newfiber-data-adapter / src / main / java / org / springnewfiber / dataadapter / sswj / mapper / BzLiveMapper.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="org.springnewfiber.dataadapter.sswj.mapper.BzLiveMapper">

    <!-- 通用查询映射结果 -->
    <resultMap id="BzLiveResultMap" type="org.springnewfiber.dataadapter.sswj.entity.BzLive">
        <result column="DATA_UP_UUID" property="dataUpUuid"/>
        <result column="YMDHM" property="ymdhm"/>
        <result column="ZQ" property="zq"/>
        <result column="QS" property="qs"/>
        <result column="T" property="t"/>
        <result column="TS" property="ts"/>
        <result column="DATA_UP_TIME" property="dataUpTime"/>
        <result column="DATA_UP_STATUS" property="dataUpStatus"/>

   	<!-- 通用查询结果列 -->
	<sql id="Base_Column_List">
    	, t.DATA_UP_UUID
    	, t.YMDHM
    	, t.ZQ
    	, t.QS
    	, t.T
    	, t.TS
    	, t.DATA_UP_TIME

	<sql id="Where_Condition">
		<if test="request.dataUpUuid != null and request.dataUpUuid != ''">
			and t.DATA_UP_UUID = #{request.dataUpUuid}
		<if test="request.ymdhm != null and request.ymdhm != ''">
			and t.YMDHM = #{request.ymdhm}
		<if test="request.zq != null and request.zq != ''">
			and t.ZQ = #{request.zq}
		<if test="request.qs != null and request.qs != ''">
			and t.QS = #{request.qs}
		<if test="request.t != null and request.t != ''">
			and t.T = #{request.t}
		<if test="request.ts != null and request.ts != ''">
			and t.TS = #{request.ts}
		<if test="request.dataUpTime != null and request.dataUpTime != ''">
			and t.DATA_UP_TIME = #{request.dataUpTime}
		<if test="request.dataUpStatus != null and request.dataUpStatus != ''">
			and t.DATA_UP_STATUS = #{request.dataUpStatus}

    <select id="selectByCondition" resultMap="BzLiveResultMap">
        <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
        from whsw_bz_live t
		where t.is_deleted = 0
		<include refid="Where_Condition"/>