operation_web / src / components / shujulvwang / ruleModel.vue
@yuwj yuwj on 29 Jan 2021 44 KB 规则列表修改
  <!--规则列表 - 编辑界面-->
  <div id="ruleModel">

    <h2 class="text-center sectionH2">
      <span class='pull-left' @click='gohistory'>
        < 返回 </span> {{modelH}} </h2> <el-form status-icon :model="ruleForm" :rules="rules" ref="ruleForm"
          label-width="120px" class="demo-ruleForm">

          <el-row class="basicB">
            <p class="formJcDoc">基本信息</p>

            <el-col :span='15' class="m-t-20 p-l-22">

              <el-form-item label="规则名称:" style='margin:5px 0 17px 0' prop='ruleName'>
                <el-input v-model="ruleForm.ruleName" :disabled="disabledInput" placeholder="请输入规则名称"></el-input>

            <el-col :span='15' class="p-l-22">
              <el-form-item label="规则描述:">
                <el-input type="textarea" v-model="ruleForm.ruleDescription" :disabled="disabledInput"

          <!-- 检测源头 -->
          <el-row class="basicB m-t-24">
            <p class="formJcDoc">检测源</p>

            <el-col :span='7' class="p-l-22 m-t-20">
              <el-form-item label="消息队列:" prop='ruleDataSourceParams.queueName'>
                <el-select :disabled="disabledInput" @change='sqlSourceShow'
                  v-model="ruleForm.ruleDataSourceParams.queueName" placeholder="请选择消息队列">
                  <el-option v-for='(item,index) in datasSources' :key='item.value+199' :label="item.value"

            <el-col :span='7' class="m-t-20 p-l-22">
              <el-form-item label="主题:" prop='ruleDataSourceParams.queueTopic'>
                <el-select :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="ruleForm.ruleDataSourceParams.queueTopic"
                  <el-option v-for='(item,index) in addSourceValue1' :key='index+1999' :label="item.value"
            <el-col :span='1' class="m-t-20 p-l-22 text-right">
              <el-button type="text" @click='ruleTests("ruleForm")'>测试</el-button>

            <el-col :span='15' class="p-l-22 m-b-10" v-show='ruleTest'>
              <el-form-item label="输入值:">
                <el-input type='textarea' v-model='ruleTestData.values' placeholder="请输入值,为JSON格式"></el-input>

            <el-col :span='15' class="p-l-22 m-b-10" v-show='stackShow'>
              <el-form-item label="输出值:">
                <el-input type='textarea' v-model='stackValue' placeholder="堆栈信息" readonly></el-input>

            <el-col :span='15' class="text-right m-b-10" v-show='ruleTest'>
              <el-button type="primary" size='mini' @click="ruleTestModel('ruleTestData')">测 试</el-button>
              <el-button size='mini' @click="ruleTest = false,stackShow = false">取 消</el-button>

            <div v-for='(items,indexs) in ruleForm.ruleDataSourceParams.params' :key='indexs+1199' class="clear">
              <el-col :span='6' class="p-r-10 p-l-22">
                <el-form-item label="过滤条件:">
                  <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" v-model.trim="items.attributeName" placeholder="属性名称"></el-input>

              <el-col :span='4' class="p-r-10 l-h-40">
                <el-select :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="items.comparison" placeholder="类型">
                  <el-option v-for='(item,index) in symbolNum' :key='index+1099' :label="item.label"

              <el-col :span='4' class="l-h-40">
                <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" v-model.trim="items.attributeValue" placeholder="属性值">

              <el-col :span='1' class="text-right m-t-10" v-if='!disabledInput'>
                <i @click='deleteIcons(indexs)' class="iconfont icon-qiyong deleteIcon"></i>


            <!-- 过滤条件 -->
            <el-col :span='24' class="aboutType conditiona" v-if='!disabledInput'>

              <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="过滤条件,为不同站点进行过滤" placement="bottom-start">
                <span @click='filterCondition'><i class="iconfont icon-jia"></i>添加过滤条件</span>


          <!-- 检测规划 -->
          <el-row class="m-t-24 basicB">
            <p class="formJcDoc">检测规则</p>

            <el-col :span="14" class="p-l-22 m-t-20">
              <el-form-item label='检测方式:' prop='ruleDataProcess.processType'>
                <el-select :disabled="disabledInput" @change='processTypes'
                  v-model="ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.processType" placeholder="
                  <el-option v-for='(item,index) in testJC' :key='index+991' :label="item.label" :value="item.value">

            <el-col :span='1' class="text-right m-t-30">
              <div class="aboutType" v-show='ruleContent'>
                <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark"
                  <span><i class="iconfont icon-49"></i>

            <!-- 阈值检测 -->
            <el-col :span='24' v-if='ruleContent' v-for='(items,indexs) in ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.alarmParams'
              <el-col :span='7' class="p-l-22">
                <el-form-item label="检测字段:">
                  <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="items.field" placeholder="请输入检测字段"></el-input>

              <el-col :span='7' class="yzFlex l-h-40">
                <span class="fzs addendumNames " style='margin-top:0px'>取值范围:</span>
                <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" type='number' v-model.number="items.minVal" placeholder="下限值">
                <span style='padding:0 10px;' class="addendumNames"> ~ </span>
                <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" type='number' v-model.number="items.maxVal" placeholder="上限值">

              <el-col :span='1' class="addendumNames text-right m-t-10" v-if='!disabledInput'>
                <i @click='deleteRule(indexs)' class="iconfont icon-qiyong deleteIcon"></i>

            <!-- 自动检测 -->
            <el-col :span='24' v-if='ruleContentAuto'>
              <el-col :span='7' class="p-l-22">
                <el-form-item label="标识属性:" prop='ruleDataProcess.markField'>
                  <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.markField"

              <el-col :span='8' class="p-l-22">
                <el-form-item label="时间属性:" prop='ruleDataProcess.TT'>
                  <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.TT" placeholder="请输入时间属性">

            <el-col :span='24' v-show='ruleContentAuto' v-for='(items,indexs) in autoMapList' :key='indexs+99'>
              <el-col :span='7' style='padding-left:22px;'>
                <el-form-item label="检测字段:">
                  <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="items.factor" placeholder="请输入检测字段"></el-input>

              <el-col :span='7' class="p-l-22">
                <el-form-item label="关联字段:">
                  <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="items.multiples" placeholder="请输入关联字段"></el-input>

              <el-col :span='1' class="addendumNames text-right m-t-10" v-if='!disabledInput'>
                <i @click='deleteAutoIcons("autoMapList",indexs)' class="iconfont icon-qiyong deleteIcon"></i>

            <el-col :span='24' v-show='ruleContentAuto' class="aboutType conditiona">
              <p class="text-left" style='color:#c3c3c3;'>示例:多个关联属性之间使用逗号分隔(sdl,z...)</p>

            <!-- 条件检测 -->
            <el-col :span='24' class="p-l-22" v-show='condition'>
              <el-col :span='14'>
                <el-form-item label="异常条件:">
                  <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.abnormalCondition"
              <el-col :span='1' class="text-right">
                <div class="aboutType m-t-10">
                  <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="异常条件指定了异常数据的判定条件" placement="top-start">
                    <span><i class="iconfont icon-49"></i>
            <el-col :span='24' class="p-l-22" v-show='condition'
              v-for='(items,indexs) in ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.conditionList' :key='indexs+399'>
              <el-col :span='7'>
                <el-form-item label="更新字段:">
                  <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="items.updateField" placeholder="请输入更新字段"></el-input>


              <el-col :span='7' class="p-l-22">
                <el-form-item label="更新值:" class="multiSelected">
                  <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="items.updateValue" placeholder="请输入更新值"></el-input>
              <el-col :span='1' class="addendumNames text-right m-t-10">
                <i @click='deleteAutoIcon("conditionList",indexs)' class="iconfont icon-qiyong deleteIcon"></i>


            <el-col :span='24' class="aboutType conditiona" v-show='ruleContentAuto'>
              <span v-if='!disabledInput' @click='filterAutoCondition'><i class="iconfont icon-jia"></i>添加自动检测字段</span>

            <el-col :span='24' class="aboutType conditiona" v-if='ruleContent'>
              <span v-if='!disabledInput' @click='filterRule'><i class="iconfont icon-jia"></i>添加检测规则</span>

            <el-col :span='24' class="aboutType conditiona" v-if='condition'>
              <span v-if='!disabledInput' @click='conditionAdd'><i class="iconfont icon-jia"></i>添加检测规则</span>

            <el-col :span='15' class="p-l-22">
              <el-form-item label="处理动作:" prop='ruleDataProcess.processAction'>
                <el-select :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.processAction"
                  <el-option v-for='(item,index) in outliner' :key='index+599' :label="item.label" :value="item.value">

          <el-row class="basicB m-t-24">
            <p class="formJcDoc">告警通知</p>
            <el-col :span='15' class="p-l-22 m-t-20">
              <el-form-item label="报警方式:" prop='ruleDataProcess.alarmType'>
                <el-radio-group :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.alarmType"
                  <el-radio :label="item.value" v-for='item in emailCall' :key='item.value'>{{item.label}}</el-radio>

            <el-col :span='15' v-if='radioNotice' class="p-l-22">
              <el-form-item label="通知对象:" prop='ruleDataProcess.notice'>
                <el-select :disabled="disabledInput" v-model="ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.notice" placeholder="选择通知对象">
                  <el-option v-for='(item,index) in noticeUsername' :key='index+499' :label="item.username"

            <el-col v-if='radioNotice' :span='15' class="p-l-22">
              <el-form-item label="报警内容:" prop='ruleDataProcess.alarmContent'>
                <el-input :disabled="disabledInput" type="textarea" v-model="ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.alarmContent"

          <!-- 数据目标 -->
          <el-row class="basicB m-t-24">
            <p class="formJcDoc">数据目标</p>
            <el-form-item class="w60 p-l-22 m-t-20" label="数据目的地:">
              <el-button class="m-b-20" v-if='!disabledInput' size="small" @click.native='dataDestination'>添加数据目的地
              <el-table :data="ruleForm.ruleForwardList" border style="width: 100%">

                <el-table-column label="类型">
                  <template slot-scope="scope">
                    <span style="margin-left: 10px">{{ ruleTypeName(scope.row.dataType) }}</span>

                <el-table-column label="连接">
                  <template slot-scope="scope">
                    <span style="margin-left: 10px">{{scope.row.dataSource}}</span>

                <el-table-column label="值">
                  <template slot-scope="scope">
                    {{ scope.row.dataValue }}

                <el-table-column label="操作" v-if='!disabledInput'>
                  <template slot-scope="scope">
                    <el-button style='color:#66b1ff;' title='修改' type="primary" size="mini" plain
                      @click.stop="handleEdits(scope.$index, scope.row)">修改</el-button>
                    <el-button style='color:#66b1ff;' title='删除' type="primary" size="mini" plain
                      @click.stop="handleDeletes(scope.$index, scope.row)">删除</el-button>


            <div class="text-left m-b-20 p-l-22 m-t-20">
              <el-button type="primary" v-if='!disabledInput' v-show='editAdd' @click="submitForm('ruleForm',1)">添 加
              <el-button type="primary" v-if='!disabledInput' v-show='!editAdd' @click="submitForm('ruleForm',2)">修 改
              <el-button @click="gohistory">取 消</el-button>


          <!-- 数据添加 -->
          <el-dialog title="添加数据目的地参数" :visible.sync="dataEdit1" :close-on-click-modal='closeOnClick'
            :lock-scroll='closeOnClick' width="50%" :modal='closeOnClick'>

            <el-form status-icon :model="ruleForms" :rules="rules" ref="ruleForms" label-width="70px"

              <el-col :span='12'>
                <el-form-item label="类型:" prop='attributeName'>
                  <el-select @change='sqlTypeName' v-model="ruleForms.attributeName" placeholder="请选择类型">
                    <el-option v-for='(item,index) in datasDate' :key='index' :label="item.label" :value="item.value">

              <el-col :span='12'>
                <el-form-item label="连接:" prop='attributeSource'>
                  <el-select @change='sqlSource' v-model="ruleForms.attributeSource" placeholder="请选择连接">
                    <el-option v-for='(item,index) in addSourceMap' :key='index' :label="item.value"

              <el-col :span='24'>
                <el-form-item label="值:">
                  <el-select v-model="ruleForms.attributeValue" placeholder="请选择值">
                    <el-option v-for='(item,index) in addSourceValue' :key='index' :label="item.value"


            <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
              <el-button type="primary" v-if='!editPrimary' @click="dataTables('ruleForms',1)">添 加</el-button>
              <el-button type="primary" v-if='editPrimary' @click="dataTables('ruleForms',2)">修 改</el-button>
              <el-button @click="dataEdit1 = false">取 消</el-button>

          <!-- 消息测试窗口 -->
          <el-dialog title="消息测试异常" :visible.sync="testModel" :close-on-click-modal='closeOnClick'
            :lock-scroll='closeOnClick' width="50%" :modal='closeOnClick'>


            <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">

              <!-- 异常堆栈信息展示 -->
              <div class="text-left m-t-10" v-show='errorTest' style='word-break: break-word;'>

              <el-button type="primary" @click="testModel = false,errorTest = false" class=" m-t-10">确 定</el-button>
              <el-button @click="errorTest = !errorTest">查看详情</el-button>


  import project from '../../mixins/project'

  import {
  } from '../../util'

  import methodIntegration from '../../mixins/methods'

  var moment = require('moment');

  import {
  } from '../../util/item'

  export default {
    name: 'ruleModel',
    data() {
      return {
        modelHead: ['添加规则信息', '修改规则信息', '规则信息'],
        modelH: '',
        editIndex: '',
        testModeltext: '',
        stackValue: '', //堆栈值
        errorText: '', //异常文本
        datasSources: [],
        addSourceMap: [],
        addSourceValue: [],
        addSourceValue1: [],
        editPrimaryBtn: false,
        errorTest: false,
        ruleContent: true,
        stackShow: false, // 堆栈展示
        ruleContentAuto: false,
        testModel: false, // 堆栈异常展示
        condition: false,
        radioNotice: false,
        disabledInput: false,
        editPrimary: false,
        dataEdit: false,
        dataEdit1: false,
        ruleTest: false,
        center: true,
        editAdd: true,
        closeOnClick: false,
        datasDate: [{
          label: '数据库',
          value: 1
        }, {
          label: '消息队列',
          value: 2
        outliner: [{
          label: '无',
          value: 0
        }, {
          label: '替换异常值',
          value: 1
        emailCall: [{
          label: '无',
          value: 0
        }, {
          label: '邮件',
          value: 1
        }, {
          label: '邮件和短信',
          value: 2
        testJC: [{
          value: 1,
          label: '阈值检测'
        }, {
          value: 2,
          label: '自动检测'
        }, {
          value: 3,
          label: '条件检测'
        }, {
          value: 4,
          label: '无'
        autoMapList: [{
          factor: '', //检测字段
          multiples: '', //检测字段
        symbolNum: [{
          label: '=',
          value: '='
        ruleForm: {
          ruleName: '',
          ruleDescription: '',
          status: 0,
          creator: localStorage.getItem('USERNO'),
          ruleDataSourceParams: {
            queueName: '',
            queueTopic: '',
            params: [{
              attributeName: '',
              comparison: '',
              attributeValue: '',
          ruleDataProcess: {
            processType: 1, //检测方式
            notice: '',
            processAction: 1, //处理动作
            alarmType: 0,
            TT: '',
            markField: '', //结构仅供参考,最终会放入alarmParams内部
            alarmContent: '',
            alarmParams: [{
              minVal: '',
              maxVal: '',
              field: '',
            abnormalCondition: '', //异常条件
            conditionList: [{
              updateField: '', //更新字段
              updateValue: '' //更新值
          ruleForwardList: []
        ruleForms: {
          attributeName: '',
          attributeValue: '',
          attributeSource: '',
        ruleTestData: {
          values: ''
        siteDataTcs: [{
          value: 'siteName',
          label: '站点名称'
        rules: {
          ruleName: [{
            required: true,
            message: '请输入规则名称',
            trigger: 'blur'
          ruleDescription: [{
            required: true,
            message: '请输入规则描述',
            trigger: 'blur'
          attributeValue: [{
            required: true,
            message: '请输入数据目的地值',
            trigger: 'blur'
          attributeName: [{
            required: true,
            message: '请选择处理类型',
            trigger: 'change'
          attributeSource: [{
            required: true,
            message: '请选择连接',
            trigger: 'change'
          ruleDataSourceParams: {
            queueName: [{
              required: true,
              message: '请选择消息队列',
              trigger: 'change'
            queueTopic: [{
              required: true,
              message: '请选择主题',
              trigger: 'change'
            params: {
              attributeName: [{
                required: true,
                message: '请输入属性名称',
                trigger: 'blue'
              comparison: [{
                required: true,
                message: '请选择类型',
                trigger: 'change'
              attributeValue: [{
                required: true,
                message: '请输入属性值',
                trigger: 'blue'
          ruleDataProcess: {
            markField: [{
              required: true,
              message: '请输入标识属性',
              trigger: 'blur'
            TT: [{
              required: true,
              message: '请输入时间属性',
              trigger: 'blur'
            processType: [{
              required: true,
              message: '请选择处理类型',
              trigger: 'change'
            alarmParams: {
              field: [{
                required: true,
                message: '请选择检测字段',
                trigger: 'change'
              minVal: [{
                required: true,
                message: '请输入下限值',
                trigger: 'blur'
              maxVal: [{
                required: true,
                message: '请输入上限值',
                trigger: 'blur'
            processAction: [{
              required: true,
              message: '请选择处理动作',
              trigger: 'change'
            notice: [{
              required: true,
              message: '请选择通知对象',
              trigger: 'change'
            alarmType: [{
              required: true,
              message: '请选择报警方式',
              trigger: 'change'
            alarmContent: [{
              required: true,
              message: '请输入报警内容',
              trigger: 'blur'
    mixins: [project, methodIntegration],
    mounted() {
      // 获取用户名称
    methods: {
      async sqlTypeName(val) {
        // 数据名称切换
        this.ruleForms.attributeSource = ''
        this.ruleForms.attributeValue = ''
        this.ruleForms.addSourceValue = [];
        this.dataSourceChanges(val, 1)
      async sqlSourceShow(val) {
        // 连接改变,获取值
        let nowApi = '';
        // 消息队列
        nowApi = this.nozzle.getQueues

        let datas = await this.getHttpDatas(nowApi, {
          dataSourceName: val,
          pageSize: 999999,
          pageNo: 1

        let nowSource = '';
        if (this.ruleForms.attributeName === 1) {
          nowSource = datas.list
        } else {
          nowSource = datas;

        let dataBase = [];
        for (let item of nowSource.values()) {
            value: item
        this.addSourceValue1 = dataBase;
      async sqlSource(val) {
        // 连接改变,获取值
        this.ruleForms.attributeValue = ''
        let nowApi = '';

        if (this.ruleForms.attributeName === 1) {
          // 数据库
          nowApi = this.nozzle.getAllTableNameByDateSourceName;
        } else {
          // 消息队列
          nowApi = this.nozzle.getQueues
        let datas = await this.getHttpDatas(nowApi, {
          dataSourceName: val,
          pageSize: 999999,
          pageNo: 1

        let nowSource = '';
        if (this.ruleForms.attributeName === 1) {
          nowSource = datas.list
        } else {
          nowSource = datas;

        let dataBase = [];
        for (let item of nowSource.values()) {
            value: item
        this.addSourceValue = dataBase;
      async dataSourceChanges(dif, dis) {
         * 连接列表渲染
         * @param {Number} dif 区分字段
         * @param {Number} dis 区分连接;无则是消息队列,有则是数据库

        let dbTypeName = '';
        if (dif === 1) {
          // 数据库
          dbTypeName = 'Relational'
        } else {
          // 消息队列
          dbTypeName = 'rabbitMq'

        let datas = await this.getHttpDatas(this.nozzle.queryDataSrouceName, {
          dbType: dbTypeName

        let dataBase = [];
        for (let item of datas.values()) {
            value: item

        if (dif === 2 && !dis) {
          // 消息序列
          this.datasSources = dataBase;

        this.addSourceMap = dataBase

      radioChange(val) {
        // 是否发送邮件处理
        if (val === 0) {
          this.radioNotice = false;
        } else {
          this.radioNotice = true;
      startInit(headTitle = 0) {
        // 初始化进入页面,进行刷新
        if (headTitle == 1) {
          // 修改
        } else if (headTitle == 0) {
          // 新增

        } else {
          // 查看
          this.disabledInput = true;
        this.modelH = this.modelHead[headTitle];
      gohistory() {
        //   返回上一页
          path: '/quality/ruleEngine/ruleList'
      reportsNum(val) {
        // 设备上报失败次数
      ruleTypeName(index) {
        if (index === 1) {
          return '数据库'
        } else {
          return '消息队列'
      processTypes(val) {
         * 处理类型
        if (val === 1) {
          // 阈值检测
          this.ruleContent = true
          this.ruleContentAuto = false
          this.condition = false
        } else if (val === 2) {
          // 自动检测
          this.ruleContent = false
          this.condition = false
          this.ruleContentAuto = true
        } else if (val === 3) {
          // 条件检测
          this.ruleContent = false
          this.ruleContentAuto = false
          this.condition = true
        } else {
          // 无
          this.ruleContent = false
          this.condition = false
          this.ruleContentAuto = false
      filterRule() {
         * 添加规则条件
          minVal: '',
          maxVal: '',
          field: '',
      conditionAdd() {
         * 添加条件检测
          updateField: '',
          updateValue: ''
      filterAutoCondition() {
         * 添加检测字段,修改时刻,渲染并进行赋值
          factor: '',
          multiples: '', //检测字段
      deleteAutoIcons(fieldName, index) {
        //   删除字段
        this[fieldName].splice(index, 1);
      deleteAutoIcon(fieldName, index) {
        //   删除表单字段
        this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess[fieldName].splice(index, 1);
      deleteRule(index) {
        //   删除规则条件
        this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.alarmParams.splice(index, 1);
      filterCondition() {
         * 添加过滤条件
          attributeName: '',
          comparison: '',
          attributeValue: '',
      deleteIcons(index) {
        //   删除过滤条件
        this.ruleForm.ruleDataSourceParams.params.splice(index, 1);
      dataDestination() {
         * 添加数据目的地
        this.dataEdit1 = true;
        this.editPrimary = false;
        this.ruleForms.attributeName = '';
        this.ruleForms.attributeValue = '';
        this.ruleForms.attributeSource = ''
        this.addSourceMap = [];
        this.addSourceValue = [];
      handleEdits(index, row) {
        // 连接数据修改,填充下拉框参数
        // 填充连接下拉框参数
        this.dataSourceChanges(row['dataType'], 1)

        this.dataEdit1 = true;
        this.editPrimary = true;
        this.editIndex = index;
        this.ruleForms.attributeName = row['dataType'];
        this.ruleForms.attributeValue = row['dataValue'];
        this.ruleForms.attributeSource = row['dataSource'];

      handleDeletes(index, row) {
        // 表格数据删除  
        this.ruleForm.ruleForwardList.splice(index, 1);
      sortDataCopy(row) {
         * 数据渲染
        for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(this.ruleForm)) {
          this.ruleForm[key] = row[key];
      typeQf(datas) {
        // 数据处理类型区分
        if (datas['ruleDataProcess']['processType'] === 2) {
          // 自动检测
          datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams'] = [];
        } else if (datas['ruleDataProcess']['processType'] === 0) {
          // 无
          datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams'] = [];
        return datas
      autoAreaVal(type = null) {
         * 自动检测和阈值检测参数处理
         * @param {Number} type 检测方式类型:0、1、2
        let dif = type ? type : this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.processType;

        if (dif === 2) {
          // 自动检测

          let newAuto = [...this.autoMapList];
          // 处理关联字段
          for (let [index, items] of newAuto.entries()) {
            newAuto[index]['markField'] = this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.markField;
            newAuto[index]['TT'] = this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.TT;
            if (typeof items['multiples'] !== 'object') {
              newAuto[index]['multiples'] = items['multiples'].split(',');

          this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.alarmParams = newAuto;

        } else if (dif === 3) {
          // 条件检测

          let newAuto = this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.conditionList;
          // 处理关联字段
          for (let [index, items] of newAuto.entries()) {
            newAuto[index]['abnormalCondition'] = this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.abnormalCondition;
          this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.alarmParams = newAuto;

        return this.ruleForm
      async addParameter(api, dif = 1) {
        // 新增数据传值
        let datas = Object.assign({}, this.autoAreaVal());
        // 新增数据传值
        datas['ruleDataSourceParams'] = JSON.stringify(datas['ruleDataSourceParams']);
        datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams'] = JSON.stringify(datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams']);
        delete datas['ruleDataProcess']['TT'];
        delete datas['ruleDataProcess']['markField'];
        delete datas['ruleDataProcess']['abnormalCondition'];
        delete datas['ruleDataProcess']['conditionList'];

        if (dif === 1) {
          const response = await this.$, datas)
          datas['ruleDataSourceParams'] = JSON.parse(datas['ruleDataSourceParams']);
          datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams'] = JSON.parse(datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams']);

        } else {
          // 修改数据
          datas['ruleId'] = datas['ruleDataProcess']['ruleId'];
          datas['updator'] = datas['creator'];
          datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParam'] = JSON.parse(datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams']);
          const response = await this.$http.put(api, datas);
          datas['ruleDataSourceParams'] = JSON.parse(datas['ruleDataSourceParams']);
          datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams'] = JSON.parse(datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams']);

          path: '/quality/ruleEngine/ruleList'
      dataTables(formName, dif) {
        //   表格数据添加
        this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => {
          if (valid) {
            if (dif === 1) {
              // 新增
                type: this.datasDate[+this.ruleForms.attributeName - 1]['label'],
                dataValue: this.ruleForms.attributeValue,
                dataSource: this.ruleForms.attributeSource,
                dataType: this.ruleForms.attributeName
            } else {
              //   修改框
              this.ruleForm.ruleForwardList[this.editIndex]['type'] = this.datasDate[+this.ruleForms.attributeName -
              this.ruleForm.ruleForwardList[this.editIndex]['dataValue'] = this.ruleForms.attributeValue;
              this.ruleForm.ruleForwardList[this.editIndex]['dataSource'] = this.ruleForms.attributeSource;
              this.ruleForm.ruleForwardList[this.editIndex]['dataType'] = this.ruleForms.attributeName;
            this.dataEdit1 = false;
          } else {
            console.log('error submit!!');
            return false;
      submitForm(formName, dif) {
        // 添加数据,修改数据
        let api = '';
        this.correct(formName).then(() => {
          if (dif === 1) {
            api = this.nozzle.insertRule;
          } else {
            api = this.nozzle.updateRule;
            this.addParameter(api, 2)
          this.dataEdit = false;
      statusCalculation(response) {
        // 状态值计算
        let newRes =;
        if (newRes.length !== 0) {

          for (let item of newRes.values()) {
            if (item['status'] === 1) {
              item['statusruleAddendumEsp'] = false;
              item['statusruleAddendum'] = true;
              item['addendumTitle'] = '禁用';
            } else {
              item['statusruleAddendumEsp'] = true;
              item['statusruleAddendum'] = false;
              item['addendumTitle'] = '启用';
        return response
      handleAdd() {
        // 新增按钮
        this.editAdd = true;
        this.editPrimary = false;
        this.editPrimaryBtn = false;
        this.ruleForm.ruleForwardList = [];
        this.dataEdit = true;
        this.disabledInput = false;
        console.log( this.disabledInput)
      async traversalEdit(ruleId) {
        // 通过修改数据进行遍历,填充修改数据窗口
        this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.markField = ''
        this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.TT = ''
        let {
        } = Object;

        let response = await this.$http.get(this.nozzle.selectAllRule, {
          params: {
            ruleName: '',
            ruleId: ruleId,
            pageNo: 1,
            pageSize: 10000,
        if ( === 200) {
          let data =[0];
          for (let [keys, values] of entries(this.ruleForm)) {

            if (keys === 'ruleDataSourceParams') {
              this.ruleForm['ruleDataSourceParams'] = data['ruleDataSourceParam']
            } else if (keys === 'ruleDataProcess') {

              for (let [keys, items] of Object.entries(data['ruleDataProcess'])) {
                this.ruleForm['ruleDataProcess'][keys] = items

              // 区分阈值和自动检测处理
              let type = data['ruleDataProcess']['processType'];

              if (type === 2) {
                // 自动检测
                let newAuto = data['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParam']

                // 对标识属性和时间属性进行赋值
                this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.markField = data['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParam'][0]['markField']
                this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.TT = data['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParam'][0]['TT']

                for (let [index, items] of newAuto.entries()) {
                  newAuto[index]['multiples'] = items['multiples'].join(',')

                this.autoMapList = newAuto;
                this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.alarmParams = [{
                  minVal: '',
                  maxVal: '',
                  field: '',
              } else if (type === 1) {
                // 阈值检测
                this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.alarmParams = data['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParam']
              } else if (type === 3) {
                // 条件检测
                this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.conditionList = data['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParam']

                this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.abnormalCondition = data['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParam'][0][
              } else {
                // 无
                this.ruleForm.ruleDataProcess.alarmParams = [{
                  minVal: '',
                  maxVal: '',
                  field: '',

            } else {
              this.ruleForm[keys] = data[keys];
          this.ruleForm['ruleForwardList'] = data['ruleForwardList']
      handleEdit(ruleId) {
        // 行内点击修改

        this.editAdd = false;
        this.disabledInput = false;
        this.dataEdit = true;
        this.editPrimary = true;
        this.editPrimaryBtn = true;
      ruleTests(formName) {
        // 数据参数测试
        this.correct(formName).then(() => {
          this.ruleTestData.values = ""
          this.ruleTest = true;
      ruleTestModel(formName) {
        // 数据测试窗口

        // 判断测试值是否为json格式
        if (!isJSON(this[formName]['values'])) {

        let datas = deepClone(this.autoAreaVal());

        // 将传值字段数据进行处理
        datas['ruleDataSourceParams'] = JSON.stringify(datas['ruleDataSourceParams']);
        ] = JSON.stringify(datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams']);

        // 添加测试字段
        datas['message'] = this[formName]['values'];
        delete datas['ruleDataProcess'][
        delete datas['ruleDataProcess']['markField'];
        delete datas['ruleDataProcess'][
        delete datas['ruleDataProcess']['conditionList'];

        // 继承参数
        this.$, datas).then(response => {

          datas['ruleDataSourceParams'] = JSON.parse(datas['ruleDataSourceParams']);
          datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams'] = JSON.parse(datas['ruleDataProcess']['alarmParams']);

          let code =;
          if (code === 200) {
            // 成功堆栈信息
            this.stackValue = + '\r' + JSON.stringify(;
            this.stackShow = true;

          } else {
            // 错误堆栈信息
            this.stackShow = false;
            this.testModel = true;
            this.testModeltext =
            this.errorText =



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