<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.xf.huludao.project.dao.GisLayerLjxqgzptjcssxmTxq20211Mapper"> <!-- 通用映射列 --> <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.xf.huludao.project.entity.GisLayerLjxqgzptjcssxmTxq20211"> <result column="ID" property="id"/> <result column="UserID" property="UserID"/> <result column="objectid_1" property="objectid1"/> <result column="objectid_2" property="objectid2"/> <result column="bsm" property="bsm"/> <result column="ysdm" property="ysdm"/> <result column="tbybh" property="tbybh"/> <result column="tbbh" property="tbbh"/> <result column="dlbm" property="dlbm"/> <result column="dlmc" property="dlmc"/> <result column="qsxz" property="qsxz"/> <result column="qsdwdm" property="qsdwdm"/> <result column="qsdwmc" property="qsdwmc"/> <result column="zldwdm" property="zldwdm"/> <result column="zldwmc" property="zldwmc"/> <result column="tbmj" property="tbmj"/> <result column="kcdlbm" property="kcdlbm"/> <result column="kcxs" property="kcxs"/> <result column="kcmj" property="kcmj"/> <result column="tbdlmj" property="tbdlmj"/> <result column="gdlx" property="gdlx"/> <result column="gdpdjb" property="gdpdjb"/> <result column="xzdwkd" property="xzdwkd"/> <result column="tbxhdm" property="tbxhdm"/> <result column="tbxhmc" property="tbxhmc"/> <result column="zzsxdm" property="zzsxdm"/> <result column="zzsxmc" property="zzsxmc"/> <result column="gddb" property="gddb"/> <result column="frdbs" property="frdbs"/> <result column="czcsxm" property="czcsxm"/> <result column="sjnf" property="sjnf"/> <result column="mssm" property="mssm"/> <result column="hdmc" property="hdmc"/> <result column="bz" property="bz"/> <result column="shape_leng" property="shapeLeng"/> <result column="二级地" property="二级地"/> <result column="objectid" property="objectid"/> <result column="居住类" property="居住类"/> <result column="流域地" property="流域地"/> <result column="地块名" property="地块名"/> <result column="地块类" property="地块类"/> <result column="地块_是" property="地块是"/> <result column="地块__1" property="地块1"/> <result column="地块_景" property="地块景"/> <result column="地块_绿" property="地块绿"/> <result column="地块__12" property="地块12"/> <result column="地块_铺" property="地块铺"/> <result column="地块_地" property="地块地"/> <result column="地块__13" property="地块13"/> <result column="道路_人" property="道路人"/> <result column="道路_绿" property="道路绿"/> <result column="道路_铺" property="道路铺"/> <result column="道路_停" property="道路停"/> <result column="道路_是" property="道路是"/> <result column="实际地" property="实际地"/> <result column="新建房" property="新建房"/> <result column="姓名" property="姓名"/> <result column="道路分" property="道路分"/> <result column="实施方" property="实施方"/> <result column="经2019刚" property="经2019刚"/> <result column="shape_le_1" property="shapeLe1"/> <result column="类别" property="类别"/> <result column="shape_le_2" property="shapeLe2"/> <result column="shape_area" property="shapeArea"/> <result column="geometrys" property="geometrys"/> <result column="project_no" property="projectNo"/> <result column="create_user" property="createUser"/> <result column="create_dept" property="createDept"/> <result column="create_time" property="createTime"/> <result column="update_user" property="updateUser"/> <result column="update_time" property="updateTime"/> <result column="status" property="status"/> <result column="is_deleted" property="isDeleted"/> </resultMap> <!-- 通用数据库列 --> <sql id="Base_Column_List"> ID, UserID, objectid_1, objectid_2, bsm, ysdm, tbybh, tbbh, dlbm, dlmc, qsxz, qsdwdm, qsdwmc, zldwdm, zldwmc, tbmj, kcdlbm, kcxs, kcmj, tbdlmj, gdlx, gdpdjb, xzdwkd, tbxhdm, tbxhmc, zzsxdm, zzsxmc, gddb, frdbs, czcsxm, sjnf, mssm, hdmc, bz, shape_leng, 二级地, objectid, 居住类, 流域地, 地块名, 地块类, 地块_是, 地块__1, 地块_景, 地块_绿, 地块__12, 地块_铺, 地块_地, 地块__13, 道路_人, 道路_绿, 道路_铺, 道路_停, 道路_是, 实际地, 新建房, 姓名, 道路分, 实施方, 经2019刚, shape_le_1, 类别, shape_le_2, shape_area, ST_AsText(geometrys) as geometrys, project_no, create_user, create_dept, create_time, update_user, update_time, status, is_deleted </sql> <sql id="Where_Condition"> <if test="request.id != null and request.id != ''"> and ID = #{request.id} </if> <if test="request.UserID != null and request.UserID != ''"> and UserID = #{request.UserID} </if> <if test="request.objectid1 != null and request.objectid1 != ''"> and objectid_1 = #{request.objectid1} </if> <if test="request.objectid2 != null and request.objectid2 != ''"> and objectid_2 = #{request.objectid2} </if> <if test="request.bsm != null and request.bsm != ''"> and bsm = #{request.bsm} </if> <if test="request.ysdm != null and request.ysdm != ''"> and ysdm = #{request.ysdm} </if> <if test="request.tbybh != null and request.tbybh != ''"> and tbybh = #{request.tbybh} </if> <if test="request.tbbh != null and request.tbbh != ''"> and tbbh = #{request.tbbh} </if> <if test="request.dlbm != null and request.dlbm != ''"> and dlbm = #{request.dlbm} </if> <if test="request.dlmc != null and request.dlmc != ''"> and dlmc = #{request.dlmc} </if> <if test="request.qsxz != null and request.qsxz != ''"> and qsxz = #{request.qsxz} </if> <if test="request.qsdwdm != null and request.qsdwdm != ''"> and qsdwdm = #{request.qsdwdm} </if> <if test="request.qsdwmc != null and request.qsdwmc != ''"> and qsdwmc = #{request.qsdwmc} </if> <if test="request.zldwdm != null and request.zldwdm != ''"> and zldwdm = #{request.zldwdm} </if> <if test="request.zldwmc != null and request.zldwmc != ''"> and zldwmc = #{request.zldwmc} </if> <if test="request.tbmj != null and request.tbmj != ''"> and tbmj = #{request.tbmj} </if> <if test="request.kcdlbm != null and request.kcdlbm != ''"> and kcdlbm = #{request.kcdlbm} </if> <if test="request.kcxs != null and request.kcxs != ''"> and kcxs = #{request.kcxs} </if> <if test="request.kcmj != null and request.kcmj != ''"> and kcmj = #{request.kcmj} </if> <if test="request.tbdlmj != null and request.tbdlmj != ''"> and tbdlmj = #{request.tbdlmj} </if> <if test="request.gdlx != null and request.gdlx != ''"> and gdlx = #{request.gdlx} </if> <if test="request.gdpdjb != null and request.gdpdjb != ''"> and gdpdjb = #{request.gdpdjb} </if> <if test="request.xzdwkd != null and request.xzdwkd != ''"> and xzdwkd = #{request.xzdwkd} </if> <if test="request.tbxhdm != null and request.tbxhdm != ''"> and tbxhdm = #{request.tbxhdm} </if> <if test="request.tbxhmc != null and request.tbxhmc != ''"> and tbxhmc = #{request.tbxhmc} </if> <if test="request.zzsxdm != null and request.zzsxdm != ''"> and zzsxdm = #{request.zzsxdm} </if> <if test="request.zzsxmc != null and request.zzsxmc != ''"> and zzsxmc = #{request.zzsxmc} </if> <if test="request.gddb != null and request.gddb != ''"> and gddb = #{request.gddb} </if> <if test="request.frdbs != null and request.frdbs != ''"> and frdbs = #{request.frdbs} </if> <if test="request.czcsxm != null and request.czcsxm != ''"> and czcsxm = #{request.czcsxm} </if> <if test="request.sjnf != null and request.sjnf != ''"> and sjnf = #{request.sjnf} </if> <if test="request.mssm != null and request.mssm != ''"> and mssm = #{request.mssm} </if> <if test="request.hdmc != null and request.hdmc != ''"> and hdmc = #{request.hdmc} </if> <if test="request.bz != null and request.bz != ''"> and bz = #{request.bz} </if> <if test="request.shapeLeng != null and request.shapeLeng != ''"> and shape_leng = #{request.shapeLeng} </if> <if test="request.二级地 != null and request.二级地 != ''"> and 二级地 = #{request.二级地} </if> <if test="request.objectid != null and request.objectid != ''"> and objectid = #{request.objectid} </if> <if test="request.居住类 != null and request.居住类 != ''"> and 居住类 = #{request.居住类} </if> <if test="request.流域地 != null and request.流域地 != ''"> and 流域地 = #{request.流域地} </if> <if test="request.地块名 != null and request.地块名 != ''"> and 地块名 = #{request.地块名} </if> <if test="request.地块类 != null and request.地块类 != ''"> and 地块类 = #{request.地块类} </if> <if test="request.地块是 != null and request.地块是 != ''"> and 地块_是 = #{request.地块是} </if> <if test="request.地块1 != null and request.地块1 != ''"> and 地块__1 = #{request.地块1} </if> <if test="request.地块景 != null and request.地块景 != ''"> and 地块_景 = #{request.地块景} </if> <if test="request.地块绿 != null and request.地块绿 != ''"> and 地块_绿 = #{request.地块绿} </if> <if test="request.地块12 != null and request.地块12 != ''"> and 地块__12 = #{request.地块12} </if> <if test="request.地块铺 != null and request.地块铺 != ''"> and 地块_铺 = #{request.地块铺} </if> <if test="request.地块地 != null and request.地块地 != ''"> and 地块_地 = #{request.地块地} </if> <if test="request.地块13 != null and request.地块13 != ''"> and 地块__13 = #{request.地块13} </if> <if test="request.道路人 != null and request.道路人 != ''"> and 道路_人 = #{request.道路人} </if> <if test="request.道路绿 != null and request.道路绿 != ''"> and 道路_绿 = #{request.道路绿} </if> <if test="request.道路铺 != null and request.道路铺 != ''"> and 道路_铺 = #{request.道路铺} </if> <if test="request.道路停 != null and request.道路停 != ''"> and 道路_停 = #{request.道路停} </if> <if test="request.道路是 != null and request.道路是 != ''"> and 道路_是 = #{request.道路是} </if> <if test="request.实际地 != null and request.实际地 != ''"> and 实际地 = #{request.实际地} </if> <if test="request.新建房 != null and request.新建房 != ''"> and 新建房 = #{request.新建房} </if> <if test="request.姓名 != null and request.姓名 != ''"> and 姓名 = #{request.姓名} </if> <if test="request.道路分 != null and request.道路分 != ''"> and 道路分 = #{request.道路分} </if> <if test="request.实施方 != null and request.实施方 != ''"> and 实施方 = #{request.实施方} </if> <if test="request.经2019刚 != null and request.经2019刚 != ''"> and 经2019刚 = #{request.经2019刚} </if> <if test="request.shapeLe1 != null and request.shapeLe1 != ''"> and shape_le_1 = #{request.shapeLe1} </if> <if test="request.类别 != null and request.类别 != ''"> and 类别 = #{request.类别} </if> <if test="request.shapeLe2 != null and request.shapeLe2 != ''"> and shape_le_2 = #{request.shapeLe2} </if> <if test="request.shapeArea != null and request.shapeArea != ''"> and shape_area = #{request.shapeArea} </if> <if test="request.geometrys != null and request.geometrys != ''"> and geometrys = #{request.geometrys} </if> <if test="request.projectNo != null and request.projectNo != ''"> and project_no = #{request.projectNo} </if> <if test="request.createUser != null and request.createUser != ''"> and create_user = #{request.createUser} </if> <if test="request.createDept != null and request.createDept != ''"> and create_dept = #{request.createDept} </if> <if test="request.createTime != null and request.createTime != ''"> and create_time = #{request.createTime} </if> <if test="request.updateUser != null and request.updateUser != ''"> and update_user = #{request.updateUser} </if> <if test="request.updateTime != null and request.updateTime != ''"> and update_time = #{request.updateTime} </if> <if test="request.status != null and request.status != ''"> and status = #{request.status} </if> <if test="request.isDeleted != null and request.isDeleted != ''"> and is_deleted = #{request.isDeleted} </if> </sql> <select id="selectByCondition" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> from gis_layer_ljxqgzptjcssxm_txq_2021_1 where is_deleted = 0 <include refid="Where_Condition"/> </select> <select id="exportGisLayerLjxqgzptjcssxmTxq20211" resultType="com.xf.huludao.project.entity.GisLayerLjxqgzptjcssxmTxq20211"> SELECT * FROM gis_layer_ljxqgzptjcssxm_txq_2021_1 ${ew.customSqlSegment} </select> </mapper>