffergeometry.setAttribute( 'color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.colors, 3 ) );


					if ( geometry.hasUVIndices === true ) {

						buffergeometry.setAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.uvs, 2 ) );

					} // Create materials

					const createdMaterials = [];

					for ( let mi = 0, miLen = materials.length; mi < miLen; mi ++ ) {

						const sourceMaterial = materials[ mi ];
						const materialHash = + '_' + sourceMaterial.smooth + '_' + hasVertexColors;
						let material = state.materials[ materialHash ];

						if ( this.materials !== null ) {

							material = this.materials.create( ); // mtl etc. loaders probably can't create line materials correctly, copy properties to a line material.

							if ( isLine && material && ! ( material instanceof THREE.LineBasicMaterial ) ) {

								const materialLine = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial(); materialLine, material );
								materialLine.color.copy( material.color );
								material = materialLine;

							} else if ( isPoints && material && ! ( material instanceof THREE.PointsMaterial ) ) {

								const materialPoints = new THREE.PointsMaterial( {
									size: 10,
									sizeAttenuation: false
								} ); materialPoints, material );
								materialPoints.color.copy( material.color ); =;
								material = materialPoints;



						if ( material === undefined ) {

							if ( isLine ) {

								material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial();

							} else if ( isPoints ) {

								material = new THREE.PointsMaterial( {
									size: 1,
									sizeAttenuation: false
								} );

							} else {

								material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();

							} =;
							material.flatShading = sourceMaterial.smooth ? false : true;
							material.vertexColors = hasVertexColors;
							state.materials[ materialHash ] = material;


						createdMaterials.push( material );

					} // Create mesh

					let mesh;

					if ( createdMaterials.length > 1 ) {

						for ( let mi = 0, miLen = materials.length; mi < miLen; mi ++ ) {

							const sourceMaterial = materials[ mi ];
							buffergeometry.addGroup( sourceMaterial.groupStart, sourceMaterial.groupCount, mi );


						if ( isLine ) {

							mesh = new THREE.LineSegments( buffergeometry, createdMaterials );

						} else if ( isPoints ) {

							mesh = new THREE.Points( buffergeometry, createdMaterials );

						} else {

							mesh = new THREE.Mesh( buffergeometry, createdMaterials );


					} else {

						if ( isLine ) {

							mesh = new THREE.LineSegments( buffergeometry, createdMaterials[ 0 ] );

						} else if ( isPoints ) {

							mesh = new THREE.Points( buffergeometry, createdMaterials[ 0 ] );

						} else {

							mesh = new THREE.Mesh( buffergeometry, createdMaterials[ 0 ] );


					} =;
					container.add( mesh );


			} else {

				// if there is only the default parser state object with no geometry data, interpret data as point cloud
				if ( state.vertices.length > 0 ) {

					const material = new THREE.PointsMaterial( {
						size: 1,
						sizeAttenuation: false
					} );
					const buffergeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
					buffergeometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( state.vertices, 3 ) );

					if ( state.colors.length > 0 && state.colors[ 0 ] !== undefined ) {

						buffergeometry.setAttribute( 'color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( state.colors, 3 ) );
						material.vertexColors = true;


					const points = new THREE.Points( buffergeometry, material );
					container.add( points );



			return container;



	THREE.OBJLoader = OBJLoader;

} )();