/** * @version v1.2.1 * @date 2024-008-19 * @desc 添加国际化 */ (function () { window.dhPlayerControl = Object.assign({ videoWS: null, wsConnectCount: 0, wsSession: 0, windowState: 'wsPending', videoList: {}, // 每次创建后,每个videoId 对应的数据类 hwndList: {}, // 每次创建后对应的 {hwnd: videoId} 键值对 callBackList: {}, wsConnect: false, loginFlag: "LOGIN_PENDING", connectPort: [8000, 8001, 8002, 8003, 8004], curPortIndex: 0, }, window.dhPlayerControl || {}, { noCardPlayerFlag: false, DHPlayerVersion: '', pkgDHPlayerVerion: [2311300922], // 配套的插件版本号 pluginLoginInfo: {}, isPIframe: false, dhMessage: { // 错误码对应错误信息描述 701: { code: 701, message: "当前正在对讲,无法打开音频", i18nKey: 'video.player.error701', type: 'msg' }, 702: { code: 702, message: "当前设备正在对讲", i18nKey: 'video.player.error702', type: 'msg' }, 703: { code: 703, message: "当前其他设备正在对讲", i18nKey: 'video.player.error703', type: 'msg' }, 704: { code: 704, message: "抓图鉴权", i18nKey: 'video.player.error704', type: 'option' }, 705: { code: 705, message: "本地录像下载鉴权", i18nKey: 'video.player.error705', type: 'option' }, 706: { code: 706, message: "主/辅码流切换", i18nKey: 'video.player.error706', type: 'option' } } }) //在Function的原型上自定义myBind()方法 Function.prototype.myBind = function myBind(context) { //获取要操作的函数 var _this = this //获取实参(context除外) var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) //判断当前浏览器是否兼容bind()方法 if ('bind' in Function.prototype) { //如果浏览器兼容bind()方法,则使用bind()方法,并返回bind()方法执行后的结果 return _this.bind(context, args) } //如果不兼容bind()方法,则返回一个匿名函数 return function () { _this.apply(context, args) } } if (!document.getElementsByClassName) { document.getElementsByClassName = function (className, element) { var children = (element || document).getElementsByTagName('*') var elements = new Array() for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i] var classNames = child.className.split(' ') for (var j = 0; j < classNames.length; j++) { if (classNames[j] == className) { elements.push(child) break } } } return elements } } /** * 匹配插件上的版本信息 * @param {*} param * @param {*} type * @returns Object 版本匹配信息 */ function getVersionInfo() { if (window.dhPlayerControl.pkgDHPlayerVerion.includes(window.dhPlayerControl.DHPlayerVersion)) { return { isEqual: true, code: 0, i18nKey: "video.player.plugin.version.ok", message: '创建成功' } } if (window.dhPlayerControl.pkgDHPlayerVerion[0] > window.dhPlayerControl.DHPlayerVersion) { return { isEqual: false, code: -1, i18nKey: 'video.player.plugin.version.low.redownload', message: '当前电脑上的插件版本过低,建议升级插件!' } } if (window.dhPlayerControl.pkgDHPlayerVerion[window.dhPlayerControl.pkgDHPlayerVerion.length - 1] < window.dhPlayerControl.DHPlayerVersion) { return { isEqual: true, code: 1, i18nKey: 'video.player.plugin.version.high.redownload', message: '创建成功' } } } /** * 内部方法 封装请求参数 * @param {*} param * @param {*} type 接口类型 * @returns Object 请求参数 */ function getAjaxParam(param, type) { // 处理对讲参数 let processTalkParam = function (param) { if (param.channelId) { let tempArr = param.channelId.split('$1$0$') !tempArr && (tempArr = param.channelId.split('$')) return tempArr } else { return [param.deviceCode, param.channelSeq] } } let obj = { // 实时预览参数 real: { data: { channelId: param.channelId || '', streamType: Number(param.streamType) || 1, // 默认主码流 dataType: Number(param.dataType) || 1 // 默认是视频 } }, // 对讲参数 talk: { data: { audioBit: 16, sampleRate: 8000, audioType: 2, talkType: getTalkType(param.deviceType), deviceCode: processTalkParam(param)[0], channelSeq: processTalkParam(param)[1] } }, // 停止对讲参数 stopTalk: { data: { deviceCode: processTalkParam(param)[0], channelSeq: processTalkParam(param)[1], talkType: getTalkType(param.deviceType), session: param.session } }, // 通过时间录像回放参数 playbackByTime: { clientType: "WINPC", clientMac: "30:9c:23:79:40:08", clientPushId: "", project: "PSDK", method: "SS.Playback.StartPlaybackByTime", data: { nvrId: "", optional: "/admin/API/SS/Playback/StartPlaybackByTime", recordType: "0", // 录像类型:1=一般录像,2=报警录像 recordSource: param.recordSource, // 录像来源:1=全部,2=设备,3=中心 4-统一云 streamType: param.streamType || 0, // 码流类型: 0=所有码流,1=主码流,2=辅码流 channelId: param.channelId, startTime: param.bBack === 0 ? (param.currentPlayTime || param.startTime) : param.startTime, endTime: param.bBack === 0 ? param.endTime : (param.currentPlayTime || param.endTime) } }, // 通过文件录像回放参数 playbackByFile: { clientType: "WINPC", clientMac: "30:9c:23:79:40:08", clientPushId: "", project: "PSDK", method: "SS.Playback.StartPlaybackByFile", data: { ssId: "1001", optional: "/evo-apigw/admin/API/SS/Playback/StartPlaybackByFile", startTime: param.bBack === 0 ? param.currentPlayTime : param.playStartTime, endTime: param.bBack === 0 ? param.playEndTime : param.currentPlayTime, fileName: "{fe69f729-9d4b-42d4-b6a0-56189aaa4e1e}", diskId: "1540852944-1540853395", nvrId: "", recordSource: param.recordSource, channelId: param.channelId, playbackMode: "0", streamId: "5875" } }, // 查询录像参数 queryRecord: { clientType: "WINPC", clientMac: "30:9c:23:79:40:08", clientPushId: "", project: "PSDK", method: "SS.Record.QueryRecords", "data": { cardNo: "", optional: "/admin/API/SS/Record/QueryRecords", diskPath: "", startIndex: "", streamType: param.streamType || 0, // 码流类型:0= 所有码流, 1=主码流, 2=辅码流 recordType: "0", // 录像类型:0=全部,1=手动录像,2=报警录像,3=动态监测,4=视频丢失,5=视频遮挡,6=定时录像,7=全天候录像,8=文件录像转换 recordSource: param.recordSource, // 录像来源:1=全部,2=设备,3=中心 4-统一云 endIndex: "", startTime: param.startTime, endTime: param.endTime, channelId: param.channelId, } } } // 对应的窗口号 obj[type].snum = param.snum return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj[type])) } /** * 获取对讲类型 * @param { Number } deviceType * @returns talkType 对讲类型 1-设备对讲 2-通道对讲 * @desc 只有EVS{1}, NVS{3},NVR{6},smartNVR{14}[已弃用],IVSS{43}能对通道进行对讲。 */ function getTalkType(deviceType) { let channelTalk = [1, 3, 6, 14, 43] if (channelTalk.includes(Number(deviceType))) { return 2 } return 1 } /** * 内部方法 * @desc 判断当前dom是否被 visibility: hidden 或者 display: none * @param {*} data * @returns { Boolean } visible */ function isDomVisible(el) { // var loopable = true, // visible = getComputedStyle(el).display != 'none' && getComputedStyle(el).visibility != 'hidden'; // 代码保留,不删除,递归访问 // while(loopable && visible) { // el = el.parentNode; // if(el && el != document.body) {; // visible = getComputedStyle(el).display != 'none' && getComputedStyle(el).visibility != 'hidden'; // }else { // loopable = false; // } // } return el && (window.getComputedStyle(el).display != 'none' || window.getComputedStyle(el).visibility != 'hidden') || false; } /** * 内部方法 * @desc rtsp路径拼接token * @param {Object} 接口返回的rtsp对象 */ function dealUrl(data) { let path = data.url let compareUrl = "" if (path.includes('|')) { path = path.split("|").map(item => { // 视频子系统兼容 if (item.includes(window.location.hostname)) { compareUrl = item + (data.token ? '?token=' + data.token : '') return null } return item + (data.token ? '?token=' + data.token : '') }).filter(item => item).join('|') path = compareUrl ? (compareUrl + '|') + path : path // 兼容视频子系统 } else { path = path + (data.token ? '?token=' + data.token : '') } return path } /** * 内部方法 * @desc 处理当前浏览器的缩放比例 */ function getWindowSize() { var width = window.dhPlayerControl.isPIframe ? this.setting.topInnerWidth : window.top.innerWidth, height = window.dhPlayerControl.isPIframe ? this.setting.topInnerHeight : window.top.innerHeight return { width: width, height: height } } /** * 内部方法 * @desc 获取当前浏览器最左侧距离主屏的位置 */ function getScreenX() { // 造个假数据,模拟客户端返回 let screenInfo = window.osRatio || [1, 1] // [主屏的缩放比例, 副屏的缩放比例] let defaultScreenX = window.screenX let availX = window.screen.availLeft let x = 0 if (availX <= 0) { // 不需要计算主屏的位置 x = defaultScreenX >= -2 && defaultScreenX <= 9 ? 0 : defaultScreenX // availX === 0 ? 0 : 1 为 0 表示在主屏上面, 小于 0 表示在副屏上,所以获取的分辨率不同。 x = x * screenInfo[availX === 0 ? 0 : 1] } else { // 需要计算主屏的位置 let sideX = defaultScreenX - availX sideX = sideX >= -2 && sideX <= 9 ? 0 : sideX // 计算主屏和副屏的真实距离后相加,即为x x = availX * screenInfo[0] + sideX * screenInfo[1] } return x } /** * 内部方法 * @desc 获取页面缩放比例 */ function detectZoom() { var ratio = 0, screen = window.screen, ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() if (window.devicePixelRatio !== undefined) { ratio = window.devicePixelRatio } else if (~ua.indexOf('msie')) { if (screen.deviceXDPI && screen.logicalXDPI) { ratio = screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI } } else if (window.outerWidth !== undefined && window.innerWidth !== undefined) { ratio = window.outerWidth / window.innerWidth } if (ratio) { ratio = Math.round(ratio * 100) } return ratio } function socketOpen(curPortIndex = 0) { if (typeof WebSocket === 'undefined') { this.setting.createError && this.setting.createError({ code: 1005, data: null, success: false, i18nKey: 'browser.not.support.socket', message: "您的浏览器不支持socket!" }) return } window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS = new WebSocket(`ws:${[window.dhPlayerControl.connectPort[curPortIndex]]}`) window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS.onopen = function () { window.dhPlayerControl.manualCloseWS = false window.dhPlayerControl.windowState = 'wsSuccess' // websocket连接成功 window.dhPlayerControl.curPortIndex = curPortIndex heartbeat.call(this) let _isSupport = isSupport() for (let key in window.dhPlayerControl.videoList) { let currentThis = window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[key] currentThis.send({ method: 'common.version', info: {}, }) if (_isSupport.success) { if(currentThis.setting.usePluginLogin) { currentThis.loginServer() window.dhPlayerControl.loginFlag = "LOGIN_PENDING" let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let interval = setInterval(() => { if(window.dhPlayerControl.loginFlag !== "LOGIN_PENDING") { clearInterval(interval) resolve() } }, 300) }) p.then(() => { currentThis.create() window.isResetConnect = currentThis.setting.isResetConnect }) } else { currentThis.create() window.isResetConnect = currentThis.setting.isResetConnect } } else { currentThis.setting.createError(_isSupport) } break; } } window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS.onmessage = socketMessage window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS.onclose = () => { if(window.dhPlayerControl.windowState === 'wsPending' || window.dhPlayerControl.windowState === 'noPlugin') { if(curPortIndex < window.dhPlayerControl.connectPort.length - 1) { window.dhPlayerControl.timer = setTimeout(() => { window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS = null socketOpen(curPortIndex + 1) clearTimeout(window.dhPlayerControl.timer) }, 300) return } // 未成功过,轮询端口 window.dhPlayerControl.windowState = 'noPlugin' // websocket连接失败 for (var key in window.dhPlayerControl.videoList) { var currentThis = window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[key] currentThis.setting.createError && currentThis.setting.createError({ code: 1001, data: null, i18nKey: 'video.player.plugin.not.installed', message: '插件未安装', success: false }) } } else { // 表示成功过,不需要再轮训判断端口了 window.dhPlayerControl.windowState = 'wsError' // websocket连接失败 if (window.isResetConnect && !window.dhPlayerControl.manualCloseWS) { console.log("----------无法与插件建立连接-------"); for (var key in window.dhPlayerControl.videoList) { var currentThis = window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[key] currentThis.setting.createError && currentThis.setting.createError({ code: 1003, data: null, i18nKey: 'websocket.reload', message: '无法与播放器建立连接,正在尝试重连...', success: false }) } setTimeout(() => { window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS = null socketOpen(window.dhPlayerControl.curPortIndex) }, 3000) } else { for (var key in window.dhPlayerControl.videoList) { var currentThis = window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[key] currentThis.setting.createError && currentThis.setting.createError({ code: 1003, data: null, i18nKey: 'websocket.disconnect', message: '无法与播放器建立连接', success: false }) } } } } } /** * 内部方法 * @desc 插件心跳,保活 */ function heartbeat() { var that = this clearInterval(window.wsHeart) window.wsHeart = setInterval(function () { that.send(JSON.stringify({ method: 'common.heartbeat', info: {}, id: window.dhPlayerControl.wsConnectCount++ })) }, 10 * 1000) } function dataURLtoBlob(dataurl) { var mime = 'image/jpeg', bstr = atob(dataurl), n = bstr.length, u8arr = new Uint8Array(n) while (n--) { u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n) } return new Blob([u8arr], { type: mime }) } function downloadFileByBase64(base64, name) { var myBlob = dataURLtoBlob(base64) var myUrl = URL.createObjectURL(myBlob) return myUrl } /** * 前端与插件链接成功后,接收插件返回的信息 * @param {*} evt * @returns */ function socketMessage(evt) { if (evt.data == null || evt.data == '') { return } window.dhPlayerControl.wsSession = data && data.session || window.dhPlayerControl.wsSession var data = JSON.parse(evt.data) if(data.method && ![ 'window.osRatio','video.window.clicked', 'video.window.dbclicked', 'video.division.change', 'video.customDivision.change', 'video.downloadFileSize', 'video.download.mp4.result', 'video.downloadByTime'].includes(data.method)) { localStorage.printLog && console.log('client->web: ', data.method, data.info); } // 登录校验 if(data.method === 'window.loginServer') { switch(data.info.code) { case 0: case 3: window.dhPlayerControl.loginFlag = "LOGIN_PENDING" break; case 1: case 2: window.dhPlayerControl.loginFlag = "LOGIN_SUCCESS" break; case 4: window.dhPlayerControl.loginFlag = "LOGIN_ERROR" default: break; } } if(data.method === 'window.loginServer.notify') { if (data.info.result === 0) { window.dhPlayerControl.loginFlag = "LOGIN_SUCCESS" } else { window.dhPlayerControl.loginFlag = "LOGIN_ERROR" } } // 赋值版本号信息 if (data && data.data && data.data.ver) { window.dhPlayerControl.DHPlayerVersion = Number(data.data.ver) } // 获取屏幕分辨率 if (data.method === 'window.osRatio') { window.osRatio = data.info.dpi } // 保证 hwnd 是 number 类型 if (data.info && typeof data.info.hwnd === 'number') { var videoInfo = window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[window.dhPlayerControl.hwndList[data.info.hwnd]] var hwndInfo = videoInfo.setting if (typeof data.info.snum === 'number') { var channelInfo = hwndInfo.channelList.filter(item => item.snum === data.info.snum)[0] } switch (data.method) { case 'window.message': hwndInfo.dhPlayerMessage && hwndInfo.dhPlayerMessage(channelInfo, window.dhPlayerControl.dhMessage[data.info.eventCode]) break case 'video.change.substream': if (channelInfo.byUrl) { return hwndInfo.dhPlayerMessage && hwndInfo.dhPlayerMessage(channelInfo, {...window.dhPlayerControl.dhMessage[706], streamType: Number(data.info.substream)}) } channelInfo.streamType = Number(data.info.substream) videoInfo.startReal([channelInfo], { isSubStream: true }) break case 'video.notifyrealmonitor': // 表示成功 if (Number(data.info.result) === 0) { hwndInfo.realSuccess && hwndInfo.realSuccess(channelInfo, hwndInfo.channelList) } // 拉流失败 if (Number(data.info.result) === 10704) { hwndInfo.realError && hwndInfo.realError(channelInfo, { code: 10704, message: '打开视频失败', i18nKey: 'video.player.play.fail'}) } // 拉流超时 if (Number(data.info.result) === -405) { hwndInfo.realError && hwndInfo.realError(channelInfo, { code: 10705, message: '打开视频超时', i18nKey: 'video.player.play.timeout'}) } videoInfo.setWindowDragEnable() break // 实时预览播放过程中的断线重连 case 'video.reopenvideo': if (channelInfo.byUrl) { return hwndInfo.realError(channelInfo, { code: 204, message: '流异常断开,请重新连接~', i18nKey: 'video.player.stream.disconnect.reload'}); } data.info.count++ videoInfo.startReal([channelInfo], { isReOpen: true, count: data.info.count++ }) break; case 'video.notifyplayback': // 表示成功 if (Number(data.info.result) === 0) { hwndInfo.playbackSuccess && hwndInfo.playbackSuccess(channelInfo, hwndInfo.channelList) } videoInfo.setWindowDragEnable() break case 'web.seekRecord': hwndInfo.channelList.forEach((item, index) => { if (item.snum === data.info.snum) { // 非集成状态下,抛出回调 if (item.byUrl) { hwndInfo.switchStartTime && hwndInfo.switchStartTime({ startTime: data.info.seekTime, snum: data.info.snum }) return } if (data.info.seekTime < item.startTime) { hwndInfo.playbackError && hwndInfo.playbackError(channelInfo, { code: 201, i18nKey: 'play.record.error.201.tip1', message: '当前时间不得小于开始时间' }) return } if (data.info.seekTime > item.endTime) { hwndInfo.playbackError && hwndInfo.playbackError(channelInfo, { code: 201, i18nKey: 'play.record.error.201.tip2', message: '当前时间不得大于结束时间' }) return } let currentIndex = item.records && item.records.findIndex(r => { return Number(r.startTime) <= data.info.seekTime && Number(r.endTime) > data.info.seekTime }) // 如果 if(currentIndex >= 0) { item.currentIndex = currentIndex console.log(`当前拖拽到第${item.currentIndex}录像`); item.currentPlayTime = data.info.seekTime item.bBack = Number(data.info.bBack) videoInfo.closeVideo(data.info.snum).then(res => { videoInfo.startPlayback(item, { isConnect: true, scaleSteps: Number(data.info.scaleSteps), }) }) } else { console.log("当前位置无录像,不能拖拽") } } }) break case 'web.replay': hwndInfo.channelList.forEach((item, index) => { if (item.snum === data.info.snum) { // 非集成状态下 if (item.byUrl) { hwndInfo.replay && hwndInfo.replay(data.info.snum, data.info.seekTime) return } item.bBack = Number(data.info.bBack) if (!item.bBack) { if (item.currentIndex === item.records.length - 1) { hwndInfo.playbackFinish && hwndInfo.playbackFinish({ snum: data.info.snum, channelId: data.info.channelId, code: 201, i18nKey: 'video.player.playback.complete', message: '录像已全部播放完成' }) // videoInfo.closeVideo(data.info.snum) // hwndInfo.channelList.splice(index, 1) return } item.currentIndex++ item.currentPlayTime = item.records[item.currentIndex].startTime } else { if (item.currentIndex === 0) { hwndInfo.playbackFinish && hwndInfo.playbackFinish({ snum: data.info.snum, channelId: data.info.channelId, code: 201, i18nKey: "video.player.playback.complete", message: '录像已全部播放完成' }) // videoInfo.closeVideo(data.info.snum) // hwndInfo.channelList.splice(index, 1) return } item.currentIndex-- item.currentPlayTime = item.records[item.currentIndex].endTime } if (item.recordSource === 2) { // 设备录像要关闭一次视频 videoInfo.closeVideo(data.info.snum).then(() => { videoInfo.startPlayback(item, { isConnect: true, scaleSteps: Number(data.info.scaleSteps) }) }) } else { // 中心录像不需要 videoInfo.startPlayback(item, { isConnect: true, bContinue: true, scaleSteps: Number(data.info.scaleSteps) }) } } }) break case 'video.close': let i = -1 hwndInfo.channelList.forEach((item, index) => { // 获取到要被删除的数据 (插件内部关闭且存在窗口统一) if (item.snum === data.info.snum) { if (!item.closed) { i = index } else { delete item.closed } } }) if (i >= 0) { hwndInfo.channelList.splice(i, 1) // 删除掉窗口和channelId都匹配上的 hwndInfo.closeWindowSuccess && hwndInfo.closeWindowSuccess({ snum: data.info.snum, channelList: hwndInfo.channelList }) } break case 'video.notifytalk': // 判断是否有对讲 if (data.info.bOpen) { let talkFlag = false hwndInfo.channelList.forEach(item => { if (item.byUrl) { talkFlag = true // 告诉前端传入url对讲回调 hwndInfo.notifyTalk && hwndInfo.notifyTalk({ channelId: data.info.channelId, snum: data.info.snum }) return } if (item.isTalk) { talkFlag = true hwndInfo.request.stopTalk && hwndInfo.request.stopTalk(getAjaxParam(item, 'stopTalk')).then(() => { delete item.isTalk videoInfo.startTalk(data.info.snum) }).catch(err => { // 表示当前不存在 if (err.code === 2051) { videoInfo.startTalk(data.info.snum) } }) } }) !talkFlag && videoInfo.startTalk(data.info.snum) } else { hwndInfo.channelList.forEach(item => { if (item.snum === data.info.snum) { hwndInfo.request.stopTalk && hwndInfo.request.stopTalk(getAjaxParam(item, 'stopTalk')).then(() => { console.log('关闭对讲') }) } videoInfo.closeTalk() }) } break case 'talk.close': hwndInfo.snum = data.info.wndId hwndInfo.closeTalkSuccess && hwndInfo.closeTalkSuccess(data.info.wndId) break case 'web.captureCallBack': var imageUrl = data.info.PicBuf ? downloadFileByBase64(data.info.PicBuf) : '' hwndInfo.snapshotSuccess && hwndInfo.snapshotSuccess({ base64Url: data.info.PicBuf, path: imageUrl }, channelInfo) break case 'window.LocalRecordFinish': hwndInfo.videoDownloadSuccess && hwndInfo.videoDownloadSuccess(data.info.path, channelInfo) break case 'video.window.clicked': channelInfo = hwndInfo.channelList.filter(item => item.snum === data.info.wndIndex)[0] hwndInfo.clickWindow && hwndInfo.clickWindow(data.info.wndIndex, channelInfo) break case 'video.window.dbclicked': channelInfo = hwndInfo.channelList.filter(item => item.snum === data.info.wndIndex)[0] hwndInfo.dbClickWindow && hwndInfo.dbClickWindow(data.info.wndIndex, channelInfo) break case 'video.division.change': hwndInfo.division = data.info.division hwndInfo.changeDivision && hwndInfo.changeDivision(data.info.division) videoInfo.setWindowDragEnable() break case 'video.customDivision.change': hwndInfo.division = JSON.stringify(data.info) hwndInfo.changeDivision && hwndInfo.changeDivision(JSON.stringify(data.info)) videoInfo.setWindowDragEnable() break case 'video.downloadFileSize': hwndInfo.downloadProgress && hwndInfo.downloadProgress(data.info) break case 'video.download.mp4.result': hwndInfo.downloadRecordSuccess && hwndInfo.downloadRecordSuccess(data.info) break; case 'video.downloadByTime': if (Number(data.info.errCode) === 0) { hwndInfo.downloadRecordSuccess && hwndInfo.downloadRecordSuccess(data.info) } else { let errMessage = { 142: "rtsp断开连接", 135: "视频异常", 141: "SS服务异常" } hwndInfo.downloadRecordError && hwndInfo.downloadRecordError(data.info, { code: Number(data.info.errCode), mesage: errMessage[Number(data.info.errCode)] }) } default: break } } var onError = null var onSuccess = null if (window.dhPlayerControl.callBackList[data['id']]) { onError = window.dhPlayerControl.callBackList[data['id']].onError onSuccess = window.dhPlayerControl.callBackList[data['id']].onSuccess } if (data.code != 0) { if (onError && typeof onError === 'function') { onError(data) delete window.dhPlayerControl.callBackList[data['id']] } return } if (onSuccess && typeof onSuccess === 'function') { onSuccess(data) delete window.dhPlayerControl.callBackList[data['id']] } } //主动关闭socket function socketClose() { window.dhPlayerControl.manualCloseWS = true window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS && window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS.close() window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS = null window.wsHeart = clearInterval(window.wsHeart) } /** * @desc 获取操作系统 */ function getOsInfo() { var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() var version = '' if (userAgent.indexOf('win') > -1) { if (userAgent.indexOf('windows nt 5.0') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('Windows 2000') > -1) { version = 'Windows 2000' } else if (userAgent.indexOf('windows nt 5.1') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('Windows XP') > -1) { version = 'Windows XP' } else if (userAgent.indexOf('windows nt 5.2') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('Windows 2003') > -1) { version = 'Windows 2003' } else if (userAgent.indexOf('windows nt 6.0') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('Windows Vista') > -1) { version = 'Windows Vista' } else if (userAgent.indexOf('windows nt 6.1') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('windows 7') > -1) { version = 'Windows 7' } else if (userAgent.indexOf('windows nt 6.2') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('windows 8') > -1) { version = 'Windows 8' } else if (userAgent.indexOf('windows nt 6.3') > -1) { version = 'Windows 8.1' } else if (userAgent.indexOf('windows nt 6.4') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('windows nt 10') > -1) { version = 'Windows 10' } else { version = 'Unknown' } } else if (userAgent.indexOf('iphone') > -1) { version = 'Iphone' } else if (userAgent.indexOf('mac') > -1) { version = 'Mac' } else if ( userAgent.indexOf('x11') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('unix') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('sunname') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('bsd') > -1 ) { version = 'Unix' } else if (userAgent.indexOf('linux') > -1) { if (userAgent.indexOf('android') > -1) { version = 'Android' } else { version = 'Linux' } } else { version = 'Unknown' } return version } /** * @desc 获取浏览器和对应浏览器版本 */ function getBroswerVersion() { // 浏览器判断和版本号读取 var Sys = {} var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() var s; (s = userAgent.match(/edg\/([\d.]+)/)) ? (Sys.edge = s[1]) : (s = userAgent.match(/rv:([\d.]+)\) like gecko/)) ? (Sys.ie = s[1]) : (s = userAgent.match(/msie ([\d.]+)/)) ? (Sys.ie = s[1]) : (s = userAgent.match(/firefox\/([\d.]+)/)) ? (Sys.firefox = s[1]) : (s = userAgent.match(/chrome\/([\d.]+)/)) ? (Sys.chrome = s[1]) : (s = userAgent.match(/opera.([\d.]+)/)) ? (Sys.opera = s[1]) : (s = userAgent.match(/version\/([\d.]+).*safari/)) ? (Sys.safari = s[1]) : 0 if (Sys.edge) return { broswer: 'Edg', version: Sys.edge } if (Sys.ie) return { broswer: 'IE', version: Sys.ie } if (Sys.firefox) return { broswer: 'Firefox', version: Sys.firefox } if (Sys.chrome) return { broswer: 'Chrome', version: Sys.chrome } if (Sys.opera) return { broswer: 'Opera', version: Sys.opera } if (Sys.safari) return { broswer: 'Safari', version: Sys.safari } return { broswer: '', version: '0' } } function broswerInfo() { var _version = getBroswerVersion() if (_version.broswer === 'IE') { return 0 } else if (_version.broswer === 'Chrome' || _version.broswer === 'Edg') { return 1 } else if (_version.broswer === 'Firefox') { return 2 } else { return -1 } } /** * 内部方法 * @desc 判断当前操作系统和浏览器版本类型是否支持DHPlayer */ function isSupport() { let supportedOS = ['Windows 7', 'Windows 10', 'Windows 8', 'Windows 8.1', 'Unix', 'Linux'] let supportedBroswer = ['Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Edg'] let osVersion = getOsInfo() let { broswer, version } = getBroswerVersion() console.log("当前识别的操作系统版本为: ", osVersion, "浏览器为: ", broswer, version + "版本") if (!supportedOS.includes(osVersion)) { return { code: 1002, success: false, i18nKey: 'window.system.not.support', message: '电脑系统不支持!仅支持win7, win8, win8.1, win10, Unix, Linux 系统' } } if (!supportedBroswer.includes(broswer)) { return { code: 1002, success: false, i18nKey: 'browser.not.support', message: '当前浏览器不支持! 仅支持谷歌,火狐,edge浏览器' } } if (Number(version.split('.')[0]) < 76 || osVersion === 'unix') { return { code: 1002, success: false, i18nKey: 'browser.version.low', message: '当前的浏览器版本不支持!请使用较高版本的浏览器!' } } return { code: 1000, success: true } } // 获取iframe的位置 function getIframeRect(name) { var outLeft = 0 var outTop = 0 var pOutContent if (window.dhPlayerControl.isPIframe) { pOutContent = this.setting.pIframeRect outLeft = pOutContent.left || 0 outTop = pOutContent.top || 0 } else { // 表示顶层window if(window.parent !== window) { return { outLeft: 0, outTop: 0 } } var iframes = window.parent.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe') var pIframe = null var dom = '' let getpIframe = (index) => { if (!iframes[index]) return try { if (name) { dom = iframes[index].contentWindow.document.getElementsByClassName(name)[0] } else { dom = iframes[index].contentWindow.document.getElementById(this.setting.videoId) } if (dom) { pIframe = iframes[index] } else { getpIframe(index + 1) } } catch (err) { getpIframe(index + 1) } } iframes.length && getpIframe(0) if (pIframe) { pOutContent = pIframe.getBoundingClientRect() outLeft = pOutContent.left outTop = pOutContent.top } } return { outLeft, outTop } } // 获取遮挡的位置数据 function computedRect(className, isIframe) { let doms = null; let { outLeft, outTop } = getIframeRect.call(this) if (isIframe) { outLeft = 0 outTop = 0 } // 处理dom的位置数据 let processDoms = (doms) => { let rectArr = [] doms.length && doms.forEach(item => { let rect = item && item.getBoundingClientRect() || null if (rect && (rect.width || rect.height)) { rectArr = [...rectArr, rect.left + (this.setting.outContent.left || outLeft), rect.top + (this.setting.outContent.top || outTop), rect.width, rect.height] } }) return rectArr } if (isIframe) { doms = window.top.document.querySelectorAll(`.${className}`) } else { doms = window.document.querySelectorAll(`.${className}`) } return processDoms(doms) } // 获取位置 function getRect(name) { var el = '' var videoId = this.setting.videoId if (name) { el = document.getElementsByClassName(name)[0] } else { el = document.getElementById(videoId) } if (!el) { return {} } var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect() var { outTop, outLeft } = getIframeRect.call(this, name) var left = rect.left + (this.setting.outContent.left || outLeft) var top = rect.top + (this.setting.outContent.top || outTop) var right = left + rect.width var bottom = top + rect.height return { left, top, right, bottom, width: rect.width, height: rect.height } } // 请求录像文件信息 function queryRecord(param, type = 'queryRecord') { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 查询录像 if (param.records && param.records.length) { resolve(param) } if (!this.setting.request[type]) { reject({ code: 207, i18nKey: 'video.player.please.input.recordings.interface', message: '请通过 request 属性传入查询录像接口' }) return } this.setting.request[type](getAjaxParam(param, type)).then(res => { if (!param.records || param.records === []) { if (!res.records || !res.records.length) { reject({ code: 201, channelInfo: param, i18nKey: 'video.player.selected.channel.search.empty', message: `通道 ${param.channelName || param.name || '未知'} 未查询到录像文件` }) return } param.records = res.records.sort((a, b) => a.startTime - b.startTime) param.currentIndex = 0 this.setting.channelList[this.setting.channelList.findIndex(item => item.channelId === param.channelId && item.snum === param.snum)] = param } resolve(res) }).catch(err => { reject(err) }) }) } // 处理获取过来的rtsp流 function processRtsp(data, param) { // 内外网环境会有多个rtspUrl data.records = param.records; data.rtspUrl = dealUrl(data) return data } /** * 根据文件获取流 * @param {*} param */ function getPlayBackRtspByFile(param, isConnect, type = 'playbackByFile') { let that = this return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let byFileParam = getAjaxParam(param, type) queryRecord.call(this, param) .then((res) => { if (!that.setting.request[type]) { reject({ code: 207, i18nKey: 'video.player.please.afferent.interface.playbackbyfile', message: '请通过 request 属性传入 “根据时间查询录像” 接口' }) return } let records = res.records[param.currentIndex] // let rec = records[0] param.playStartTime = records.startTime param.playEndTime = records.endTime param.currentPlayTime = isConnect ? param.currentPlayTime : param.playStartTime let sTime = String(param.playStartTime) let eTime = param.bBack === 0 ? String(param.playEndTime) : String(param.currentPlayTime) byFileParam.data = { ssId: records.ssId, optional: "/evo-apigw/admin/API/SS/Playback/StartPlaybackByFile", startTime: sTime, endTime: param.playEndTime, fileName: records.recordName, diskId: `${sTime}-${eTime}`, nvrId: "", recordSource: param.recordSource, channelId: param.channelId, playbackMode: "0", streamId: records.streamId } that.setting.request[type](byFileParam).then(res => { resolve(processRtsp(res, param)) }).catch(err => { reject(err) }) }) .catch(err => { reject(err) }) }) } /** * 根据时间获取流 * @param {*} option * @returns */ function getPlayBackRtspByTime(param, type = "playbackByTime") { // 设备录像也需要去查询当日有录像的时间段 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { queryRecord.call(this, param) .then(() => { if (!this.setting.request[type]) { reject({ code: 207, i18nKey: 'video.player.please.afferent.interface.playbackbytime', message: '请通过 request 属性传入 “通过时间播放录像” 接口' }) return } this.setting.request[type](getAjaxParam(param, type)).then(res => { resolve(processRtsp(res, param)) }).catch(err => { reject(err) }) }).catch(err => { reject(err) }) }) } var VideoPlayer = function (option) { if (!option) { throw new Error('请传入配置参数') } if (this instanceof VideoPlayer) { var _setting = { isResetConnect: true, // websocket连接断开时,是否自动重新连接, true表示是, false表示否 // isIE: !!window.ActiveXObject || 'ActiveXObject' in window, //判断是否为IE videoId: 'DHVideoPlayer', windowType: 0, // 0-实时预览,3-录像回放,7-录像回放(支持倒放) outContent: { left: 0, right: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, show: true, //当前窗口显示状态,隐藏:false,显示:true option_id: {}, refreshTimer: null, browserType: 1, version: 0, stopRefresh: false, //停止一直刷新 showBar: true, //是否显示下方控制栏。 true: 显示, false:隐藏 hwnd: '', //窗口句柄 division: 1, //子窗口数 pIframeShieldData: [], // 跨域iframe下的遮挡信息 documentTitle: "", // iframe模式下,需要获取到顶层的top,防止位置聚焦时发生偏移 topInnerWidth: 0, // iframe模式下的顶层宽度 topInnerHeight: 0, // iframe模式下的顶层高度 parentIframeShieldRect: [], // iframe模式下遮罩的数据信息 pIframeRect: [], // iframe模式下 iframe的数据信息 topMozInnerScreenX: 0, // iframe模式下 火狐需要的数据信息 topMozInnerScreenY: 0, // iframe模式下 火狐需要的数据信息 oldPosition: "", // 存储循环数据中的上次位置数据 oldShield: "", // 存储循环数据中的上次遮挡数据 request: {}, // 存储请求 channelList: [], // 存储当前播放器正在播放的视频 draggable: false, // 是否支持拖拽,默认不支持 visible: true, // 控制播放器的显示和隐藏 domVisible: true, // 当前挂载的 dom 元素是否 true-显示/ false-隐藏, 默认true usePluginLogin: false, // 是否插件内部鉴权 pluginLoginInfo: { // 插件登录信息 host: '', port: '' || '443', username: '', password: '', } } this.setting = Object.assign({}, _setting, option) this.adjustCount = 0 this.focus = false this.init() } else { return new VideoPlayer(option) } } VideoPlayer.fn = VideoPlayer.prototype = { // 浏览器关闭或者刷新 onbeforeunload: function () { this.destroy(true).then(() => { socketClose.call(this) }) }, // 改变setting的参数值 _update(param) { let paramType = (value, type) => Object.prototype.toString.call(value).includes(type) let { windowType, isResetConnect, request, division, visible, draggable, showBar, shieldClass, coverShieldClass, parentIframeShieldClass, language } = param // 断线重连 (不对外开放,默认支持断线重连) paramType(isResetConnect, 'Boolean') && !(isResetConnect === this.setting.isResetConnect) && (this.setting.isResetConnect = isResetConnect) // 显隐播放器 paramType(visible, 'Boolean') && !(visible === this.setting.visible) && (this.setting.visible = visible, visible ? this.show() : this.hide()) // 显影控制栏 paramType(showBar, 'Boolean') && !(showBar === this.setting.showBar) && this.showControlBar(showBar) // 播放器是否支持拖拽 paramType(draggable, 'Boolean') && !(draggable === this.setting.draggable) && (this.setting.draggable = draggable, this.setWindowDragEnable()) // 窗口分割 !(division == this.setting.division) && this.changeDivision(division) // 接口转换 paramType(request, 'Object') && (this.setting.request = { ...request }) // 遮挡类的改变 paramType(shieldClass, 'Array') && (this.setting.shieldClass = shieldClass) paramType(parentIframeShieldClass, 'Array') && (this.setting.parentIframeShieldClass = parentIframeShieldClass) paramType(coverShieldClass, 'Array') && (this.setting.coverShieldClass = coverShieldClass) // 重新创建 windowType = Number(windowType); if ([0, 1, 2, 3, 7].includes(windowType) && windowType !== Number(this.setting.windowType) || language !== this.setting.language) { this.setting.language = language if (this.setting.socketTimer) { clearTimeout(this.setting.socketTimer) }; this.setting.socketTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.setting.windowType = windowType this.create() }, this.setting.usePluginLogin ? 1000 : 300) } }, //发送消息 send: function (option, callBack) { option.session = window.dhPlayerControl.wsSession option.id = window.dhPlayerControl.wsConnectCount++ if (option.info) { option.info.browserType = this.setting.browserType if (option.method !== 'window.destroy') { option.info.hwnd = option.method === 'window.create' ? undefined : this.setting.hwnd } } if (callBack && Object.keys(callBack).length) { window.dhPlayerControl.callBackList[option['id']] = callBack } if (!['window.change', 'window.shield', 'browserFocusBlur', 'window.show', 'window.loginServer', 'video.toolbar.showButton', 'window.enableDrag', 'video.division.change'].includes(option.method)) { localStorage.printLog && console.log('web->client: ', option.method, option.info) } window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS && window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS.readyState == 1 && window.dhPlayerControl.videoWS.send(JSON.stringify(option)) }, // 创建视频窗口 create: function () { var rect = getRect.call(this) var _info = Object.assign({}, {}, rect) var windowSize = getWindowSize.call(this) var zoom = detectZoom() _info.isCustomDivision = isNaN(this.setting.division) _info.num = isNaN(this.setting.division) ? null : this.setting.division // 窗口数量 _info.customDivision = isNaN(this.setting.division) ? JSON.parse(this.setting.division) : null _info.toolBar = this.setting.showBar ? 1 : 0 // 是否显示控制栏 _info.windowType = this.setting.windowType - 0 // 判断当前为实时预览还是录像回放 0-实时预览 3-录像回放 _info.clientAreaHeight = (windowSize.height * zoom) / 100 _info.clientAreaWidth = (windowSize.width * zoom) / 100 _info.authority = false // 操作栏上的按钮是否走权限判断(兼容视频子系统,需要传true,对外false) this.setTopBind = this.setTop.myBind(this) this.onbeforeunloadBind = this.onbeforeunload.myBind(this) this.visibilitychangeBind = this.setVisible.myBind(this) var that = this this.setLanguage('zh')// 设置语言 this.destroy().then(() => { this.send( { method: 'window.create', info: _info }, { onSuccess: function (data) { if (data.data && typeof data.data.hwnd === 'number') { var hwnd = data.data.hwnd console.log(`${[0, 2].includes(that.setting.windowType) ? '实时预览窗口' : '录像回放窗口'}创建成功 hwnd: ${hwnd}\n插件版本: ${window.dhPlayerControl.DHPlayerVersion}`); that.setting.hwnd = hwnd window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[that.setting.videoId].setting = that.setting window.dhPlayerControl.hwndList[hwnd] = that.setting.videoId } that.setTopBind = that.setTop.myBind(that) window.addEventListener('beforeunload', that.onbeforeunloadBind) document.addEventListener('click', that.setTopBind) that.handleAdjust() let i = 0 while (i <= 3) { that.setting.oldPosition = '' that.setting.oldShield = '' that.changePosition() i++ } that.setTabControlBtn() that.setWindowDragEnable() // 是否是插件内部鉴权,是的话则先登录 if(that.setting.usePluginLogin) { if(window.dhPlayerControl.loginFlag === "LOGIN_SUCCESS") { that.setting.createSuccess && that.setting.createSuccess(getVersionInfo()) } else if(window.dhPlayerControl.loginFlag === "LOGIN_ERROR"){ that.setting.createError && that.setting.createError({ code: 1004, msg: "登录失败, 请检查登录信息" }) } }else { that.setting.createSuccess && that.setting.createSuccess(getVersionInfo()) } // 初始化的时候手动调用show方法,避免出现播放器不显示的问题 // 前提条件: 保证在当前页面上时触发,否则不触发。 document.visibilityState === 'visible' ? that.show() : that.hide() document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', that.visibilitychangeBind, true) }, onError: function () { // 断开连接 socketClose(); // 重连 let socketTimer = setTimeout(() => { socketOpen(); clearTimeout(socketTimer) }, 3000) // that.setting.createError && that.setting.createError({ // code: 1006, // data: null, // message: '插件创建失败,刷新重试', // success: false // }) } } ) }) }, /** * @name 设置语言 * @param language zh-中文 en-英文 * */ setLanguage() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(this.setting.language, "language"); this.send({ method: "common.updateLanguage", info:{ LanguageType: this.setting.language || (localStorage.language === 'zh-cn' ? 'zh' : 'en') , } }, { onSuccess: () => { resolve() } }) }) }, // 设置播放器上方的操作按 setTabControlBtn(btnList, snum) { // let showBtn = ["BTN_STREAM", "BTN_PTZ", "BTN_QUICKPLAY", "BTN_VOICE", "BTN_TALK", "BTN_RECORD", "BTN_PIC", "BTN_ENLARGE", "BTN_CLOSE"] let showBtn = ["BTN_STREAM", "BTN_VOICE", "BTN_TALK", "BTN_RECORD", "BTN_PIC", "BTN_ENLARGE", "BTN_CLOSE"] this.send({ method: "video.toolbar.showButton", info: { space: 15, snum, btns: btnList || showBtn } }) }, // 判断当前浏览器是否在tab页面上 setVisible() { document.visibilityState == 'hidden' ? this.hide() : this.show() }, //页面聚焦 setTop() { this.focus = true document.visibilityState == 'visible' && this.browserFocusBlur() }, browserFocusBlur: function () { this.send({ method: 'browserFocusBlur', info: { show: this.setting.show, focus: this.focus } }) }, //刷新窗口位置 handleAdjust: function () { var _this = this // 每帧执行一次,减少DHplayer延时 !this.setting.stopRefresh && this.changePosition() !this.setting.stopRefresh && this.windowShield(this.cover()) // 实时判断 dom 元素是否可见 let el = document.getElementById(this.setting.videoId); if (this.setting.domVisible !== isDomVisible(el)) { this.setting.domVisible ? this.hide() : this.show() this.setting.domVisible = isDomVisible(el) } this.setting.refreshTimer = window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { return _this.handleAdjust() }) }, removeClickEventListener: function () { document.removeEventListener('click', this.setTopBind) }, addClickEventListener: function () { document.addEventListener('click', this.setTopBind) }, /** * 销毁当前播放器 * @param isRefresh 表示页面刷新或者关闭情况 * @return Promise对象 */ destroy: function (isRefresh = false) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let that = window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[this.setting.videoId] if (!that || (that.setting && typeof that.setting.hwnd !== 'number')) { resolve() } else { this.send({ method: 'window.destroy', info: { hwnd: that.setting.hwnd, isRefresh } }, { onSuccess: () => { document.removeEventListener('click', this.setTopBind) document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.visibilitychangeBind, true) window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.onbeforeunloadBind) console.log(`销毁成功, hwnd: ${that.setting.hwnd}`); resolve() }, onError: () => { document.removeEventListener('click', this.setTopBind) document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.visibilitychangeBind, true) window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.onbeforeunloadBind) console.log(`销毁成功, hwnd: ${that.setting.hwnd}`); resolve() } }) } }) }, /** * 设置水印 * @param { Object } option 参数 * @param { Number } snum 窗口数量 * @param { String } item.color 水印颜色 * @param { Number } item.fontSize 水印尺寸 * @param { Number } item.fontWeight 字体粗细 * @param { String } item.position 水印位置 * @param { Number } item.text 文本 */ waterMark: function (option) { option.forEach(item => { let rgb = item.color.split(','); let position = item.position.split(','); this.send({ method: 'video.setOSDInfo', info: { snum: item.snum, R: rgb[0] || 255, G: rgb[1] || 255, B: rgb[2] || 255, fontSize: item.fontSize || 14, positionX: position[0] || 1, positionY: position[1] || 1, osdInfo: item.text || '', fontWeight: item.fontWeight || 0 }, }) }) }, // 设置窗口是否支持拖拽 setWindowDragEnable: function () { this.send({ method: 'window.enableDrag', info: { enable: this.setting.draggable } }) }, // 设置全屏 setFullScreen: function () { this.send({ method: 'video.fullScreen', info: {} }) }, /** * @method chooseWindow 支持用户选择子窗口 * @param { Number } snum 选择的子窗口,从0开始 * @param { Function } cb 选中窗口回调 */ chooseWindow: function (snum, cb) { this.send({ method: 'window.select', info: { snum } }) cb && cb(this.setting.channelList.filter(item => item.snum === snum)[0]) }, /** * @method openAudio 开启、关闭声音 * @param { Number } option.isEnable 0-关闭,1-开启 * @param { Number } option.snum 选择的子窗口,从0开始 */ openAudio: function (option) { this.send({ method: 'video.enableAudio', info: { snum: option.snum, isEnable: option.isEnable, videoType: Number(this.setting.windowType) === 0 ? 0 : 1, // 0-预览音频,1-回放音频 } }) }, /** * @method startReal 实时预览集成 * @param { Array } option * @param { String } item.channelId 通道Id (必传) * @param { String } item.channelName 通道名称(目前用于本地录像下载) * @param { Number } item.streamType 码流类型 1 主码流 2 辅码流 (默认主码流) * @param { Number } item.dataType 音视频类型 1-视频 2-音频 3-音视频 (默认视频) * @param { Number } item.deviceType 设备类别(用于对讲) * @param { Number|String } item.cameraType 摄像头类型(用于云台) * @param { Number } item.capability 能力集(用于云台) * @param { Boolean } isReOpen 是否断线重连 * @param { Boolean } isSubStream 主辅码流切换 true 是 false 否 * @param { String } deviceCode: option.channelId.split('$1$0$')[0], * @param { String } deviceType: option.deviceType, * @param { Number } talkType: getTalkType(option.deviceType), */ startReal: function (option, { isReOpen, isSubStream, count } = {}, type = 'real') { let tempList = [] // 切换窗口数 let maxNum = option.map(item => item.snum + 1).sort((a, b) => b - a)[0] if (maxNum > 64) { this.setting.realError && this.setting.realError(item, { code: 209, i18nKey: 'video.player.support.max', maxNum: maxNum, message: '最大只支持64路播放' }) } if (!isNaN(this.setting.division) && this.setting.division < maxNum) { this.changeDivision(maxNum) } option.forEach(item => { let flag = false this.setting.channelList = this.setting.channelList.map(realItem => { if (realItem.snum === item.snum) { flag = true return { ...item, closed: true } // close标识位:表示外部主动删除 } return realItem }) if (!flag) { tempList.push({ ...item }) } // 如果有视频的关闭则优先关闭视频 let playVideo = () => { // 如果是插件登录 if (this.setting.usePluginLogin) { this.realByUrl({ ...item, path: '', }, { isReOpen, isSubStream, count }, true) return } else { if (!this.setting.request[type]) { this.setting.realError && this.setting.realError(item, { code: 207, i18nKey: 'video.player.please.afferent.interface.real', message: '请通过 request 属性传入实时预览接口' }) return } this.setting.request[type](getAjaxParam(item, type)).then(res => { if (res.url) { this.realByUrl({ ...item, path: dealUrl(res), }, { isReOpen, isSubStream, count }, true) } }).catch(err => { this.setting.channelList = this.setting.channelList.filter(realItem => realItem.snum !== item.snum) this.setting.realError && this.setting.realError(item, err) }) } } if (!isReOpen && !isSubStream && flag) { this.closeVideo(item.snum).then(() => { playVideo() }) return } playVideo() }) this.setting.channelList = [...this.setting.channelList, ...tempList] // 强绑定 window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[this.setting.videoId].setting.channelList = [...this.setting.channelList] }, /** * @method realByUrl 通过rtsp流地址进行实时预览 * @param { Number } option.snum 选择的子窗口,从0开始 * @param { String } option.channelId 通道id * @param { String } option.channelName 通道名称(目前用于本地录像下载) * @param { String } option.path rtsp地址 * @param { Boolean } option.redirect 重定向,默认false (拼接地址需要改为true,接口返回地址为false) * @param { String } option.cameraType 云台使用,相机类型 【暂不使用】 * @param { Number } option.decodeMode 解码模式 软解-0 硬解-1 快速硬解-2 [默认快速硬解] * @param { Boolean } isSubStream 是否为主辅码流切换,true 表示是 false表示否 * @param { Boolean } isReOpen 是否为实时预览断线重连 * @param { Boolean } count 当前是第几次重连 */ realByUrl: function (option, { isSubStream, isReOpen, count } = {}, isProj) { let sendVideo = () => { this.send({ method: 'video.realmonitor', info: { snum: option.snum, path: option.path, channelId: option.channelId, channelName: option.channelName || '', redirect: typeof option.redirect === 'boolean' ? option.redirect : false, camerType: option.cameraType, decodeMode: typeof option.decodeMode === 'number' ? option.decodeMode : 2, bStreamChange: !!isSubStream, reopenvideo: !!isReOpen, streamType: option.streamType || 1, count, deviceCode: option.channelId && option.channelId.split('$1$0$')[0] || '', deviceType: option.deviceType, talkType: getTalkType(option.deviceType), } }) } // 非集成情况 if (!isProj) { let index = this.setting.channelList.findIndex(item => item.snum === option.snum) if (index >= 0) { this.setting.channelList[index] = { ...option, byUrl: true, closed: true } } else { this.setting.channelList.push({ ...option, byUrl: true }) } // 强绑定 window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[this.setting.videoId].setting.channelList = [...this.setting.channelList]; if (!isReOpen && !isSubStream) { this.closeVideo(option.snum).then(() => { sendVideo() }) } return } let timer = setInterval(() => { clearInterval(timer) if(this.setting.hwnd >= 0) { sendVideo() } else { this.realByUrl(option, { isSubStream, isReOpen, count }, isProj) } }, 200) }, /** * @method startTalk 对讲集成 * @param { Number } snum 选择的子窗口,从0开始 */ startTalk: async function (snum = 0, type = 'talk') { let talkIndex = this.setting.channelList.findIndex(item => item.snum === snum) if (talkIndex < 0) { return this.setting.talkError(talkParam, { code: 206, i18nKey: 'video.player.current.window.no.live.view', message: '请先调用实时预览接口' }) } let talkParam = this.setting.channelList[talkIndex] let param = getAjaxParam(talkParam, type).data if (!this.setting.request[type]) { this.setting.talkError && this.setting.talkError(talkParam, { code: 207, i18nKey: 'video.player.please.afferent.interface.talk.and.stopTalk', message: '请通过 request 属性传入对讲接口和停止对讲接口' }) return } this.setting.request[type]({ data: param }).then(res => { talkParam.session = res.session // 保证所有参数都统一 let { audioBit, audioType, sampleRate } = res talkParam.isTalk = true this.talkByUrl({ redirect: false, audioBit, audioType, sampleRate, path: dealUrl(res), channelId: talkParam.channelId, talkType: getTalkType(talkParam.deviceType), snum }) }).catch(err => { this.setting.talkError && this.setting.talkError(talkParam, err) }) }, /** * @method talkByUrl 通过rtsp流进行对讲 * @param { Number } option.snum 窗口号 * @param { String } option.channelId 通道id * @param { String } option.path rtsp地址 * @param { Number } option.audioType 音频类型 0-default 1-PCM 2-G711a 3-AMR 4-G711U 5-G726 6-AAC 7-G722 8-G711 * @param { Number } option.audioBit 位数 8 、16 * @param { Number } option.sampleRate 采样频率 8000、16000、32000、48000、8192 * @param { Number } option.talkType 对讲类型 1-设备 2-通道 */ talkByUrl: function (option) { // 发送对讲 this.send({ method: 'video.starttalk', info: { snum: option.snum, path: option.path, channelId: option.channelId, redirect: false, // 写死 audioType: option.audioType, audioBit: option.audioBit, sampleRate: option.sampleRate, talkType: option.talkType } }) }, /** * @method startPlayback 录像回放集成 * @param { Array } option * @param { String } item.channelId 通道Id * @param { String } item.channelName 通道名称(目前用于本地录像下载) * @param { String } item.name 通道名称 * @param { Number } item.streamType 码流类型 0 所有码流 1 主码流 2 辅码流 (默认所有码流) * @param { String } item.startTime 开始时间 '2022-10-26 00:00:00' * @param { String } item.endTime 结束时间 '2022-10-26 23:59:59' * @param { Number } item.recordSource 录像类型 2-设备录像 3-中心录像 * @param { Number } option.snum 窗口号 * @param { Boolean } isConnect 是否拖拽/播放下一段录像 * @param { Boolean } bContinue 是否为播放下一段录像(用于告诉客户端) * @param { Boolean } scaleSteps 当前录像进度条的显示状态 */ startPlayback: function (option, { isConnect, bContinue, scaleSteps } = {}) { let timeFormatter = (time) => { return parseInt(new Date(time).getTime() / 1000) } let getPlayBackRtsp = (param) => { if (Number(param.recordSource) === 3 || Number(param.recordSource === 4)) { // 中心录像-按文件 getPlayBackRtspByFile.call(this, param, isConnect).then(res => { if (res.code === 201) { return this.setting.playbackError && this.setting.playbackError(param, res) } param.endTime = Number(param.records[param.records.length - 1].endTime) this.playbackByUrl({ ...param, path: res.rtspUrl, records: res.records, redirect: false, bContinue, scaleSteps, isLastFile: param.currentIndex === res.records.length - 1 }, true) }).catch(err => { this.setting.playbackError && this.setting.playbackError(param, err) }) } else if (Number(param.recordSource) === 2) { // 设备录像-按时间 getPlayBackRtspByTime.call(this, param).then(res => { param.endTime = Number(param.records[param.records.length - 1].endTime) this.playbackByUrl({ ...param, path: res.rtspUrl, records: res.records, redirect: false, bContinue, scaleSteps, isLastFile: param.currentIndex === res.records.length - 1 }, true) }).catch(err => { this.setting.playbackError && this.setting.playbackError(param, err) }) } else if (Number(param.recordSource) === 1) { // 自动识别 queryRecord.call(this, param) .then(() => { let recordSource = param.records[0].recordSource param.recordSource = Number(recordSource) if (Number(recordSource) === 3 || Number(recordSource) === 4) { // 中心录像-按文件 getPlayBackRtspByFile.call(this, param, isConnect).then(res => { if (res.code === 201) { return this.setting.playbackError && this.setting.playbackError(param, res) } param.endTime = Number(param.records[param.records.length - 1].endTime) this.playbackByUrl({ ...param, path: res.rtspUrl, records: res.records, redirect: false, bContinue, scaleSteps, isLastFile: param.currentIndex === res.records.length - 1 }, true) }).catch(err => { this.setting.playbackError && this.setting.playbackError(param, err) }) } if (Number(recordSource) === 2) { // 设备录像-按时间 getPlayBackRtspByTime.call(this, param).then(res => { param.endTime = Number(param.records[param.records.length - 1].endTime) this.playbackByUrl({ ...param, path: res.rtspUrl, records: res.records, redirect: false, bContinue, scaleSteps, isLastFile: param.currentIndex === res.records.length - 1 }, true) }).catch(err => { this.setting.playbackError && this.setting.playbackError(param, err) }) } }).catch(err => { this.setting.playbackError && this.setting.playbackError(param, err) }) } else { this.setting.playbackError && this.setting.playbackError( param, { code: 404, i18nKey: 'video.player.only.play.device.and.center.recordings', message: '只能播放设备录像和中心录像!' }) } } if (isConnect) { getPlayBackRtsp(option) } else { let channelList = [] // 切换窗口数 let maxNum = option.map(item => item.snum + 1).sort((a, b) => b - a)[0] if (!isNaN(this.setting.division) && this.setting.division < maxNum) { this.changeDivision(maxNum) } option.forEach(item => { // 对时间做格式化处理 item.startTime = timeFormatter(item.startTime) item.endTime = timeFormatter(item.endTime) // 如果开始时间大于结束时间,则调换位置 if (item.startTime > item.endTime) { let tempTime = item.startTime item.startTime = item.endTime item.endTime = tempTime } item.bBack = 0 let flag = true this.setting.channelList.forEach((oItem, oIndex) => { if (oItem.snum === item.snum) { flag = false this.setting.channelList[oIndex] = { ...item, closed: true } this.closeVideo(item.snum).then(() => { // 播放视频 if (this.setting.usePluginLogin) { this.playbackByUrl({ ...item, path: '', records: [], redirect: false, bContinue, scaleSteps }, true) } else { getPlayBackRtsp({ ...item }) } }) } }) if (flag) { channelList.push({ ...item }) } }) channelList.forEach(item => { if (this.setting.usePluginLogin) { this.playbackByUrl({ ...item, path: '', records: [], redirect: false, bContinue, scaleSteps }, true) } else { getPlayBackRtsp({ ...item }) } }) this.setting.channelList = [...this.setting.channelList, ...channelList] // 强绑定 window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[this.setting.videoId].setting.channelList = [...this.setting.channelList] } }, /** * @method playbackByUrl 通过rtsp录像回放 * @param { Number } option.snum 选择的子窗口,从0开始 * @param { String } option.channelId 通道id * @param { String } option.channelName 通道名称(目前用于本地录像下载) * @param { String } option.path rtsp地址 * @param { Array } option.records 包含某个时间段的录像文件信息 * @param { Date } option.startTime 时间相关均为时间戳(new Date().getTime() / 1000) * @param { Date } option.endTime 时间相关均为时间戳(new Date().getTime() / 1000) * @param { Number } option.recordSource 录像类型 2-设备录像 3-中心录像 4-统一云 * @param { Number } option.decodeMode 解码模式 软解-0 硬解-1 快速硬解-2 [默认快速硬解] * @param { Boolean } option.redirect 重定向,默认false (拼接地址需要改为true,接口返回地址为false) * @param { Boolean } option.bContinue 是否继续播放录像 true-是 false-否 * @param { Boolean } bContinue 是否续播 * @param { Number } scaleSteps 录像进度条样式 * @param { Boolean } isLastFile 是否为最后一段录像? */ playbackByUrl: function (option, isProj) { // 非集成情况 if (!isProj) { let index = this.setting.channelList.findIndex(item => item.snum === option.snum) if (index >= 0) { this.setting.channelList[index] = { ...option, byUrl: true } } else { this.setting.channelList.push({ ...option, byUrl: true }) } } this.send({ method: 'video.playback', info: { snum: option.snum, path: option.path, records: option.records, startTime: option.startTime, endTime: option.endTime, recordSource: option.recordSource, playStartTime: option.playStartTime || option.startTime, playEndTime: option.playEndTime || option.endTime, currentPlayTime: option.currentPlayTime || option.playStartTime, channelId: option.channelId, channelName: option.channelName || option.name || '', decodeMode: typeof option.decodeMode === 'number' ? option.decodeMode : 2, redirect: typeof option.redirect === 'boolean' ? option.redirect : false, bBack: option.bBack || 0, bContinue: !!option.bContinue, scaleSteps: option.scaleSteps || 0, lastFile: !!option.isLastFile } }) }, /** * @method startDownloadRecord 开始下载录像-集成 * @param {*} option 参数同 startPlayback 方法 */ startDownloadRecord: function (option) { let timeFormatter = (time) => { return parseInt(new Date(time).getTime() / 1000) } let getPlayBackRtsp = (param) => { if (Number(param.recordSource) === 3 || Number(param.recordSource) === 4) { // 中心录像-按文件 getPlayBackRtspByFile.call(this, param).then(res => { if (res.code === 201) { return this.setting.downloadError && this.setting.downloadError(param, res) } param.endTime = Number(param.records[param.records.length - 1].endTime) this.downloadRecord({ snum: param.snum, url: res.rtspUrl, records: res.records, startTime: param.startTime, endTime: param.endTime, }) }).catch(err => { this.setting.downloadError && this.setting.downloadError(param, err) }) } else if (Number(param.recordSource) === 2) { // 设备录像-按时间 getPlayBackRtspByTime.call(this, param).then(res => { param.endTime = Number(param.records[param.records.length - 1].endTime) this.downloadRecord({ snum: param.snum, url: res.rtspUrl, records: res.records, startTime: param.startTime, endTime: param.endTime, }) }).catch(err => { this.setting.downloadError && this.setting.downloadError(param, err) }) } else { this.setting.downloadError && this.setting.downloadError( param, { code: 404, i18nKey: 'video.player.only.download.device.and.center.recordings', message: '只能下载设备录像和中心录像!' }) } } if (option.length > 4) { return this.setting.downloadError({ code: 401, i18nKey: 'video.player.download.recordings.max', message: "最多支持4路录像同时下载" }); } option.forEach(item => { // 对时间做格式化处理 item.startTime = timeFormatter(item.startTime) item.endTime = timeFormatter(item.endTime) // 如果开始时间大于结束时间,则调换位置 if (item.startTime > item.endTime) { let tempTime = item.startTime item.startTime = item.endTime item.endTime = tempTime } item.bBack = 0 getPlayBackRtsp(item) }) }, /** * 处理DHPlayer位置 * @param {*} option * @param {*} callBack * @returns */ changePosition: function (option, callBack) { var windowSize = getWindowSize.call(this) var zoom = detectZoom() var rect = getRect.call(this) for (let i in rect) { rect[i] = (rect[i] * zoom) / 100 } var _info = Object.assign({}, {}, rect, option) _info.clientAreaHeight = (windowSize.height * zoom) / 100 _info.clientAreaWidth = (windowSize.width * zoom) / 100 _info.browserScreenX = getScreenX() // 暂时用不到 _info.screenX = window.screenX _info.screenY = window.screenY // 火狐需要传的内容 if (!window.dhPlayerControl.isPIframe) { _info.mozInnerScreenX = (window.top.mozInnerScreenX * zoom) / 100 _info.mozInnerScreenY = (window.top.mozInnerScreenY * zoom) / 100 } else { _info.mozInnerScreenX = (this.setting.topMozInnerScreenX * zoom) / 100 _info.mozInnerScreenY = (this.setting.topMozInnerScreenY * zoom) / 100 } delete _info.width delete _info.height _info.show = document.visibilityState === 'hidden' ? false : true _info.title = window.dhPlayerControl.isPIframe ? this.setting.documentTitle : window.top.document.title let sendPosition = () => { this.send( { method: 'window.change', info: _info, }, callBack ) } // 位置改变后就触发遮挡 if (this.setting.oldPosition === JSON.stringify(_info)) { // 位置固定后,改变三次位置,强制触发三次遮挡,处理位置偏移问题。 while (this.adjustCount < 3) { this.adjustCount++ sendPosition() this.windowShield(this.cover(), true) } return } // 位置发生改变,强制触发遮挡事件 this.adjustCount = 0 this.setting.oldPosition = JSON.stringify(_info) sendPosition() }, // 隐藏视频 hide: function () { this.setting.show = false this.setting.stopRefresh = true this.send({ method: 'window.show', info: { show: false } }) }, //显示视频 show: function () { var that = this this.setting.stopRefresh = false this.setting.show = true this.send({ method: 'window.show', info: { show: true } }, { onSuccess: function () { if (that.setting.refreshTimer) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(that.setting.refreshTimer) } that.setting.oldPosition = "" that.handleAdjust() that.setting.showWindowSuccess && that.setting.showWindowSuccess() }, onError: this.setting.showWindowError } ) }, /** * @method downloadRecord 录像下载 * @param { Object } option * @param { Number } option.snum 选择的子窗口,从0开始 * @param { String } option.url 下载地址 * @param { Array } option.records 包含某个时间段的录像文件信息 * @param { Number } option.startTime 时间相关均为时间戳,具体参考大华播放控件开发手册 * @param { Number } option.endTime 时间相关均为时间戳,具体参考大华播放控件开发手册 * @param { Boolean } option.redirect 默认 false */ downloadRecord: function (option) { this.send({ method: 'video.downloadByTime', info: { channelId: option.channelId, snum: option.snum, url: option.url, records: option.records, startTime: option.startTime, endTime: option.endTime, redirect: typeof option.redirect === 'boolean' ? option.redirect : false } }) }, /** * @method closeVideo 关闭指定窗口视频或全部关闭 * @param { Number } option.snum 选择的子窗口, 不传默认全部关闭 */ closeVideo: function (snum) { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.send({ method: 'video.close', info: { snum: typeof snum === 'number' ? snum : 0, isAll: typeof snum === 'number' ? false : true } }, { onSuccess: function() { resolve() } }) }) }, /** * @method closeTalk 关闭对讲 */ closeTalk: function () { this.send({ method: 'video.closetalk', info: { snum: 0, isAll: true } }) }, /** * @method continuePlayback 操作录像 * @param { Number } option.snum 选择的子窗口,从0开始 * @param { Number } option.state 窗口状态:0-暂停,1-继续 */ controlPlayback: function (option) { this.send({ method: 'video.playbackChangeState', info: { snum: option.snum, state: option.state } }) }, //显示下方控制栏, show: true-显示,false-隐藏 showControlBar: function (show = true) { this.setting.showBar = show this.send({ method: 'video.setToolBarShow', info: { isShow: show ? 1 : 0 } }) }, /** * @method continuePlayback 本地录像下载 * @param { Number } snum 选择的子窗口,从0开始 */ localRecordDownload: function (snum) { this.send({ method: 'vidoe.localRecord', info: { snum } }) }, /** * @method video.division.change 切换当前控件展示的窗口数量 * @param {*} division 当前控件展示的窗口数量 * @param {String} 分割窗口数类型 normal-正常 custom-自定义 * @desc 代码手动调用该方法没有提供回调,此处添加回调 */ changeDivision: function (info) { if (info) { // 自定义的情况 if (isNaN(info)) { this.setting.division = info this.send({ method: 'video.customDivision.change', info: JSON.parse(info) }) this.setting.changeDivision && this.setting.changeDivision(info) } else { this.setting.division = Number(info) this.send({ method: "video.division.change", info: { "division": this.setting.division } }) this.setting.changeDivision && this.setting.changeDivision(this.setting.division) } this.setWindowDragEnable() } }, //窗口抓图 snapshot: function (snum) { this.send({ method: 'video.snapic', info: { snum } }) }, // 视频被遮挡处理 windowShield: function (option, flag, callBack) { var windowSize = getWindowSize.call(this) var zoom = detectZoom() var _info = {} _info.region = this.getShieldRect(option).map(item => item * zoom / 100) _info.clientAreaHeight = (windowSize.height * zoom) / 100 _info.clientAreaWidth = (windowSize.width * zoom) / 100 if (!flag && this.setting.oldShield === JSON.stringify(_info)) { return } this.setting.oldShield = JSON.stringify(_info) this.send( { method: 'window.shield', info: _info }, callBack ) }, // 视频插件版本号 version: function (callBack) { this.send({ method: 'common.version', info: {} }, callBack ) }, /** * 视频是否显示规划线 * @param { Object } option * @param { Number } snum 窗口号 * @param { isEnableIVS } 是否显示规则框 true-显示 false-隐藏 * @param { ivsType } 规则框类型 1-智能规则框,2-智能目标框 (不传默认为1) */ isEnableIvs: function (option) { this.send({ method: 'video.enableIvs', info: { snum: option.snum, isEnableIVS: option.isEnableIVS, ivsType: option.ivsType }, }) }, getWindowState: function (callBack) { this.send({ method: 'window.getWindowState', info: {}, }, callBack ) }, // 防止插件超出浏览器显示 cover: function () { var rect = getRect.call(this) var left = rect.left, top = rect.top, right = rect.right, bottom = rect.bottom, width = rect.width, height = rect.height, arr = [], windowSize = getWindowSize.call(this) let shieldFn = (domSize) => { if (domSize && domSize[0]) { // 超过上方则遮挡 if (top < domSize[0].top) { arr.push(left, top, width + 1, domSize[0].top - top) } // 超过下方则遮挡 if (bottom > domSize[0].bottom) { arr.push(left, domSize[0].bottom, width + 1, bottom - domSize[0].bottom) } // 左侧遮挡 if (left < domSize[0].left) { arr.push(left, top, domSize[0].left - left + 1, height) } // 右侧遮挡 if (right > domSize[0].right) { arr.push(domSize[0].right, top, right - domSize[0].right + 1, height) } } } // 处理有iframe下, 超出最外侧body遮挡的问题 shieldFn([ { top: 0, left: 0, right: windowSize.width, bottom: windowSize.height } ]) // 处理当前window下的遮挡问题 let pOutContent, outLeft, outTop if (window.dhPlayerControl.isPIframe) { pOutContent = this.setting.pIframeRect outLeft = pOutContent.left outTop = pOutContent.top } else { var iframes = window.parent.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe') var pIframe = null var dom = null let getpIframe = (index) => { if (!iframes[index]) return try { dom = iframes[index].contentWindow.document.getElementById(this.setting.videoId) if (dom) { pIframe = iframes[index] } else { getpIframe(index + 1) } } catch (err) { getpIframe(index + 1) } } iframes.length && getpIframe(0) if (pIframe) { pOutContent = pIframe.getBoundingClientRect() } } pOutContent && shieldFn([{ top: pOutContent.top, left: pOutContent.left, width: pOutContent.width, height: pOutContent.height }]) // 处理DOM元素遮挡问题,主要用于滚动页面,超出隐藏的问题 if (this.setting.coverShieldClass && this.setting.coverShieldClass.length) { this.setting.coverShieldClass.forEach((item) => { let dom = document.getElementsByClassName(item)[0] let domSize = dom ? dom.getClientRects() : null domSize = [ { left: domSize[0].left, top: domSize[0].top, bottom: domSize[0].bottom, right: domSize[0].right } ] if (pOutContent) { domSize[0].left = domSize[0].left + pOutContent.left domSize[0].top = domSize[0].top + pOutContent.top domSize[0].bottom = domSize[0].top + domSize[0].height domSize[0].right = domSize[0].left + domSize[0].width } domSize && shieldFn(domSize) }) } return arr }, /** * @desc 登录平台 * @param {String} host ip * @param {String} port 端口 * @param {String} username 用户名 * @param {String} password 密码 * */ loginServer: function () { this.send({ method: 'window.loginServer', info: { host: this.setting.pluginLoginInfo.host, port: String(this.setting.pluginLoginInfo.port), // 自动转换为字符串 username: this.setting.pluginLoginInfo.username, password: this.setting.pluginLoginInfo.password } }) }, // 退出登录 logoutServer: function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.send({ method: 'window.logoutServer', info: {} }) setTimeout(() => { resolve() }, 2000) }) }, // 获取登录状态信息 getLoginState: function () { this.send({ method: 'window.getLoginState', info: {}, }, ) }, // 获取登录信息 getLoginInfo: function () { this.send({ method: 'window.getLoginInfo', info: {}, }, ) }, // 扩展方法 extendOption: function (ids, option) { var map = {} for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { map[ids[i]] = this.setting[ids[i]] } return Object.assign({}, map, option) }, //遮挡部分位置获取 getShieldRect: function (option) { // 获取位置信息 var shieldClass = this.setting.shieldClass || [], arr = option || [] for (var i = 0; i < shieldClass.length; i++) { arr = [...arr, ...computedRect.call(this, shieldClass[i])] } if (window.dhPlayerControl.isPIframe) { arr.push(...this.setting.pIframeShieldData) } else { var parentIframeShieldClass = this.setting.parentIframeShieldClass || [] for (i = 0; i < parentIframeShieldClass.length; i++) { arr = [...arr, ...computedRect.call(this, parentIframeShieldClass[i], true)] } } return arr }, MainCall: function (option) { var dom = document.getElementById(this.setting.ieDom) this.setting.option_id[option.id] = option dom && dom.MainCall(option.method, JSON.stringify(option)) }, init: function () { // 判断是不是跨域 try { // 不是跨域 console.log(window.top.origin) window.dhPlayerControl.isPIframe = false this.initPlayer() } catch (err) { // 是跨域 console.log("存在跨域iframe") window.dhPlayerControl.isPIframe = true addEventListener('message', e => { if (e.data.methods === 'title') { this.setting.documentTitle = e.data.title || document.title } if (e.data.methods === 'rect') { this.setting.topInnerWidth = e.data.topInnerWidth || 0 this.setting.topInnerHeight = e.data.topInnerHeight || 0 this.setting.pIframeRect = e.data.pIframeRect || 0 this.setting.topMozInnerScreenX = e.data.topMozInnerScreenX || 0 this.setting.topMozInnerScreenY = e.data.topMozInnerScreenY || 0 } if (e.data.methods == 'shieldRect') { this.setting.pIframeShieldData = e.data.pIframeShieldData || [] } }) this.initPlayer() } }, initPlayer: function () { let hwnd = '' if (window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[this.setting.videoId]) { hwnd = window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[this.setting.videoId].setting.hwnd } window.dhPlayerControl.videoList[this.setting.videoId] = this this.setting.hwnd = hwnd if (!window.dhPlayerControl.wsConnect) { window.dhPlayerControl.wsConnect = true socketOpen.call(this) } else { if (window.dhPlayerControl.windowState === 'wsSuccess' && (!this.setting.usePluginLogin || window.dhPlayerControl.loginFlag !== 'LOGIN_PENDING')) { // 建立连接后, 确保每次初始化是否支持 let _isSupport = isSupport() if (!_isSupport.success) { return this.setting.createError && this.setting.createError(_isSupport) } if (this.setting.socketTimer) { clearTimeout(this.setting.socketTimer) }; this.setting.socketTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.create() }, this.setting.usePluginLogin ? 1000 : 300) } else if (window.dhPlayerControl.windowState === "noPlugin") { this.setting.createError && this.setting.createError({ code: 1001, success: false, i18nKey: 'video.player.plugin.not.installed', message: "插件未安装" }) } else if(window.dhPlayerControl.windowState === "wsError") { this.setting.createError && this.setting.createError({ code: 1003, success: false, message: "无法与播放器建立连接" + window.isResetConnect ? ', 正在重连...' : "" }) } else { setTimeout(() => { this.initPlayer() }, 300) } } this.setting.browserType = broswerInfo() } } window.VideoPlayer = window.VideoPlayer || VideoPlayer })()