<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.xf.huludao.project.dao.FactoryHistoryDataMapper"> <!-- 通用映射列 --> <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.xf.huludao.project.entity.FactoryHistoryData"> <result column="id" property="id"/> <result column="factory_id" property="factoryId"/> <result column="factroy_name" property="factroyName"/> <result column="data_create_time" property="dataCreateTime"/> <result column="flow_in" property="flowIn"/> <result column="flow_out" property="flowOut"/> <result column="cod_in" property="codIn"/> <result column="cod_out" property="codOut"/> <result column="data_p_in" property="dataPIn"/> <result column="data_p_out" property="dataPOut"/> <result column="data_n_in" property="dataNIn"/> <result column="data_n_out" property="dataNOut"/> <result column="nh_in" property="nhIn"/> <result column="nh_out" property="nhOut"/> <result column="ph_in" property="phIn"/> <result column="ph_out" property="phOut"/> <result column="description" property="description"/> <result column="create_time" property="createTime"/> <result column="create_user" property="createUser"/> <result column="update_time" property="updateTime"/> <result column="update_user" property="updateUser"/> <result column="is_deleted" property="isDeleted"/> <result column="status" property="status"/> <result column="create_dept" property="createDept"/> <result column="factory_code" property="factroyCode"/> </resultMap> <!-- 通用数据库列 --> <sql id="Base_Column_List"> id, factory_id, factroy_name, data_create_time, flow_in, flow_out, cod_in, cod_out, data_p_in, data_p_out, data_n_in, data_n_out, nh_in, nh_out, ph_in, ph_out, bod_in, bod_out, ss_in, ss_out, description, create_time, create_user, update_time, update_user, is_deleted, status, create_dept </sql> <sql id="Where_Condition"> <if test="request.id != null and request.id != ''"> and id = #{request.id} </if> <if test="request.factoryId != null and request.factoryId != ''"> and factory_id = #{request.factoryId} </if> <if test="request.factroyName != null and request.factroyName != ''"> and factroy_name = #{request.factroyName} </if> <if test="request.dataCreateTime != null and request.dataCreateTime != ''"> and data_create_time = #{request.dataCreateTime} </if> <if test="request.flowIn != null and request.flowIn != ''"> and flow_in = #{request.flowIn} </if> <if test="request.flowOut != null and request.flowOut != ''"> and flow_out = #{request.flowOut} </if> <if test="request.codIn != null and request.codIn != ''"> and cod_in = #{request.codIn} </if> <if test="request.codOut != null and request.codOut != ''"> and cod_out = #{request.codOut} </if> <if test="request.dataPIn != null and request.dataPIn != ''"> and data_p_in = #{request.dataPIn} </if> <if test="request.dataPOut != null and request.dataPOut != ''"> and data_p_out = #{request.dataPOut} </if> <if test="request.dataNOut != null and request.dataNOut != ''"> and data_n_out = #{request.dataNOut} </if> <if test="request.dataNIn != null and request.dataNIn != ''"> and data_n_in = #{request.dataNIn} </if> <if test="request.nhIn != null and request.nhIn != ''"> and nh_in = #{request.nhIn} </if> <if test="request.nhOut != null and request.nhOut != ''"> and nh_out = #{request.nhOut} </if> <if test="request.phIn != null and request.phIn != ''"> and ph_in = #{request.phIn} </if> <if test="request.phOut != null and request.phOut != ''"> and ph_out = #{request.phOut} </if> <if test="request.bodIn != null and request.bodIn != ''"> and bod_in = #{request.bodIn} </if> <if test="request.bodOut != null and request.bodOut != ''"> and bod_out = #{request.bodOut} </if> <if test="request.ssIn != null and request.ssIn != ''"> and ss_in = #{request.ssIn} </if> <if test="request.ssOut != null and request.ssOut != ''"> and ss_out = #{request.ssOut} </if> <if test="request.description != null and request.description != ''"> and description = #{request.description} </if> <if test="request.createTime != null and request.createTime != ''"> and create_time = #{request.createTime} </if> <if test="request.createUser != null and request.createUser != ''"> and create_user = #{request.createUser} </if> <if test="request.updateTime != null and request.updateTime != ''"> and update_time = #{request.updateTime} </if> <if test="request.updateUser != null and request.updateUser != ''"> and update_user = #{request.updateUser} </if> <if test="request.isDeleted != null and request.isDeleted != ''"> and is_deleted = #{request.isDeleted} </if> <if test="request.status != null and request.status != ''"> and status = #{request.status} </if> <if test="request.createDept != null and request.createDept != ''"> and create_dept = #{request.createDept} </if> <if test="request.startTime != null "> and data_create_time > #{request.startTime} </if> <if test="request.endTime != null"> and data_create_time < #{request.endTime} </if> </sql> <select id="selectByCondition" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select fhd.id, fhd.factory_id, fhd.factroy_name, fhd.data_create_time, fhd.flow_in, fhd.flow_out, fhd.cod_in, fhd.cod_out, fhd.data_p_in, fhd.data_p_out, fhd.data_n_in, fhd.data_n_out, fhd.nh_in, fhd.nh_out, fhd.ph_in, fhd.ph_out, fhd.bod_in, fhd.bod_out, fhd.ss_in, fhd.ss_out, fhd.description, fhd.create_time, fhd.create_user, fhd.update_time, fhd.update_user, fhd.is_deleted, fhd.status, fhd.create_dept, u.user_name as createUserName, fbd.factory_code from factory_history_data fhd left join huludao_main.sys_user_info u ON u.id = fhd.create_user left join factory_base_data fbd on fhd.factory_id = fbd.id where fhd.is_deleted = 0 <include refid="Where_Condition"/> order by fhd.data_create_time desc </select> <select id="exportFactoryHistoryData" resultType="com.xf.huludao.project.entity.FactoryHistoryData"> SELECT * FROM factory_history_data ${ew.customSqlSegment} </select> <select id="hasData" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select * from factory_history_data where to_days(data_create_time) = to_days(#{time}) and factory_id = #{factoryId} <if test="id != null"> and id != #{id} </if> limit 1 </select> </mapper>